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Poll: Bush Not Taking Brunt of Katrina Criticism
  By / ABCNEWS   —   Permalink 
Sep. 4, 2005 - Americans are broadly critical of government preparedness in the Hurricane Katrina disaster — but far fewer take George W. Bush personally to task for the problems, and public anger about the response is less widespread than some critics would suggest.
Taegan Goddard: Meanwhile, an ABC News poll finds 46% of Americans approve of Bush's handling of the crisis, while 47% disapprove.
Joe Gandelman: Meanwhile, a new ABC News poll shows that while most Americans think federal government response was poor, most aren't...
Scared Monkeys: In an ABC News Poll on Views of Hurricane Response it would appear that although Americans blame the Federal Government...
Cernig: Finally (for now) as the death toll is expected to be in the thousands - perhaps as many as one in ten of those "left...
James Joyner: Poll: Bush Not Taking Brunt of Katrina Criticism — While people are angry that the Katrina relief effort has been too...
Brian Maloney: This new ABC poll explains: Sept. 4, 2005 — Americans are broadly critical of government preparedness in the Hurricane...
Also: California Yankee, Jeff Goldstein, Gary Farber, Paul @PowerLine, Marc @USSNeverdock, Glenn Reynolds

Transcript for September 4
  MSNBC   —   Permalink 
MR. TIM RUSSERT: Our issues this Sunday: devastation, desperation and death all along the Gulf Coast in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. What now? With us, the secretary of Homeland Security, Michael Chertoff, the governor of Mississippi, Haley Barbour, and the president of Jefferson Parish, Aaron Broussard.
Arianna Huffington: It's not like Russert Watch was a big fan of Russert's before today. But today's show was a shocker.
Echidne: Here is the president of Jefferson parish: [quote] MR. BROUSSARD: Sir, they were told like me, every single day, "The...[end quote]
Hilzoy @ObsidianWings: Update (thanks to LJ, in comments): Comments from Aaron Broussard, President of Jefferson Parish: [quote] "We have been abandoned by our own country.[end quote]
Tbogg: And I want to point out one thing that the marvelously incompetent arrogant prick, Michael Chertoff said this morning:...
Susie Madrak: UPDATE: From the Meet the Press transcript: MR. AARON BROUSSARD: We have been abandoned by our own country.
Natasha @PacificViews: The president of Jefferson Parish on Meet the Press, emphasis mine: "... MR. BROUSSARD: Sir, they were told like me,...
Also: Ann Althouse, Gary Farber, Ezra Klein, Jeralyn Merritt, Laura Rozen

Storm Exposed Disarray at the Top
  WaPo   —   Permalink 
The killer hurricane and flood that devastated the Gulf Coast last week exposed fatal weaknesses in a federal disaster response system retooled after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, to handle just such a cataclysmic event.
Joe Gandelman: The Post also had a piece on that department — saying it's actually IN WORSE SHAPE NOW than before Sept. 11
Ivo Daalder: Undermining FEMA — and the Nation — From: America Abroad It is now clear that the decision to merge FEMA into the Department of Homeland Security was a disaster.
Steve @BeggingToDiffer: UPDATE 3: Consider this: "Other federal and state officials pointed to Louisiana's failure to measure up to national...
Gene @HarrysPlace: ' Update: Reader Monica writes: I read Peter's post and something I read in The Washington Post might add some...
Jeff Goldstein: Piecing together post-flood reaction — Several interesting points / arguments made in the comments to the previous post...
Gateway Pundit: Buried at the end of the WaPo's critical article on FEMA's decline is this crucial paragraph: "Other federal and state...
Also: Jo Fish, Kevin Drum, Justin Gardner, Michelle Malkin, Glenn Reynolds, Jeff Jarvis, Pudentilla, Harry Shearer, Tom Tomorrow, Gary Farber

Officials predict thousands of deaths
  CNN   —   Permalink 
NEW ORLEANS, Louisiana (CNN) — No one has been able to count the dead from Hurricane Katrina's Gulf Coast rampage, but Health and Human Services Secretary Michael Leavitt told CNN on Sunday it is "evident it's in the thousands."
Baldilocks: And the goblins are still haunting New Orleans, attempting to hinder progress. But, fortunately, they are with their father now.
James Joyner: House-to-house rescues under way in New Orleans (CNN) [snipped quote] Surreal.
Kevin Drum: DEATH TOLL IN NEW ORLEANS...The death toll from Katrina is going to be immense: "Health and Human Services Secretary...
Joe Gandelman: And as officials now predict that when it's all over the death toll will be in the thousands, other reports sketch a...
Laura Rozen: CNN: Mayor: Police, firefighters traumatized — [snipped quote] My god, how awful.

You're on your own, Britain's victims told
  By / Observer   —   Permalink 
British families trapped in New Orleans last night claimed that US authorities had refused to evacuate them as Hurricane Katrina approached the city.
Although assistance was offered to US residents, British nationals were told they would have to fend for themselves.
Echidne: Britain is offering us help for the victims of Katrina. And we? What are we doing?
Gary Farber: VARIOUS. Britons say they were abandoned by Americans. LA Times round-up; Superdome almost clear.
Marc @USSNeverdock: Katrina - You're on your own, Britain's told — In his haste to condemn America, Mark Townsend, makes a glaring error.
Patrick: The Observer, Sunday, September 4, 2005: British families trapped in New Orleans last night claimed that US authorities...
Cookie Jill: "- the guardian"

Our Back-Seat Congress
  By / WaPo   —   Permalink 
It took almost no time for President Bush to put his stamp on the national response to the tragedy that has befallen New Orleans and the Gulf Coast, a reminder that modern communications have reshaped the constitutional division of powers in our government in ways that the Founding Fathers never could have imagined.
Billmon: David Broder — the gray eminence of the punditburo, the enforcer of centrist orthodoxy — already has decreed that the...
James Joyner: On a related note, David Broder believes the president will ultimately emerge strengthened from this disaster.
Josh Marshall: David Broder helps the president up into the booster seat ... [snipped quote] Washington.
Eric Boehlert: Today, the Dean of the D.C. press corps has his say on the political ramifications of the American catastrophe named Hurricane Katrina.
James Wolcott: But no manufactures mush with the dependable, pompous, bland, gummed-to-death consistency that has become his disgraceful trademark as Washington Post columnist.

Thousands Remain To Be Evacuated
  WaPo   —   Permalink 
NEW ORLEANS, Sept. 3 — Tens of thousands of people spent a fifth day awaiting evacuation from this ruined city, as Bush administration officials blamed state and local authorities for what leaders at all levels have called a failure of the country's emergency management.
Mark Kleiman: Lying on background — Yesterday I linked to a Washington Post story that quoted a "senior Administration official" as...
Randall Parker: A Washington Post article about power struggles for control over crisis workers illustrates the fact that a large...
Tom Smith: THIS is distrubing. Federal officials should not have to ask state approval to federalize the response, when things get as bad as they were.
Joe Gandelman: Consider this from the Post: "Tens of thousands of people spent a fifth day awaiting evacuation from this ruined city,...
Justin Gardner: Tens Of Thousands Still Stranded In New Orleans — The rescue efforts have stepped up, but this story by the Washington...
Perry de Havilland: Let the finger pointing begin! This article contains some pretty damning stuff. [snipped quote] Yup, let the finger pointing begin.
Also: Gene @HarrysPlace, Laura Rozen, Glenn Reynolds, TheAnchoress, Jeff Jarvis, Marc @USSNeverdock, Jeff Goldstein, John Cole, Greg Ransom, McQ, Ann Althouse, Atrios, DC Media Girl, Gateway Pundit, Jo Fish, Oliver Willis, Kathryn Jean Lopez, Lorie Byrd, Jeralyn Merritt, Jim Henley, Nico @ThinkProgress

Evacuations Move Tens of Thousands From New Orleans
  NYT   —   Permalink 
Rescue efforts continued in New Orleans today to try to find people stranded in the flood ravaged city after the pace of evacuations picked up markedly. President Bush has ordered 7,000 additional troops to the city and the Gulf Coast states to crack down on lawlessness and to evacuate thousands of refugees.
TChris: Rumsfeld Visits Louisiana, Ignores Victims — Hurricane victims apparently make a poor photo op for the Secretary of Defense.
Cookie Jill: [quote]- nytimes "leaving new orleans also frightened me considerably. outside of the city limits the heart of darkness, the true wasteland begins."[end quote]
Judith Weiss: These organizations also need volunteers and donations — Many links to Austin and South TX relief efforts, as many refugees are being sent there.
Yehudit: Many evacuated from New Orleans are being sent to Austin. If you live in the Austin area and want to help, many resources are listed in the extended entry.
Gary Farber: NUMBERS. Some: [snipped quote] Read The Rest Scale: 3 out of 5 if you want another general summary.

Justices pay tribute to Rehnquist
  CNN   —   Permalink 
(CNN) — The Supreme Court released statements by seven Supreme Court justices who paid tribute to Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist, who died Saturday. A statement from Justice David Souter is not expected, the court said.
Justice John Paul Stevens:
Talking Dog: Well, two out of three in under five years... those considering a move to the Bay Area may want to wait three and a...
Ann Althouse: What's with everyone but Souter making a statement on the death of Chief Justice Rehnquist?

HHS chief: Katrina death toll in thousands
  AP   —   Permalink 
WASHINGTON (AP) — Health and Human Services Secretary Michael Leavitt said Sunday the death toll from Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath is in the thousands, the first time a federal official has acknowledged what many had feared.
Jeralyn Merritt: HHS Chief: Death Toll in the Thousands — For the first time, an Administration official has said the death toll from Katrina will be in the thousands.
Kathryn Jean Lopez: PEOPLE LOST AP: "Health and Human Services Secretary Michael Leavitt said Sunday the death toll from Hurricane Katrina...

Supreme Court Chief Justice Rehnquist Dies
  AP   —   Permalink 
WASHINGTON (AP) — Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist died Saturday evening of cancer, ending a 33-year Supreme Court career during which he oversaw the court's conservative shift, presided over an impeachment trial and helped decide a presidential election.
Barbara O'Brien: The death of Chief Justice William Rehnquist gives Bush another Supreme Court nominee.
Greg Ransom: Prepare for total bloody war — The death of Chief Justice William Rehnquist means that the ultimate death match between the Constitution and America's leftist elite is now on.
Gateway Pundit: The New York Times repeats a familiar theme that the country is likely to hear over and over about the Chief Justice: ...
Avedon Carol: And Rehnquist died. I've been dreading this, but it's hardly a surprise.
James Joyner: Elsewhere: Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist Dies (WaPo, A1) Chief Justice Rehnquist has died (CNN) Chief Justice...
Patrick Ruffini: The Chief Passes AP: [snipped quote] Obviously, this would have been much bigger news under different circumstances.
Also: Arthur Silber, Justin Gardner, Chris Lawrence, Jeralyn Merritt, Brian Stelter, John Cole, Michael Stickings, Stirling Newberry, Gary Farber, Gail Heriot, Kevin Drum, Paul Musgrave, Will Baude

Big Easy struggling to regain its swagger
  Boston Globe   —   Permalink 
NEW ORLEANS — It was not even lunch time yesterday, but there they were: New Orleanians drinking warm Budweisers inside Johnny White's, a Bourbon Street bar.
Johnny White's has an old, newly relevant slogan taped to the wall there. ''Never Closed," it says.
Jeralyn Merritt: The Boston Globe reports two bars have reopened in the French Quarter - they are serving warm beer.
Gary Farber: TWO BARS OPEN IN FRENCH QUARTER. Here. [snipped quote] Read The Rest Scale: 3 out of 5.
Radley Balko: Pluck, Defined — Why New Orleans has always been my favorite town: [snipped quote] Expect a press release of condemnation from Mothers Against Drunk Driving any minute now.

Gunmen attack contractors on La. bridge
  AP   —   Permalink 
NEW ORLEANS (AP) — Police shot and killed at least five people Sunday after gunmen opened fire on a group of contractors traveling across a bridge on their way to make repairs, authorities said.
Deputy Police Chief W.J. Riley said police shot at eight people carrying guns, killing five or six.
Echidne: Deaths On A Bridge In New Orleans — From the Associated Press, apparently the New Orleans police shot at eight people...
Michael DeBow: According to AP: "Police shot and killed at least five people Sunday after gunmen opened fire on a group of contractors...

Many Evacuated, but Thousands Still Waiting
  WaPo   —   Permalink 
NEW ORLEANS, Sept. 3 — Tens of thousands of people spent a fifth day awaiting evacuation from this ruined city, as Bush administration officials blamed state and local authorities for what leaders at all levels have called a failure of the country's emergency management.
Jerome Armstrong: The Bush way — Now that White House Shifts Blame to State and Local Officials has let the cat out of the bag, we are starting to see what's really been going on this past week.
Andrew Sullivan: BLAMING THE LOCALS: That's the Bush strategy.
Alameida @Unfogged: UPDATE: from the Washington Post: Herbert J. Freeman arrived in a neighbor's boat with his mother, Ethel M. Freeman, 91, frail and sick, but with an active mind.
Echidne: The Washington Post reports this: "Behind the scenes, a power struggle emerged, as federal officials tried to wrest authority from Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Babineaux Blanco (D).
Avedon Carol: The story itself is titled Many Evacuated, but Thousands Still Waiting, but the subhead is indeed, "White House Shifts Blame to State and Local Officials."
Armando @DailyKos: The Republican Skill: Passing the Buck — Here they come, ready to do what they do best — pass the buck: "Tens of...
Also: Pudentilla, Judith Weiss, Tom Paine, Kevin Drum, Gary Farber

William H. Rehnquist, Chief Justice of Supreme Court, Is Dead at 80
  By / NYT   —   Permalink 
William H. Rehnquist, who died Saturday at the age of 80 almost a year after learning he had thyroid cancer, helped lead a conservative revolution on the Supreme Court during 19 years as chief justice of the United States.
Avedon Carol: It seemed obvious that there was nothing particularly brilliant about Anderson Cooper hammering Landrieu.
Ken Masugi: Betrayed by Republican appointees, he was not able to reverse the disastrous Warren Courts and the bumbling Burger Courts.
Ann Althouse: Here is Linda Greenhouse's obituary for William H. Rehnquist. It is suitably long. The first substantive legal topic she discusses is federalism.
James Joyner: Chief Justice William Rehnquist - Obituary — William H. Rehnquist, who served thirty two years on the U.S. Supreme...
Michelle Malkin: Bush expresses sadness...Alan Dershowitz calls Rehnquist a "Republican thug"...SoCal Law blog tracks more unhinged Left...
Vanderleun: 5-Minute Arguments — The Math of Their Worst Nightmare 2 (Supreme Court Vacancies ) + 3 (Years Left for Bush )= 5.
Also: Dr. Steven Taylor, Kathryn Jean Lopez, Gary Farber

Bodies Are Strewn 'Like Roadkill'
  LAT   —   Permalink 
NEW ORLEANS — No one knew much about him. He was a black man with close-cropped hair who looked to be in his 40s. He had a high school class ring. He had been at the convention center for four days, no different from thousands of others.
Friday night, he lost it.
Jeralyn Merritt: What will become of the dead? [snipped quote] Many may never be identified. Particularly if there are no wallets or identification on them.
Pudentilla: welcome to awol's garden, where corpses bloom like flowers — [snipped quote] gaza on the gulf. it's the inevitable consequence of mourning in america.
Gary Farber: THE DEAD. The planning is just starting. The people are still dying. [snipped quote] Read The Rest Scale: 0 out of 5.

Proof that nothing changed after Sept. 11
  By / Chicago Sun Times   —   Permalink 
In the Atlantic Monthly a few years back, Robert D. Kaplan went to Liberia, Sierra Leone, and other failed jurisdictions of West Africa and concluded that many of the "citizens" of these "states," roaming the streets raping and killing, belonged to a phenomenon called "re-primitivized man."
Don: STEYN NAILS IT AGAIN — Here's why Mark Steyn is the best conservative columnist now writing — devastating, principled,...
Michael DeBow: Katrina is "Proof that nothing changed after Sept. 11," says Mark Steyn.

Children separated from parents at Katrina shelters
  AP   —   Permalink 
BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) — In the rush to evacuate people from the storm-ravaged New Orleans area, at least two dozen children have been separated from their parents in Louisiana, according to the state social services department.
Michelle Malkin: This is intolerable: "In the rush to evacuate people from the storm-ravaged New Orleans area, at least two dozen...
Scared Monkeys: Some of the post hurricane actions in New Orleans just make me shake my head in wonderment. What were these people thinking?
Gary Farber: Children separated from parents: "In the rush to evacuate people from the storm-ravaged New Orleans area, at least two...

Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist Dies
  By / WaPo   —   Permalink 
William Hubbs Rehnquist, the 16th chief justice of the United States, died last night at his home in Arlington. He was 80.
Rehnquist, who had been suffering from thyroid cancer since last October, had managed to lead the court through its last term, which ended in June.
Steve Bainbridge: Not being able to count — A leftie's reaction to Rehnquist's passing: [snipped quote] There's so many errors in that...
Avedon Carol: "Touring this critical site yesterday with the President, I saw what I believed to be a real and significant effort to get a handle on a major cause of this catastrophe."
Scared Monkeys: The Washington Post; Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist Dies, article states the question that many have been pondering since Rehnquist was diagnosed with thyroid cancer.
Amanda Marcotte: Rehnquist died. He was no crusader for decency or anything, but nor was he a person whose ideology overruled his decisions.
Pudentilla: nihil mortui nisi bonum "chief justice william h. rehnquist dies - william hubbs rehnquist, the 16th chief justice of the united states, died last night at his home in arlington.
Jan Haugland: Chief Justice Rehnquist dies — With John Roberts still not confirmed to the bench, the sad death of Chief Justice...
Also: Dr. Steven Taylor, Julian Sanchez

Katrina's Victims Poorer Than U.S. Average
  By / AP   —   Permalink 
People living in the path of Hurricane Katrina's worst devastation were twice as likely as most Americans to be poor and without a car — factors that may help explain why so many failed to evacuate as the storm approached.
Gary Farber: Watch them try to still repeal the estate tax. Gasoline price shock. Katrina's victims poorer than U.S. average. Duh.
Steve Antler: The wandering economist, forever condemned to sound like an evil vampire... I hate to undercut this story, but you have...

Obituary: William Rehnquist
  BBC   —   Permalink 
During nearly two decades as chief justice of the United States, William Rehnquist presided over an increasingly conservative Supreme Court.
William Hubbs Rehnquist was born in 1924 in a staunchly Republican area of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, into a well-to-do family.
Brian Maloney: The BBC's obit was surprisingly tame, except for a Nixonian smear attempt: His reward finally came in 1972, when that...
Marc @USSNeverdock: America - Rehnquist: Appointed by 'that arch-Republican' — Here is how the BBC reports on Rehnquist's appointment to the Supreme Court.

In Manhattan, Poor Make 2¢ for Each Dollar to the Rich
  By / NYT   —   Permalink 
Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue is only about 60 blocks from the Wagner Houses in East Harlem, but they might as well be light years apart. They epitomize the highest- and lowest-earning census tracts in Manhattan, where the disparity between rich and poor is now greater than in any other county in the country.
Talking Dog: Workers of the World... think about where your bread is buttered... In George W. Bush's America, the Congress will this...
Gary Farber: THE UNRECOGNIZED FLOOD VICTIMS only wait for a flood, or another disaster, to be recognized.

A Chronology of Hurricane Katrina
  AP   —   Permalink 
A day-by-day look at Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath.
Wednesday, Aug. 24:
- Tropical Depression 12 strengthens into Tropical Storm Katrina over the Central Bahamas; a hurricane warning is issued for the southeastern Florida coast.
Marc @USSNeverdock: Katrina - Chronology of Hurricane Katrina — The Guardian has a chronology of Katrina but leaves out an important detail.
Dr. Steven Taylor: Katrina Timeline — Via the Guardian: A Chronology of Hurricane Katrina

Political Science
  By / NYT   —   Permalink 
When Donald Kennedy, a biologist and editor of the eminent journal Science, was asked what had led so many American scientists to feel that George W. Bush's administration is anti-science, he isolated a familiar pair of culprits: climate change and stem cells.
Chris Mooney: But the nation's leading magazine devotes a feature story to this topic, written by Daniel Smith.
Tyler Cowen: Here is today's New York Times piece on related issues. Elsewhere on the book front, John Coetzee's Slow Man is due out September 22, pre-order it here.
John Cole: Political Science Good piece in the NY Times magazine today called 'Political Science', which dovetails with with...

Red-State Democrats Tilt to Yes on Roberts
  By / WaPo   —   Permalink 
Sen. Kent Conrad, a Democrat from North Dakota, sounds like a swooning Republican when he talks about Supreme Court nominee John G. Roberts Jr.
"I am impressed with his demeanor, his intelligence, his sense of humor, his modesty," said Conrad.
Armando @DailyKos: Some Crass Politics on the SCOTUS — I know this may be somewhat off key, but I am sorry, this kind of stupid thinking...
Betsy Newmark: The Washington Post has an article today saying that red state Democrats are leaning towards confirming Roberts.

Falluja Floods the Superdome
  By / NYT   —   Permalink 
AS the levees cracked open and ushered hell into New Orleans on Tuesday, President Bush once again chose to fly away from Washington, not toward it, while disaster struck. We can all enumerate the many differences between a natural catastrophe and a terrorist attack.
Jon Henke: Frank Rich is as snarky—and silly—as ever... "It was along this same San Diego coastline that he declared...
Tbogg: This is Rich — God, he's good: AS the levees cracked open and ushered hell into New Orleans on Tuesday, President Bush...
Nico @ThinkProgress: Bush pledges no shared national sacrifice
Jo Fish: The other donation — Frank Rich, as many have noted has hit another homer today, and he closes his column with this:...
Champollion: He nails it. Today's is a beauty and well worth the read. And it is long, but for your convenience I re-print it below.
Jeralyn Merritt: Connecting the Dots: 9/11, Iraq, New Orleans and the Titanic — Frank Rich does it yet again, with concrete examples and dots a seventh-grader could connect.

Doubling Up in Baton Rouge
  By / WaPo   —   Permalink 
BATON ROUGE, La. — Shortly after the power was restored on Thursday, my peacenik neighbor Jenny announced that she was going to buy a gun. She was going to buy a gun because she'd heard — hadn't we all? — that bands of desperate, sick, poor, hungry, hot,...
Amanda Butler: GOD BLESS MARGRET ATKINSON — [snipped quote] - from Jennifer Moses's Doubling Up in Baton Rouge, published in this...
Gary Farber: Only if you're resiliently prepared for your hope to be crushed. Also: the two Baton Rouges, and the good people there.

Red tape keeping much of military on sidelines
  By / Seattle Times   —   Permalink 
CAMP SHELBY, Miss. — A tiny fraction of the active-duty U.S. military is engaged in rescue and relief efforts in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, a situation that frustrated senior military officers are attributing in part to complex relationships with the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
Murdoc: There are apparently a lot of military units waiting to be called on to do more.
Gary Farber: MILITARY FRUSTRATED, as we know; this Saturday story has more: [snipped quote] Too little, too late. Thanks, FEMA!

Chief Justice Rehnquist has died
  CNN   —   Permalink 
WASHINGTON (CNN) — Chief Justice William Rehnquist, who quietly advanced the conservative ideology of the Supreme Court under his leadership, died Saturday evening. He was 80.
The justice, diagnosed with thyroid cancer, had a tracheotomy and received chemotherapy and radiation as part of his treatment.
William J. Dyer: William H. Rehnquist, 1924-2005 I'm genuinely saddened to hear of the passing of the Chief Justice of the United States, William H. Rehnquist.
Scared Monkeys: See Rehnquist's CV at Find Law From CNN, Chief Justice Rehnquist has died. Rehnquist, who presided over the court for nearly 19 years, was 80.
Daniel Drezner: William Rehnquist, R.I.P. (1924-2005) CNN is reporting that the Chief Justice has died at the age of 80.
Taegan Goddard: Rehnquist Dies — Supreme Court Chief Justice William Rehnquist has died, CNN reports.
Jan Haugland: Obits already out at CNN, Associated Press, Reuters and the NYT, the latter a 19 page virtual biography.
Jeralyn Merritt: News articles: New York Times; Associated Press; AP update; CNN obituary; Bush Gets Chance to Appoint Chief Justice; Bio...
Also: Smash, Hilzoy @ObsidianWings

William H. Rehnquist Dies at 80; Led Conservative Revolution on Supreme Court
  By / NYT   —   Permalink 
William H. Rehnquist, who died Saturday at the age of 80, helped lead a conservative revolution on the Supreme Court during 19 notably successful years as chief justice of the United States.
Betsy Newmark: Linda Greenhouse has a good obituary on his life and term on the Court.
Scared Monkeys: NY Times; William H. Rehnquist Dies at 80; Led Conservative Revolution on Supreme Court "William H. Rehnquist, who died...
James Joyner: William H. Rehnquist, Chief Justice of Supreme Court, Is Dead at 80 [print] [snipped quote] The man clearly had a sense of humor.

Chief Justice Rehnquist Dies at 80
  By / NYT   —   Permalink 
WASHINGTON, Sunday, Sept. 4 - Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist died Saturday night of the thyroid cancer he had battled for nearly a year, opening a second Supreme Court vacancy just days before Senate confirmation hearings were to begin to fill the seat being vacated by Justice Sandra Day O'Connor.
Matthew Yglesias: Rehnquist — I can't believe I get to be the first on the café to note the death of Chief Justice William Rehnquist.
Taegan Goddard: The New York Times says the death "on the eve of the confirmation hearings for Judge John G. Roberts Jr., set to begin...
Ken Masugi: William H. Rehnquist, RIP — The Chief Justice had come close to eclipsing John Marshall's record tenure.

Living Paycheck to Paycheck Made Leaving Impossible
  By / WaPo   —   Permalink 
NEW ORLEANS, Sept. 3 — To those who wonder why so many stayed behind when push came to water's mighty shove here, those who were trapped have a simple explanation: Their nickels and dimes and dollar bills simply didn't add up to stage a quick evacuation mission.
Jeff Jarvis: The Post does have a great package today. Another explains why so many could not leave. : Doc calls the Katrina Scandal the War on Error.
Gary Farber: LIVING PAYCHECK TO PAYCHECK made leaving impossible — [snipped quote] Read The Rest Scale: 0 out of 5.
DC Media Girl: Roundup — Will Haygood offers the following explanation of why the poor stayed behind in New Orleans. Answer: They don't have money.

Chief Justice Rehnquist Dies of Cancer
  By / AP   —   Permalink 
WASHINGTON — Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist died Saturday evening of cancer, ending a 33-year Supreme Court career during which he oversaw the court's conservative shift, presided over an impeachment trial and helped decide a presidential election.
Joshua Claybourn: But I have to take note of the sloppy and biased pre-written obituary the Associate Press offered on Rehnquist's passing.
Dr. Steven Taylor: Even though it was clearly inevitable, I was a little shocked to see this headline this morning (via the AP): Chief...

Chertoff: Katrina scenario did not exist
  CNN   —   Permalink 
What Is This?
Defending the U.S. government's response to Hurricane Katrina, Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff argued Saturday that government planners did not predict such a disaster ever could occur.
Michael Bérubé: Chertoff: Feds Surprised by "Perfect Storm" — Washington—Defendin g the U.S. government's response to Hurricane...
Jack Grant: Now, from, "Chertoff: Katrina scenario did not exist": "Defending the U.S. government's response to Hurricane...
Hilzoy @ObsidianWings: However, in odd moments, I have begun reading the articles about the background story: the defunding of FEMA, the...
Andrew Sullivan: Chertoff is still denying that anyone foresaw such a scenario even as Brown has said they were on the verge of a plan...
Bob Cesca: Make no mistake, with Rove and Cheney standing on the sidelines at the Rose Garden Saturday and Chertoff directly behind...
Kieran Healy: DHS selling Bulls**t; CNN not Buying CNN reports, in uncharacteristically blunt terms on Homeland Security chief Michael Chertoff's efforts to exonerate his agency.
Also: Kevin Drum, David Sirota, Laura Rozen, Josh Marshall, Gary Farber

The Bursting Point
  By / NYT   —   Permalink 
As Ross Douthat observed on his blog, The American Scene, Katrina was the anti-9/11.
On Sept. 11, Rudy Giuliani took control. The government response was quick and decisive. The rich and poor suffered alike. Americans had been hit, but felt united and strong.
Don: Update... Contrast this uncompromising view with the shallow psycho-babble of David Brooks: It's already clear this will be known as the grueling decade, the Hobbesian decade.
Tbogg: Shorter David Brooks — The phrase "Pre-9/11 thinking" to be replaced by "Pre-Katrina thinking"...and now off to see...
Jeff Jarvis: And David Brooks in tomorrow's NY Times: As Ross Douthat observed on his blog, The American Scene, Katrina was the anti-9/11.
Anne-Marie Slaughter: On a different note, see David Brooks on New Orleans as a watershed in American politics — he's got a lot right, but one point ridiculously and and almost frighteningly wrong.
Steve Antler: UPDATE: More evidence here: when you are able to take virtually any new information and automatically plug it into a...
Gary Farber: In another sign of how this utterly fubar travesty of a tragedy has stimulated outrage in some of the most unlikely...
Also: Laura Rozen

Chief Justice Rehnquist Dies at His Home
  By / AP   —   Permalink 
WASHINGTON — Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist died Saturday evening of cancer, ending a remarkable 33-year tenure on the Supreme Court and creating a rare second vacancy on the nation's highest court.
Rehnquist, 80, was surrounded by his three children when he died at his home in suburban Arlington.
Christopher Kanis: Rehnquist has died — Chicago Tribune | Chief Justice Rehnquist Dies at Home This changes everything. All hell's about to break loose.
Echidne: Chief Justice Rehnquist Died — According to Los Angeles Times: [snipped quote] I don't know what to say.
Wind Rider: US Supreme Court Chief Justice suffers minor setback in bout with thyroid cancer, possibly still plans to attend to Court business.
Ann Althouse: Chief Justice Rehnquist dies. RIP. ADDED: I am stunned. I can't believe he's gone. He has been so important for so long.
Pessimist @LeftCoaster: This is ALL We Need Now — Chief Justice Rehnquist Dies at His Home Bush was notified of Rehnquist's death shortly before 11 p.m. EDT.
Nico @ThinkProgress: Chief Justice William Rehnquist has died.

Navy Turns to Halliburton for Help on Damaged Bases
  By / NYT   —   Permalink 
WASHINGTON, Sept. 3 - Facing extensive damage by Hurricane Katrina to naval installations in Mississippi, the Navy turned immediately to the Halliburton Company's KBR subsidiary for tasks like restoring electricity, repairing roofs and clearing debris at bases that are urgently needed for response efforts.
Gary Farber: Yes, yes, Halliburton's KBR (Kellog, Brown, Root) will be fixing military bases; it's what they do. Yes, let's keep an eye on it.
Lorie Byrd: Maybe Bush Caused The Hurricane For His Halliburton Buddies — A Polipundit reader predicted this one early on and I commented here.
TheAnchoress: Oh, and President Bush caused Katrina, so Halliburton could make more money.

Iraqi Envoy Sees Parallel in New Orleans Looting
  By / WaPo   —   Permalink 
Iraq's deputy ambassador to the United Nations yesterday drew a comparison between the way U.S. troops have been sent to New Orleans to put down looting and the failure in 2003 of coalition forces to halt looting in Baghdad and other Iraqi cities.
Arthur Chrenkoff: Well, everyone seems to agree: "Iraq's deputy ambassador to the United Nations yesterday drew a comparison between the...
Gary Farber: COMPARE AND CONTRAST the breakdown of law and order after the invasion of Iraq with this, says the Iraqi deputy ambassador.
Juan Cole: The Iraqis are noticing the contrast, and remarking on it.

Leaders missing in chaos
  St. Petersburg Times   —   Permalink 
Who's in charge?
As New Orleans descended into anarchy, that question could not be answered. Thousands of city residents with the fewest resources have been abandoned, left to fend for themselves. Without food or drinkable water, they wander aimlessly through a city transformed into a fetid swamp.
Jeff Goldstein: And then there's this, from the St Petersburg Times: "Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco doesn't want the buck to stop in her office, either.
John Cole: Burying The Lede The WaPo has a big piece called in Katrina's Wake that you should read, complete with the following...

C-Log: Conservative Web Log
  By /   —   Permalink 
After a nearly year-long battle with thyroid cancer, Rehnquist died Saturday in Virginia. R.I.P.
It feels rather crass considering the circumstance, but some pressing questions loom:
The Democrat Response:
Jeff Goldstein: Interesting times. (h/t Dan Riehl, CraigC, and Onestoopid1, all via email) **** update: additional thoughts here, from Steve Muscatello.
James Joyner: This Isn't the Last Dance (WaPo, Sept. 2, A29) [snipped quote] via Mary Katharine Ham

Chief Justice William Rehnquist dies
  MSNBC   —   Permalink 
WASHINGTON - Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist died Saturday evening at his home in suburban Virginia, said Supreme Court spokeswoman Kathy Arberg.
A statement from the spokeswoman said he was surrounded by his three children when he died in Arlington.
Scared Monkeys: MSNBC's coverage. Here is a real shame. Alan Dershowitz was on Fox around 1 AM, shortly after they Rehnquist's passing calling him a Republican Thug.
Tom Biro: He was 80 years old. More here at MSNBC.
Jeff Jarvis: Rehnquist dead Chief Justice Rehnquist dies in his home.

CIA videos reveal the missed chances to kill Bin Laden
  Times of London   —   Permalink 
PREVIOUSLY unseen footage of Osama Bin Laden taken by a CIA spy drone reveals how close the Americans came to killing the Al-Qaeda leader two years before the September 11 attacks.
Jan Haugland: CIA drone had Bin Laden in crosshairs in 1999, but no missile — Recently leaked CIA videos show how easy it would have...
TheAnchoress: Betsy Newmark has a rather stunning post up: It seems Al Jazeera is running a TV series highlighting all of our missed opportunities to get Osama bin Laden, between 1998 and 2000.
Betsy Newmark: Al Jazeera is running a TV series highlighting the missed opportunities for taking out Bin Laden.
John Cole: This close: PREVIOUSLY unseen footage of Osama Bin Laden taken by a CIA spy drone reveals how close the Americans came...
Marc @USSNeverdock: Bin Laden - Video of Missed Chances to Kill Him — The Times (UK) reports on video evidence of the missed chances to kill bin Laden - while Clinton was in office.

What Happens to a Race Deferred
  By / NYT   —   Permalink 
THE white people got out. Most of them, anyway. If television and newspaper images can be deemed a statistical sample, it was mostly black people who were left behind. Poor black people, growing more hungry, sick and frightened by the hour as faraway officials counseled patience and warned that rescues take time.
Captain Ed: Katrina: More Race, No Class — Jason DeParle gives his assessment of the true story of the destruction of the Gulf coast — the race card.
Baldilocks: I have no pertinent commentary about the unsurprising racial angle that some are bringing into the mix of toxic...
Jeralyn Merritt: Poverty and Race in New Orleans — Those with and without cars. [New York Times]
Jack Cluth: LEVEES BREAK, BARRIERS HOLD: What the world saw exposed in New Orleans was a cleavage of race and class Yep; African-Americans loot.
Gary Farber: What Happens To A Race Deferred. Read The Rest Scale: 3.5 out of 5 for all, save for 4 out of 5 for the last.

New Orleans a 'ghost town' for 9 months
  Independent   —   Permalink 
New Orleans will have to be abandoned for at least nine months, and many of its people will remain homeless for up to two years, the US government believes.
The bleak assessment will deepen the biggest crisis faced by President George Bush, who last week called the devastation of Hurricane Katrina a " temporary disruption".
McQ: Let the myths begin to take on life of their own — From the Independent: "The President is now facing a political...
Sterling @MemeFirst: Geoffrey Lean and Andrew Gumbel of the Independent have posted an article that contains a dizzying number of distortions and outright falsehoods.
James Joyner: Independent Online Edition New Orleans a 'ghost town' for 9 months "New Orleans will have to be abandoned for at least...

New Orleans Left to the Dead and Dying
  By / AP   —   Permalink 
NEW ORLEANS (AP) - Thousands more bedraggled refugees were bused and airlifted to salvation Saturday, leaving the heart of New Orleans to the dead and dying, the elderly and frail stranded too many days without food, water or medical care.
Radley Balko: While FEMA officials were declaring that everything was under control at the Superdome and Convention Centers: "Three...
Michelle Malkin: THE LOST CHILDREN OF KATRINA — When I read reports like this... "Three babies died at the New Orleans Convention Center...
Jeralyn Merritt: [Source: the Guardian] New Orleans has been left to the dead and dying.
Hilzoy @ObsidianWings: Predictable Effect (via Atrios) of putting an unqualified person in charge of the agency responsible for disaster...
Arthur Silber: UPDATE: All that's left is an empty, sodden tomb: "Thousands more bedraggled refugees were bused and airlifted to...
Atrios: Culture of LIfe — There was no reason food and water couldn't have reached the convention center. None.

Mississippians' Suffering Overshadowed
  AP   —   Permalink 
JACKSON, Miss. - Mississippi hurricane survivors looked around Saturday and wondered just how long it would take to get food, clean water and shelter. And they were more than angry at the federal government and the national news media.
Captain Ed: Katrina: Not Just New Orleans — Mississippians have largely fallen off the media's radar screens as the unfolding tragedy in New Orleans holds the nation's attention.
Gary Farber: NOT TO BE OVERLOOKED is Mississippi and the rest of the gulf. I knew this article was coming, because it would be called for.

Revealed: MI6 plan to infiltrate extremists
  Observer   —   Permalink 
British intelligence officers planned a 'black propaganda' campaign against Islamic extremists, infiltrating their groups through the internet, documents leaked to The Observer reveal.
TheAnchoress: But doing nothing cannot go on forever. Meanwhile, in the War on Terror, a UK paper is spilling tactics.
Betsy Newmark: Well, isn't it nice of the the British paper, The Observer to spill state secrets all over its papers about plans to...

Looking for...
  MSNBC   —   Permalink 
Are you trying to find loved ones who were displaced by the destruction of Hurricane Katrina?
Let us know who you're looking for and leave instructions or a message for them. Fill out the form below with information on the people you are seeking .
Jeff Jarvis: Yahoo's boards * MSNBC's * National Next of Kin Registry * The Red Cross * Earthlink * Katrina Help * Gulf Coast News...
Marc @USSNeverdock: Katrina - NBC Locator — MSNBC has a locator for victims of Katrina. — Please help the victims of the Katrina disaster by donating to the Red Cross Katrina relief fund.
Rex Hammock: "BBC News: Hurricane Katrina Missing People Hurricane Katrina Person Database Clarion-Ledger: Katrina...

Hoping to Buttress Sharon, U.S. Urges Allies' Restraint
  By / NYT   —   Permalink 
WASHINGTON, Sept. 3 - The Bush administration, hoping to strengthen Prime Minister Ariel Sharon in the Israeli turmoil after the Gaza withdrawal, is urging allies of the United States to refrain from pressing Israel to make new concessions to Palestinians, senior American officials said this week.
Praktike: News to me — Am I the only one who wasn't aware that the US was paying for this, too?
Roger L. Simon: Gaza, as it stands — An interesting Steve Weisman in the NYT - Hoping to Buttress Sharon, U.S. Urges Allies' Restraint - details US policy in this post-Gaza pullout moment.

Troops begin combat operations in New Orleans
  By / Army Times   —   Permalink 
NEW ORLEANS — Combat operations are underway on the streets "to take this city back" in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.
"This place is going to look like Little Somalia," Brig.
Baldilocks: Is there anyplace else in America where the residents would attack other Americans who were trying to save their lives and stop the total destruction of their city?
Michael Froomkin: Meanwhile, at least some elements of our military see the victims of the disaster as some sort of enemy to be pacified...
Arthur Silber: STILL CLOSER TO THE EDGE OF HELL — Via Patrick Nielsen Hayden, we have the following—from, you will please note, the...
Amanda Marcotte: Reading articles like this only adds to the weirdness of the situation.
Cernig: You have to read this to believe it, from the Army Times: "This place is going to look like Little Somalia," Brig.
Steve Bainbridge: Combat in NOLA — The Army Times reports: [snipped quote] Liberal blogger Cernig is appalled. Sorry, but you can't have it both ways.
Also: Larisa Alexandrovna, Patrick, Jeralyn Merritt, Donald Sensing, James Joyner, Gary Farber, Nico @ThinkProgress

Brown pushed from last job: Horse group: FEMA chief had to be 'asked to resign'
  By / Boston Herald   —   Permalink 
The federal official in charge of the bungled New Orleans rescue was fired from his last private-sector job overseeing horse shows.
And before joining the Federal Emergency Management Agency as a deputy director in 2001, GOP activist Mike Brown had no significant experience that would have qualified him for the position.
Cernig: I'm betting that one of the places that Big Easy mud will stick is at FEMA, where the horselawyer-in-charge got his job on account of being a friend of a friend of George's.
Gene @HarrysPlace: According to this article in the Boston Herald (which, FWIW, is a conservative newspaper that endorsed Bush in 2000 and...
Brad DeLong: I see a Medal of Honor in Mike Brown's future... The Boston Herald is a newspaper: - Business News:...
Barbara O'Brien: According to Brett Arends of the Boston Herald, Brown was forced to resign "after a spate of lawsuits over alleged supervision failures."
Radley Balko: On President Bush's FEMA Director, Mike Brown: "The federal official in charge of the bungled New Orleans rescue was fired from his last private-sector job overseeing horse shows.
Skippy: as reality base tells us: the bush junta's cronyism resulted in gop activist mike brown's appointment to head fema,...
Also: Ted @CrookedTimber, Joe Gandelman, Norbizness, Josh Marshall, Donald Sensing, Taegan Goddard, Kevin Drum, Gary Farber, Harry Shearer

National Guard Delay Likely to Be Examined
  By / AP   —   Permalink 
WASHINGTON - Several states ready and willing to send National Guard troops to the rescue in hurricane-ravaged New Orleans didn't get the go-ahead until days after the storm struck — a delay nearly certain to be investigated by Congress.
Norbizness: Obviously, even without the equipment and personnel drains on the area by Iraq, the number of available Guard troops...
Radley Balko: Let Me Count the Ways...or continue to count the ways — government response to Katrina has failed on all levels:...
McQ: More on the National Guard response — Sharon Theimer of AP brings us some information as to why the National Guard...
Jeff Goldstein: [quote](Homeland Security Homepage) And there's also this: "New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson offered Louisiana Gov. Kathleen...[end quote]
Amanda Marcotte: The comparison seems to come down to this - in a crisis situation requiring more than either New Orleans or Louisiana...
Attaturk: COMPETENCY, and/or lack thereof of the Bush Administration, EXHIBIT 1,434 "Several states ready and willing to send...
Also: Steve Soto, Harry Shearer, Marc @USSNeverdock, Josh Marshall, Atrios, Laura Rozen, Echidne

Do You Know What It Means to Lose New Orleans?
  By / NYT   —   Permalink 
La Jolla, Calif.
WHAT do people really know about New Orleans?
Do they take away with them an awareness that it has always been not only a great white metropolis but also a great black city, a city where African-Americans have come together again and again to form the strongest African-American culture in the land?
Avedon Carol: The lost city — I'm assuming you're avidly reading Making Light and all those great posts and things, but I found this...
Mark Kleiman: Along with the charming parts tourists get all moony about are some really ugly aspects: the state is a sinkhole of...
Jeralyn Merritt: Why They Didn't Leave New Orleans — Don't miss the op-ed by New Orleans-born author Anne Rice in the Sunday New York Times, Do You Know What It Means to Lose New Orleans?
Natasha @PacificViews: Anne Rice writes in the New York Times about what it means to lose New Orleans. Three prominent columnists talk about the political fallout from Katrina.
Gary Farber: Good choice. Anne Rice asks Do You Know What It Means to Lose New Orleans? The Superdome, mostly naked. What Happens To A Race Deferred.
Arthur Silber: And so she does: [snipped quote] Be sure to read the entire article.

Daley 'shocked' as feds reject aid
  Chicago Sun Times   —   Permalink 
A visibly angry Mayor Daley said the city had offered emergency, medical and technical help to the federal government as early as Sunday to assist people in the areas stricken by Hurricane Katrina, but as of Friday, the only things the feds said they wanted was a single tank truck.
Steve Soto: FEMA Blew Off Chicago's Offer Of Help - Since Last Sunday — While Denny Hastert questioned why New Orleans should be...
Norbizness: Bad (via Talking Points Memo): The federal official in charge of the bungled New Orleans rescue was fired from his last private-sector job overseeing horse shows.
Laura Rozen: It is beyond baffling. American leaders "shocked" as feds reject other offers of aid.
Riggsveda @Corrente: That would be because in his prideful, control-freak way, he has been rejecting or deflecting aid offers left and right,...
Lindsay Beyerstein: FEMA refuses hurricane relief from Chicago — Anticipating massive damage, the City of Chicago offered FEMA substantial aid even before Hurricane Katrina made landfall.
James Joyner: Daley 'shocked' as feds reject aid (Chicago Sun-Times) [snipped quote] While there is probably a rationale for this that...
Also: Gary Farber, Julian Sanchez

  Online NewsHour   —   Permalink 
New York Times columnist David Brooks, Boston Globe columnist Tom Oliphant and NewsHour essayist and Chicago Tribune columnist Clarence Page talk about the horrific events following Hurricane Katrina, including the possible political ramifications of the disaster.
Billmon: Even some of his media cheerleaders are starting to have their doubts.
Jeralyn Merritt: Political Ramifications of Katrina — Here's a transcript of conservative New York Times columnist David Brooks, Boston...
Ezra Klein: He said on "The NewsHour With Jim Lehrer": I think it is a huge reaction we are about to see.
Laura Rozen: Three guesses? David Brooks, yesterday, on the Newshour.

Leader of Federal Effort Feels the Heat
  NYT   —   Permalink 
WASHINGTON, Sept. 2 - On Thursday night, Michael D. Brown, the federal government's point man for managing the response to Hurricane Katrina, made a remarkable confession on live television.
Hilzoy @ObsidianWings: Like saying this about a group of tens of thousands of people who had been waiting outside, easily observable either...
Laura Rozen: The NYT profiles him here. Even I am staggered — Brown was the lawyer for the horse association not back in the 1980s...
Kevin Drum: CRONYISM...I've known for several days that FEMA head Michael Brown had no previous disaster management experience when...
Brad DeLong: Here's what New York Times reporters Eric Lipton and Scott Shane say about the background of FEMA Director Michael...
Josh Marshall: Today's Times devotes a whole article to the criticism of FEMA chief Michael Brown.
Rich Lowry: From the Times: "Representative Mark Foley, Republican of Florida, said FEMA should be separated from the Department of Homeland Security.

New Orleans crisis shames Americans
  By / BBC   —   Permalink 
At the end of an unforgettable week, one broadcaster on Friday bitterly encapsulated the sense of burning shame and anger that many American citizens are feeling.
The only difference between the chaos of New Orleans and a Third World disaster operation, he said, was that a foreign dictator would have responded better.
Marc @USSNeverdock: Katrina - BBC Reporting a National Disgrace — Biased BBC and Americn Expat have already commented on this anti-American...
Chris Nolan: It's a privilege thing. Living your entire life unable to see past the end of your own nose is the ultimate luxury.
Michael Froomkin: Other international reactions, via the BBC. See also BBC, New Orleans Crisis Shames Americans.
Kathryn Jean Lopez: From the BBC.

Guard Troops Descend on New Orleans
  WaPo   —   Permalink 
At the Louisiana Superdome, still a vast bowl of filth and stench, those remaining ringed the outside perimeter and endured through another day of heat, hunger and exhaustion.
Radley Balko: The Washington Post: "Another military official said that commanders had not been aware of the large and desperate...
Steve Soto: (Hat tip to Talk Left) Our military has been ready to drop food packages into the stricken area, but hasn't been able to because FEMA has yet to ask for it.
Atrios: FEMA — Michael Brown, America's next Medal of Freedom winner: As reports continued of famished and dehydrated people...
Michael Froomkin: But they were waiting on a request from FEMA. (See also Washington Post).
Attaturk: COMPETENCY, and/or lack thereof of the Bush Administration, Exhibit 1,435 — "I cannot act on this, I've got 10...
Josh Marshall: An article in the Post suggests the US military was ready to begin emergency food drops into New Orleans much earlier in the week.

An Embattled Bush Says 'Results Are Not Acceptable'
  By / WaPo   —   Permalink 
Amid a surge of denunciations from political leaders in both parties, President Bush agreed yesterday that the results of his administration's response to Hurricane Katrina have been "not acceptable" and flew to the storm-ravaged Gulf Coast for a day-long tour of the devastation.
Jesse Taylor: Bush TOTALLY DID NOT admit he was wrong! F**king media, always trying to harm Bush by pretending that he actually owned up to mistakes and is trying to do better.
Mark Kilmer: The Ongoing Fraud — Continuing a media lie first noted here Friday, the Washington Post has reported: Amid a surge of...
Gene @HarrysPlace: When someone as allergic to self-criticism, accountability and second-guessing as President Bush calls the federal...
Barbara O'Brien: 'All the president's visit did was tie up New Orleans for a couple of hours,' he said." [link] — I understand that the...
Tim Shey: President George Bush, comforting two sisters he encountered in Biloxi, who had lost everything. "George Bush doesn't care about black people."
Todd Zywicki: Another Vote for Rudy: From today's Washington Post: [snipped quote] I think that it is a good thing to have Newt agree...

Rapes, killings hit Katrina refugees in New Orleans
  By / Reuters   —   Permalink 
NEW ORLEANS (Reuters) - People left homeless by Hurricane Katrina told horrific stories of rape, murder and trigger happy guards in two New Orleans centers that were set up as shelters but became places of violence and terror.
Gary Farber: More on the penning: "Police and National Guard troops on Saturday closed down the two centers — the Superdome arena...
Jeralyn Merritt: Survivors Detail Rapes and Killings Inside Convention Center — Simply Chilling. [quote] "They killed a man here last night," Steve Banka, 28, told Reuters.[end quote]
Arthur Silber: GET RID OF THE MURDERING BUSH ADMINISTRATION NOW — This is one more story of this kind than any of us needed: "NEW...

Hastert Tries Damage Control After Remarks Hit a Nerve
  By / WaPo   —   Permalink 
House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert began his day yesterday explaining that he really does not want to see New Orleans bulldozed, and he ended it defending his absence from the Capitol when Congress approved a $10.5 billion hurricane aid package.
Jack Cluth: Another DUMB@$$ AWARD wiener — Hastert Tries Damage Control After Remarks Hit a Nerve DUMB@$$ AWARD wiener #288: House...
Nico @ThinkProgress: Today, the Washington Post reports that Hastert skipped out on the vote to attend a fundraiser and an antique car...
Steve Soto: For his part, Denny Fats questioned whether New Orleans should be rebuilt hours after Bush said it would be, and then...
Laura Rozen: This information was available for all to see for a while now, but for those living under rocks, Dennis Hastert is a jerk.

Guardsmen Halt Evacuation at Superdome
  By / AP   —   Permalink 
NEW ORLEANS - National Guard members halted the evacuation of the Superdome early Saturday after buses transporting the refugees of Hurricane Katrina stopped rolling. About 2,000 people remained in the stadium and could be there until Sunday, according to the Texas Air National Guard.
Michael Froomkin: We're in a state A British commentator says, "Lots of things about the US become easier to understand if you consider it...
Attaturk: More class-based outrage...MONEY CHANGES EVERYTHING!
Atrios: America — Link: At one point Friday, the evacuation was interrupted briefly when school buses pulled up so some 700...
Norbizness: Bad: He estimated Saturday morning that between 2,000 and 5,000 people were left at the Superdome.
Riggsveda @Corrente: We We Only Kidding, Folks tantalus1-3124 Dangle an apple in front of a starving man, and then snatch it away: [quote] "Buses...[end quote]
Chris @AmericaBlog: Blacks and poor: move to the back of the line — The wealthy and the white get preferential treatment, including even...
Also: Gary Farber, Billmon, Matt Welch, Laura Rozen

Evacuation Efforts Begin at Convention Center
  By / WaPo   —   Permalink 
Evacuation efforts began at the New Orleans convention center, where 25,000 refugees waited days for food and water after Hurricane Katrina struck, and officials estimated that the task can be completed in 24 to 36 hours, Gen. Mark Graham announced today.
Laura Rozen: Five days after the 17th Street Canal levee broke, evacuation of the New Orleans Convention Center is finally underway.
Gary Farber: WELL, NOW, THAT DIDN'T TAKE TOO LONG, did it?
Judith Weiss: Many evacuated from New Orleans are being sent to Austin. If you live in the Austin area and want to help, many resources are listed in the extended entry.

Hitchhiking From Squalor to Anywhere Else
  By / WaPo   —   Permalink 
NEW ORLEANS, Sept. 2 — The woman and child walked toward the interstate exit ramp. She held his hand and he held a box of Scooby-Doo cereal. "Granny," he said, "where are we going?"
Adrienne Picou didn't know the answer.
Tim Shey: USDA employee and New Orleans resident Adrienne Picou, 46, hitchhiking to escape the Superdome with only her 6-year-old grandson, $7, and three bottles of water.
Gary Farber: TRYING TO GET OUT OF DODGE ON YOUR OWN is hard. [snipped quote] Jeezus. Where are they now? Some people "refused to leave"; right.
Michelle Malkin: Hitchhiking From Squalor to Anywhere Else Countless still missing and in need at and

Criticism of Bush mounts as more than 10,000 feared dead
  Guardian   —   Permalink 
George Bush arrived last night in the ravaged Gulf coast region amid mounting criticism of his handling of the crisis and a prediction by one senator that the death toll in Louisiana alone could top 10,000 people.
Rogers Cadenhead: Rev. Bill Shanks, pastor of New Covenant Fellowship of New Orleans in Metairie, said that he warned for years God would...
Laura Rozen: AP photo from the New Orleans convention center: [snipped quote] (Credits: Melissa Phillip/AP)

Left Behind
  WaPo   —   Permalink 
THE LACK OF National Guard troops because of the war in Iraq; the Bush administration's failure to protect coastal wetlands; the reorganization of the Federal Emergency Management Agency: All have been blamed, somewhat arbitrarily, for the stunning scenes of...
Captain Ed: Today's editorial in the Washington Post not only reminds its readers that local authorities provide the first line of...
Rich Lowry: LEFT BEHIND — A very responsible—of course—Washington Post edit on the question of why the evacuation prior to Katrina didn't reach more people in NO.
Cernig: The Washington Post hangs it out there for everyone to think about. if blame is to be laid and lessons are to be drawn,...

Lawmakers of Both Parties Criticize U.S. Response
  By / NYT   —   Permalink 
WASHINGTON, Sept. 2 - Members of Congress from both parties acknowledged on Friday that the federal response to Hurricane Katrina had fallen far short and promised hearings into what had gone wrong.
Mayor C. Ray Nagin's radio interview with WWL-AM.
Joe Gandelman: For instance, the New York Times reports: "Members of Congress from both parties acknowledged on Friday that the...
Gary Farber: Not good enough. And you say Bush was off-key? Partisan! You're as bad as the damn Congress. The oil spill continues.
Captain Ed: Congress Takes Five Days To Act, Criticizes 'Bureaucracy' — In what would be seen as irony under less-deadly...