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FEMA chief relieved of Katrina duties — Move follows controversy over Brown's qualifications, agency's response — WASHINGTON - Federal Emergency Management Agency Director Michael Brown is being removed from his role managing Hurricane Katrina relief efforts, government sources said Friday.

FEMA Chief Relieved of Katrina Command — WASHINGTON - Federal Emergency Management Agency Director Michael Brown is being relieved of his command of the Bush administration's Hurricane Katrina onsite relief efforts, Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff announced Friday.

FEMA Director to Be Out Soon, Sources Say — Under Scrutiny, Mike Brown to Leave Post — Sept. 9, 2005 — Federal Emergency Management Agency Director Michael Brown, under criticism due to his management of Hurricane Katrina as well as reported discrepancies on his resume …

Brown Is Relieved Of His Hurricane Relief Post
La Shawn Barber's Corner

Cops trapped survivors in New Orleans — Police from surrounding jurisdictions shut down several access points to one of the only ways out of New Orleans last week, effectively trapping victims of Hurricane Katrina in the flooded and devastated city. — An eyewitness account …


Clueless Memorial Design, Take 2 — The designers of the Flight 93 memorial at the impact site unveiled their effort yesterday. In what seems to be a typical case of cluelessness among memorial designers, the site will prominently feature the religious symbol of the attackers themselves (via Michelle Malkin):

THE COST OF CRONYISM — It would be very wrong, I believe, to let the ignominious Michael Brown be the scapegoat for FEMA's sins. Check out this front-pager from the WaPo. Turns out that a raft of FEMA's top leaders have little or no emergency management experience …
Eschaton, The Washington Monthly, Unfogged, Demagogue, WTF Is It Now?? and Talking Points Memo

Court Rules U.S. Can Indefinitely Detain Citizens — Ruling Comes in the Case of 'Enemy Combatant' Jose Padilla — A federal appeals court ruled today that the president can indefinitely detain a U.S. citizen captured on U.S. soil in the absence of criminal charges, holding that such authority …
Patridiot Watch, ACSBlog, The Liquid List, Booman Tribune ~ Boo!, Democratic Veteran and The Agonist

Head of Federal Katrina Relief Effort Replaced — Death Toll May Not Be as High as Originally Feared — Authorities in New Orleans today wrapped up a search for survivors of Hurricane Katrina and launched a concerted operation to recover the bodies of people who perished in the flooding caused …

DeLay to evacuees: 'Is this kind of fun?' — U.S. House Majority Leader Tom DeLay's visit to Reliant Park this morning offered him a glimpse of what it's like to be living in shelter. — While on the tour with top administration officials from Washington, including U.S. Secretary …

A compassionate Bush was absent right after Katrina — News analysis by Judy Keen and Richard Benedetto, USA TODAY — WASHINGTON — President Bush has shown that he can be empathetic, sensitive and decisive. But those qualities eluded him for days after Hurricane Katrina …

DeLay Organization Indicted in Texas — AUSTIN, Texas - A political organization formed by House Majority leader Tom DeLay and a prominent Texas business group face charges of taking illegal corporate money during the 2002 legislative campaigns. — DeLay, R-Texas, was not indicted …
Shakespeare's Sister

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, GUYS — Today is September 9, the first anniversary of "Rathergate." It was at 7:51 on the morning of Sept. 9, 2004, that Scott hit the "save" button on the original version of "The Sixty-First Minute," that discussed the 60 Minutes program on President Bush's National Guard service …

FREEDOM WALK DOG TAGS — The liberal blogosphere will be well represented at this weekend's Freedom Walk in Washington, DC in the form of the Reverend Mykeru. — Mykeru shared the excitement of his walker's gift package with me... The highlight? A set of cheap stamped metal toy dog tags...

Law profs opposed to John Roberts: show, don't tell — The letter signed by 160 law profs that urges the Senate to reject John Roberts as Chief Justice is here. I'm interested what people think the letter is really designed to achieve. It strikes me that the letter is a perfect example …

FORGOTTEN NATIONAL TRAGEDY: BILL CLINTON AND 1,000 DEATHS IN THE "CHICAGO HEAT WAVE" OF 1995 — Hillary Clinton has called for a "Katrina Commission." How come she never called for a commission to investigate why at least 1,000 Americans died in a 1995 heat wave when her husband was president?

Conservative Pundits Reluctant to Criticize Bush's Katrina Response — NEW YORK The Bush administration has received a torrent of bi-partisan criticism for its initial response to Hurricane Katrina. But most conservative columnists have continued to go fairly easy on George W. Bush during the past week, according to an E&P survey.