Top Items:

How Reliable Is Brown's Resume? — A TIME investigation reveals discrepancies in the FEMA chief's official biographies … When President Bush nominated Michael Brown to head the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in 2003, Brown's boss at the time, Joe Allbaugh, declared …

Leaders Lacking Disaster Experience — Five of eight top Federal Emergency Management Agency officials came to their posts with virtually no experience in handling disasters and now lead an agency whose ranks of seasoned crisis managers have thinned dramatically since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.

Political Issues Snarled Plans for Troop Aid — WASHINGTON, Sept. 8 - As New Orleans descended into chaos last week and Louisiana's governor asked for 40,000 soldiers, President Bush's senior advisers debated whether the president should speed the arrival of active-duty troops by seizing control …

Who Calls the Cavalry? — The Pentagon was prepared for Hurricane Katrina. — "When you fly over the Gulf, it looks like a WMD exploded," Assistant Secretary of Defense Paul McHale told me this week. "Katrina very nearly approached the operational requirements of a WMD event …

CIA leak probe may be nearing end game: lawyers — WASHINGTON (Reuters) - New York Times reporter Judith Miller, locked up for refusing to reveal who told her a covert CIA operative's name in a probe that may be nearing a conclusion, works part time at the jail laundry helping clean fellow inmates' green jumpsuits and dirty linens.

The Judy File: Is Miller Getting Ready to Sing? — This just in: Judy Miller's principled, absolute stand is crumbling. — Buried in the middle of this afternoon's Reuters story on Miller, her lawyer, Floyd Abrams, offers up a bombshell: Miller is looking for an out.

Bush lifts wage rules for Katrina — President signs executive order allowing contractors to pay below prevailing wage in affected areas. — WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Bush issued an executive order Thursday allowing federal contractors rebuilding in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina to pay below the prevailing wage.
Donklephant, Pam's House Blend, The Left Coaster, NewsHog, Shakespeare's Sister and The Mahablog

Major Garrett updates us on the Red Cross AND the Salvation Army being blocked from helping by Louisiana state officials — HH: Making an encore appearance, and we're very grateful for it, Major Garrett of Fox News Channel. Major, you certainly made waves yesterday. Perhaps the most reported story in America was yours.
Hugh Hewitt, Captain's Quarters,, Betsy's Page, The Political Teen and The American Mind

Tight Constraints on Pentagon's Freedom Walk — Event Remembering 9/11, Troops to Be Kept 'Sterile,' Limited to Preregistered — Organizers of the Pentagon's 9/11 memorial Freedom Walk on Sunday are taking extraordinary measures to control participation in the march and concert …

America Abroad — 42 Minutes of Shame — All of this time about where FEMA should be, whether it should or shouldn't be part of the Department of Homeland Security or an independent agency. Well, I just finished reading the confirmation hearings for Mike Brown's appointment to be Deputy Director of FEMA …

Oil for Food as Usual — The U.N.'s worst critics couldn't invent what the Volcker report shows. — "The scandal, quote, unquote, is, in my view, nonsense." Thus did Denis Halliday, a former United Nations Assistant Secretary General, opine in November 2004 on the U.N.'s Oil for Food program.

Ill wind may not blow to the Whitehouse — Newton Emerson is on great form in the Irish Times today. Since it deserves a much wider play on the Internet. I have permission from him to republish it on the net. … As the full horror of Hurricane Katrina sinks in, thousands of desperate columnists …
Hugh Hewitt

Leader Who Rose in 9/11 Slips in Wake of Storm — WASHINGTON, Sept. 8 - Nine days after the United States was attacked on Sept. 11, 2001, President Bush stood before a joint session of Congress and rallied the nation to a new mission. — On Thursday, nine days after it became apparent …

The Machine Stops — As Lake Ponchatrain's waters began to drown his city, New Orleans Mayor C. Ray Nagin had the colossal nerve to shout indignantly "Get off your asses, and let's do something" — and then continued doing nothing himself, but add to the deluge by bursting into tears.