Top Items:

U.S. drops banning media from body hunt — CNN filed suit for access to search for New Orleans' dead — HOUSTON, Texas (CNN) — Rather than fight a lawsuit by CNN, the federal government abandoned its effort Saturday to prevent the media from reporting on the recovery of the dead in New Orleans.

Death Toll of 10,000 Now Called Unlikely — NEW ORLEANS, Sept. 9 — City officials said Friday that the death toll from Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath may be far lower than originally feared, as troops and police shifted their attention from rescue of the living to recovery of those who died here in the past 11 days.
protein wisdom

CNN Petitions to Dig Up Hastily-Buried Flood Victims — (2005-09-10) — The Cable News Network (CNN), fresh from a legal triumph allowing it to televise the recovery of dead flood victims, today asked a federal judge to allow it to dig up and videotape any bodies buried in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.
Power Line

THE PRESS WANTS TO SHOW BODIES from Katrina. It didn't want …

FLIGHT 93 MEMORIAL: SEEING IS BELIEVING — Tons of you are stunned, outraged, and sickened by the new Flight 93 Memorial, the "Crescent of Embrace." I called the architect responsible for the redesign, Paul Murdoch of Los Angeles, yesterday for comment. He did not return my call …

WINGNUT OUTRAGE OVER FLIGHT 93 MEMORIAL — Let's build a memorial to the tragedy and heroism of 9/11's Flight 93 which crashed in a field in rural Shanksville in Western Pennsylvania! What a great idea! — A committee was formed of surviving 9/11 family members, people from the community and designers/architects.

Gore airlifts victims from New Orleans — Former vice president chartered two private aircraft — KNOXVILLE, Tennessee (AP) — Al Gore helped airlift some 270 Katrina evacuees on two private charters from New Orleans, acting at the urging of a doctor who saved the life of the former vice president's son.

A Barrier That Could Have Been — Congress OKd a project to protect New Orleans 40 years ago, but an environmentalist suit halted it. Some say it could have worked. — In the wake of Hurricane Betsy 40 years ago, Congress approved a massive hurricane barrier to protect New Orleans from storm surges that could inundate the city.

Embattled Brown Taken Off Katrina Duty — Federal Emergency Management Agency Director Michael Brown, the principal target of harsh criticism of the Bush administration's response to Hurricane Katrina, was relieved of his onsite command Friday. — He will be replaced by Coast Guard Vice …
Pen-Elayne on the Web

FEMA Director Brown relieved of hurricane responsibilities

Some GOP Legislators Hit Jarring Notes in Addressing Katrina — Some lawmakers are still struggling to find the sympathetic but diligent tone that a disaster such as Hurricane Katrina — and the lagging government response to its victims — would seem to call for.

Eye of the Political Storm — A new NEWSWEEK poll suggests President Bush could become Katrina's next casualty. — Sept. 10, 2005 - Hurricane Katrina claimed her first political casualty Friday. Michael Brown, the head of FEMA, the federal disaster readiness and response agency …

Gonzales Is Defended As Suitable for Court — Allies Call Attorney General a True Conservative — Supporters of Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales have launched a campaign to rebut criticism that he is not reliably conservative enough to serve on the Supreme Court …

What's Race Got To Do With It? — Are racial tensions and divides a part of the New Orleans story? One might think so. Here, for example, is a story from the UPI telling us that the suburban police blocked the bridge leading from New Orleans across the Mississippi River to Gretna.
The Washington Monthly

The Bed Wetting Right? A.K.A. "So I'm a RINO. So Sue Me." — Tony Snow on the reaction to Hurricane Katrina: … At the risk of being accused of being a candidate for Depends, let's review some basic facts: — The head of the National Guard has acknowledged that the deployment …

Iraq and Katrina — Remember when I said George Bush was pissing away the concervative moment by his mishandling of the Iraq war and its aftermath? I figured only the rabid Bush-haters on the left and paleo-right would make a connection between Iraq and Hurricane Katrina, so I decided to leave that meme to them.

Gay advocates plan to post names of anti-gay marriage petition signers — BOSTON —Two gay activists are promising to post on the Internet the names and addresses of anyone who signs a petition that could lead to a statewide ban on gay marriage. — The move by Thomas Lang and Alexander Westerhoff …

Two 'Tolerant' Homosexuals Try to Intimidate

MORE ON FEMA....Seth Borenstein and Shannon McCaffrey of Knight Ridder report on the personnel implosion at FEMA under the Bush administration: … I suspect the FEMA meltdown is only going to look worse and worse as reporters continue to investigate this. And for anyone who thinks FEMA …