
Political Web, page A1 … for 1:05 PM ET, September 10, 2005
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Top Items:

U.S. drops banning media from body hunt  —  CNN filed suit for access to search for New Orleans' dead  —  HOUSTON, Texas (CNN) — Rather than fight a lawsuit by CNN, the federal government abandoned its effort Saturday to prevent the media from reporting on the recovery of the dead in New Orleans.
Scott Ott / ScrappleFace:
CNN Petitions to Dig Up Hastily-Buried Flood Victims
Discussion: Power Line
Garrett / mediabistro:   CNN Sues To Cover Katrina Aftermath
Associated Press:
Gore airlifts victims from New Orleans  —  Former vice president chartered two private aircraft  —  KNOXVILLE, Tennessee (AP) — Al Gore helped airlift some 270 Katrina evacuees on two private charters from New Orleans, acting at the urging of a doctor who saved the life of the former vice president's son.
Associated Press:
Iraq hurt Katrina response, general says  —  Pentagon says it can handle both the disaster and Iraq war  —  BAY ST. LOUIS, Mississippi (AP) — The deployment of thousands of National Guard troops from Mississippi and Louisiana in Iraq when Hurricane Katrina struck hindered …
Steve Bainbridge /
The Bed Wetting Right? A.K.A. "So I'm a RINO. So Sue Me."
Discussion: Eschaton and
Steve Bainbridge /   Iraq and Katrina  —  Remember when I said George Bush …
Knight Ridder:
Brown is merely a symbol of the problems at FEMA, experts say  —  WASHINGTON - Federal Emergency Management Agency Director Michael Brown, who on Friday was sent back to Washington, is the poster boy for what's gone wrong with an agency once lauded for its lightning reflexes.
Discussion: Brendan Nyhan
FEMA director pulled from hurricane relief
Kevin Drum / The Washington Monthly:
MORE ON FEMA....Seth Borenstein and Shannon McCaffrey …
Discussion: War and Piece
Los Angeles Times:
A Barrier That Could Have Been  —  Congress OKd a project to protect New Orleans 40 years ago, but an environmentalist suit halted it.  Some say it could have worked.  —  In the wake of Hurricane Betsy 40 years ago, Congress approved a massive hurricane barrier to protect New Orleans from storm surges that could inundate the city.
Discussion: BrothersJudd Blog
Steve Bainbridge /
Who's Really to Blame for NOLA?
Jesus' General:   Charles Johnson saves America
Charles Babington / Washington Post:
Some GOP Legislators Hit Jarring Notes in Addressing Katrina  —  Some lawmakers are still struggling to find the sympathetic but diligent tone that a disaster such as Hurricane Katrina — and the lagging government response to its victims — would seem to call for.
Discussion: Hugh Hewitt, AMERICAblog and Daily Kos
Washington Post:
Gonzales Is Defended As Suitable for Court  —  Allies Call Attorney General a True Conservative  —  Supporters of Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales have launched a campaign to rebut criticism that he is not reliably conservative enough to serve on the Supreme Court …
Associated Press:
Gay advocates plan to post names of anti-gay marriage petition signers  —  BOSTON —Two gay activists are promising to post on the Internet the names and addresses of anyone who signs a petition that could lead to a statewide ban on gay marriage.  —  The move by Thomas Lang and Alexander Westerhoff …
La Shawn / La Shawn Barber's Corner:
Two 'Tolerant' Homosexuals Try to Intimidate
Discussion: Wizbang
James Wolcott:
FROM BLAME GAME TO NUMBERS GAME  —  The mayor of New Orleans predicted the death toll from Hurricane Katrina could reach 10,000.  Officials at the Disaster Mortuary Operational Response Team—DMORT, an apt acronym—guesstimated the death toll at 40,000.  Splitting the difference somewhat …
Discussion: The American Street
Associated Press:
Voluntary evacuations just about finished  —  Authorities say fewer bodies than expected found during sweep  —  NEW ORLEANS, Louisiana (AP) — Authorities said their systematic sweep of New Orleans to get voluntary evacuees out was nearly complete, and far fewer bodies than expected or feared were found during the operation.
Erin McClam /
Death Toll May Be Far Less Than Expected
Discussion: Vodkapundit and Shot In The Dark
Tony Carnes / Opinion Journal:
The Russians Are Coming  —  The newest Jewish immigrants vote Republican.  —  Pity Larry Lowenthal.  His job as executive director of the Boston branch of the American Jewish Committee (AJC) includes finding and training leaders from among the 700,000 Russian Jews who have immigrated to the U.S. in the last 30 years.
Trust Us  —  One thing is clear: federalizing everything into "FEMA" was a horrible idea.  When there was an Office of Civil Defense and LOCAL Civil Defense organizations coordinated through the Federal OCD, there were training exercises, many of the officials were volunteers who lived in the area …
Discussion: Michelle Malkin and PunditGuy
James Gerstenzang / Los Angeles Times:
Embattled FEMA Chief Removed From Hurricane Relief Efforts  —  WASHINGTON — Michael Brown, the embattled head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, was removed today from a direct role in running the relief and recovery efforts in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, Michael Chertoff …
Richard N. Haass / Slate:
Storm Warning  —  How the flood compromises U.S. foreign policy.  —  It has long been a tenet of American foreign policy that politics stop at the water's edge.  The tradition is that too much is at stake to allow partisan interests to take precedence over the national interest.
Discussion: Outside The Beltway
Will Lester / Associated Press:
In Poll, Most Say Abandon Flooded Areas  —  WASHINGTON (AP) — More than half the people in this country say the flooded areas of New Orleans lying below sea level should be abandoned and rebuilt on higher ground.  —  An AP-Ipsos poll found that 54 percent of Americans want the vast sections …
Discussion: One Hand Clapping and PrestoPundit

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More Items:

Howard Kurtz / Washington Post:
Standing in the Way Of a Good Story  —  When NBC anchor Brian Williams …
Jeff Goldstein / protein wisdom:
My third brief conversation with the Ghost of Louisiana "Kingfish" Huey Long (updated to excoriate the Corner's Rod Dreher)
Lara Jakes Jordan / San Diego Union-Tribune:
FEMA Director Brown relieved of hurricane responsibilities
Discussion: TalkLeft and Think Progress
John Amato / Crooks and Liars:
Mark Williams sinks to a new Low
John Hoellwarth /
Corps: Reports of Qaim capture are false
Jane Galt / Asymmetrical Information:
Myth "busting"  —  Hurricane Katrina seems to have triggered …
National Review:
Talking Their Way Out of the Scandal
Discussion: Roger L. Simon

Earlier Picks:

Richard A. Serrano / Los Angeles Times:
Detention of Enemy Combatant Upheld
Coast Guard admiral to lead relief effort
San Francisco Chronicle:
Police made their storm misery worse
Will / Attytood:
UPDATED: Philly radio host calls hurricane survivors "scumbags"
Discussion: Amygdala
Dave Astor / Editor and Publisher:
Conservative Pundits Reluctant to Criticize Bush's Katrina Response
Discussion: mediabistro
Hindrocket / Power Line:
Tung Yin / The Yin Blog:
Law profs opposed to John Roberts: show, don't tell
Associated Press:
Final base-closing report criticizes Pentagon
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