
Political Web, page A1 … for 10:10 AM ET, November 1, 2005
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Top Items:

New York Times:
After a Career of Quiet Focus, Alito Is Leaving the Background  —  WASHINGTON, Oct. 31 - One weekend in 1986, two young lawyers working for Samuel A. Alito Jr., then a deputy assistant attorney general in the Justice Department, faced a looming deadline for a legal analysis and realized they would have to work all night to get it done.
Charles Hurt / Washington Times:
Both parties prepared for 'Armageddon' fight  —  Senate Democrats and Republicans — along with interest groups both for and against Judge Samuel A. Alito Jr.'s Supreme Court nomination — fell into formation yesterday to begin the battle they've been expecting for more than a decade.
Christian Burset /
Alito '72 nominated for Supreme Court seat  —  Classmates describe judge as intelligent, reserved with dry sense of humor  —  Samuel Alito '72, an experienced appeals court judge and New Jersey native, was nominated this morning by President Bush to replace Sandra Day O'Connor as an associate justice on the Supreme Court.
Ann Althouse / New York Times:
Separated at the Bench  —  NO sooner did we learn that President Bush had chosen Samuel Alito to replace Justice Sandra Day O'Connor on the Supreme Court than commentators began blurting: "Scalito!"  Judge Alito, a man of stellar credentials and 15 years on the federal bench …
Discussion: PoliBlog
Charles Lane / Washington Post:
Alito Leans Right Where O'Connor Swung Left  —  In 1991, Judge Samuel A. Alito Jr. voted to uphold a Pennsylvania statute that would have required at least some married women to notify their husbands before getting an abortion; a year later, Justice Sandra Day O'Connor cast a decisive fifth vote at the Supreme Court to strike it down.
Jonathan H. Adler / Opinion Journal:
A Brilliant Judicial Mind
Discussion: Washington Post and PrestoPundit
Ron Fournier / Associated Press:
Bush Nominates Alito for Supreme Court
Discussion: Power Line and Patio Pundit
Linda Greenhouse / New York Times:
Abortion Case May Be Central in Confirmation
Discussion: Bark Bark Woof Woof
Charles Babington / Washington Post:
As Democrats Lead Opposition, GOP Moderates May Control Vote  —  Senate Democrats will lead the opposition to Samuel A. Alito Jr.'s Supreme Court nomination, but a handful of Republican moderates could ultimately decide its outcome, several analysts and lawmakers said yesterday.
Dahlia Lithwick / Slate:
Trick and Treat  —  Sammy Alito is the whole bag of goodies.
Time Reporter Says He Learned Agent's Identity From Rove  —  Matthew Cooper Says I. Lewis Libby Confirmed Information  —  Oct. 31 2005 — One of the reporters at the center of the investigation into the leak of the identity of an undercover CIA officer, says he first learned the agent's name …
Washington Post:
Trial Could Pit Libby's Interests Against Bush's  —  Vice President Cheney's former chief of staff, I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, is expected to plead not guilty to charges that he lied and obstructed justice in the CIA leak probe when he is arraigned Thursday, setting the stage for a possible courtroom fight …
Discussion: firedoglake and AMERICAblog
Krempasky /
Sliming Alito - and badly, at that.  —  Tim Chapman over at Townhall has the full text of the Democratic smear document on Alito.  —  Now, this is interesting - because even Tip O'Neil's flack (Chris Matthews) thinks it's not only bad politics - it's just offensive. … Well Chris, I agree.
ShadowTV Viewer  —  . it begins.  Wastey wait for that, more o n the nomination of samuel alito is chris matthews.  Of course, conservatives extremely happy.  >> Right.  >> Let's cut to the chase.  Do you think we'll see a filibuster?  >> I don't know.
Discussion: Confirm Them
Daily Kos:
Big-Time Postal Alert.  Cover Ears Now.  —  Nice.  Drudge et al are hyping the "racist" meme to defend Alito from attacks on his ultra-far-right philosophies. … Oh boy.  You've just stepped in it now, s**theads.  This one's personal — screw everything else written on this site …
David / Blue Mass. Group:
One liberal's positive view of Alito  —  Katherine (Kate) Pringle is a partner in a New York law firm.  She is also a progressive Democrat who was heavily involved in John Kerry's presidential campaign.  And after she graduated from law school in 1993, she spent a year working as a law clerk to Third Circuit Judge Samuel Alito, Jr.
Josh White / Washington Post:
Guantanamo Desperation Seen in Suicide Attempts  —  Jumah Dossari had to visit the restroom, so the detainee made a quick joke with his American lawyer before military police guards escorted him to a nearby cell with a toilet.  The U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba …
Hindrocket / Power Line:
HOW ABOUT THAT "STRIP SEARCH" DECISION?  —  Other than the Casey spousal notification case, the Samuel Alito opinion I've heard the most criticism of is his dissent in Doe v. Groody, where, it is said, Alito voted to authorize a strip search of a ten-year-old girl in the course of executing a search warrant.
Michelle Malkin:
UNHINGED: THE MUGSHOT COLLECTION  —  Today's the official launch date for my new book, Unhinged: Exposing Liberals Gone Wild:  —  I had fun with this one (wait 'til you see the back cover) and think you'll enjoy it—or, if you're on the other side of the aisle, you'll enjoy hating it.

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More Items:

Washington Post:
Comparisons to Scalia, But Also to Roberts
Discussion: How Appealing
Steven Greenhouse / New York Times:
Labor Dept. Is Rebuked Over Pact With Wal-Mart
The Nation:
DAVID CORN  —  Now that George Will, William Kristol, David Frum …
Warren Hoge / New York Times:
U.N. Tells Syria to Stop Impeding Slaying Inquiry
George F. Will / Washington Post:
Let the Great Debate Begin
Discussion: Nitpicker
Editor and Publisher:
CBS' Mary Mapes, in 'Vanity Fair,' Defends Role in 'RatherGate'
Washington Post:
Transcript: Sen. Specter Discusses Alito Nomination
L.Austin Bernard / Inside Larry's Head:
RINO SIGHTINGS: Trick or Treat edition

Earlier Picks:

Denise / Bag and Baggage:
Blawg Review #30  —  It's finally arrived: Howell-o-ween!
Opposition To Alito Swift From Gay Groups
Christopher Hitchens / Opinion Journal:
What Goes Around, Comes Around
Jeff Jarvis / BuzzMachine:
I don't wear PJs  —  I never fully understood what Pajamas Media wanted …
Discussion: Kesher Talk and Daily Kos
Terry / Nitpicker:
The Soul of Victor Davis Hanson
Amazing Recycling Factoid
San Diego Union-Tribune:
Q&A: James Webb; former Secretary of the Navy
Arianna Huffington / The Huffington Post:
The Times Gives Tim Russert a Big, Wet Kiss
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