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Mad About You — In the genteel club that is the United States Senate, Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-Tenn.) had a screaming temper tantrum yesterday. — Minutes after his Democratic counterpart, Harry Reid (Nev.), used a surprise parliamentary maneuver to throw the Senate into a rare closed session …

Harry Reid's Press Conference — Harry Reid responded to questions about the nature of his decision to shut down the Senate. He was obviously upset. — Video-WMP low res — Video-QT Bittorrent-QT — He explained that if he notified Bill Frist, then Frist could have shut down his attempt to have the many questions answered.

GOP Angered by Closed Senate Session — The U.S. Senate went into a rare closed session today after Democrats invoked a seldom used rule to back their demands for greater oversight by the Republican-controlled body, particularly on the Bush administration's use of intelligence in taking the country to war in Iraq.
The Left Coaster, Newsday, The Carpetbagger Report, Betsy's Page, New York Times, Power Line, The Moderate Voice, California Conservative, The Reaction, This Blog Is Full Of Crap, Taegan Goddard's …, Los Angeles Times, Pandagon, Hotline On Call, bRight & Early,, » Outside The Beltway, Don Surber, The Corner on National …, Bark Bark Woof Woof, TAPPED, The Political Teen, baldilocks, Confederate Yankee, Donkey Stomp, The Road To Surfdom, Stuck On Stupid and Middle Earth Journal

U.S. Senate Closed Session Yields Intelligence Accord (Update1)
The Washington Monthly

CIA Holds Terror Suspects in Secret Prisons — Debate Is Growing Within Agency About Legality and Morality of Overseas System Set Up After 9/11 — The CIA has been hiding and interrogating some of its most important al Qaeda captives at a Soviet-era compound in Eastern Europe …

Detainee Policy Sharply Divides Bush Officials — WASHINGTON, Nov. 1 - The Bush administration is embroiled in a sharp internal debate over whether a new set of Defense Department standards for handling terror suspects should adopt language from the Geneva Conventions prohibiting "cruel," …

President Pushover — Under other circumstances, President Bush's choice of Judge Samuel Alito for the Supreme Court would have been seen as a bold move by a strong president with a clear policy objective. By choosing a man of superior intellectual heft and an indelible record of conservative views …

Alito's Ratings Similar to Miers', Lower Than Roberts' — Majority says Supreme Court nominee should be rejected if opposed to Roe v. Wade — PRINCETON, NJ — Americans greet the nomination of Judge Samuel Alito to replace Sandra Day O'Connor on the Supreme Court with about the same degree …

Nominee's Reasoning Points to a Likely Vote Against Roe v. Wade — As far as anyone yet knows, Judge Samuel A. Alito Jr. has not made any public declaration calling for the overruling of Roe v. Wade , the 1973 Supreme Court decision that recognized a constitutional right to abortion.

Alito nomination to test 'Gang of 14' — Senate Republicans said yesterday they will use the "nuclear option" to ban judicial filibusters if Democrats try using the tactic to block the confirmation of Judge Samuel A. Alito Jr. to the Supreme Court. — "Certainly, this does not rise …

Victory: One Year Later — Sometimes, don't you just miss the old days? — Today marks one year from Election Day 2004. It was a long and suspenseful day. I ended up spending most of the day away from this blog and was in New Hampshire knocking on doors all morning and afternoon, and at an election party in the evening.

Chirac seeks to calm Paris riots — French President Jacques Chirac warned of a "dangerous situation" and called for calm after six nights of riots in suburbs in the north-east of Paris. — At least 15 cars were torched overnight in Aulnay-sous-Bois. Police fired rubber bullets and arrested 34 people.

Pentagon: Top al-Qaida Operative Escaped — FORT BLISS, Texas - A man once considered a top al-Qaida operative escaped from a U.S.-run detention facility in Afghanistan and cannot testify against the soldier who allegedly mistreated him, a defense lawyer involved in a prison abuse case said Tuesday.

The good news from Iraq is not fit to print — WHAT WAS the most important news out of Iraq last week? — That depends on what you consider ''important. " Do you see the war against radical Islam and Ba'athist fascism as the most urgent conflict of our time?

Plamegate's real liar — 'SCOOTER" LIBBY'S indictment was not exactly good news for the White House, but it could have been a lot worse. Feverish speculation had been building that Karl Rove would soon be "frog-marched out of the White House in handcuffs," as Valerie Plame's bombastic hubby, Joe Wilson, had hoped.

"OTHERS HAVE DIED FOR MY FREEDOM. NOW THIS IS MY MARK." — "OTHERS HAVE DIED FOR MY FREEDOM. NOW THIS IS MY MARK." — These are words you did not read in the New York Times. They are the words of the late Corporal Jeffrey B. Starr, whose letter to his girlfriend in case of death …