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Democrats Force Closed Meeting on Iraq — WASHINGTON - Democrats forced the Republican-controlled Senate into an unusual closed session Tuesday, questioning intelligence that President Bush used in the run-up to the war in Iraq and accusing Republicans of ignoring the issue.
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Senate Goes Into Rare Closed Session — WASHINGTON — The U.S. Senate prepared to go into closed session Tuesday after Democrats enacted a rare parliamentary rule forcing the shutdown of the chamber so senators could speak in a classified session about the lead-up to the war in Iraq.

RULE 21 CLOSED DOOR SENATE SESSION: Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid's Stock Moves Strongly Up — Senator Harry Reid, in a motion seconded by Senator Richard Durbin, just called for a very rare closed door executive session of the Senate. This motion is called "Rule 21" so that Senators can discuss "secret matters."
Crooks and Liars, The RCP Blog, AMERICAblog, The Corner on National …, Oliver Willis, War and Piece and Suburban Guerrilla

Holy s**t, put on CNN — UPDATE: Call Harry Reid's DC office and tell them their boss rocks. It's high time a Democrat showed some cojones. We need to support them when they do the right thing (and you know the Republicans are going to try to destroy Reid over this). — Reid's phone number:
Crooks and Liars

Democrats Force Senate Into Closed Session Over Iraq Data — WASHINGTON, Nov. 1 - Democrats invoked a rarely used rule today that sent the Senate into a two-hour closed session, infuriating Republicans but producing an agreement for a bipartisan look at whether the Republican leadership …

Reid takes Senate into closed session over Iraq intelligence — RAW STORY — The Senate's Democratic leader Harry Reid (D-NV) unexpectedly pulled the Senate into secret session Tuesday afternoon in order to have closed discussion of Iraq intelligence, RAW STORY has learned.

I'M BACK, BUT FOR A MOMENT — I think the Democratic move today …

I want to explain what's wrong with Alito's strip-search thing — There's been a lot of internet chatter about Alito's dissent, which would have permitted the strip search of a 10-year-old, in Doe v. Groody, 361 F.3d 232 (3d Cir. 2004). I want to explain why I, personally …

Judge Removed From DeLay's Criminal Case — AUSTIN, Texas - The judge in the conspiracy case against Republican Rep. Tom DeLay was removed at the congressman's request Tuesday because of his donations to Democratic candidates and causes. — A semi-retired judge who was called in to hear the dispute …

Filibuster Option Is in the Democrats' Arsenal — Senators say the 'Gang of 14,' a bipartisan group that helped avoid a showdown on judicial nominees in May, could decide Alito's fate. — WASHINGTON — Democrats began gearing up Monday for a high-stakes fight over federal appellate Judge Samuel …

Why Democrats won't want to oppose Samuel Alito — George W. Bush has nominated Judge Samuel Alito of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit to the Supreme Court. Judge Alito has a strong record academically and in government. He was U.S. attorney for New Jersey …
The RCP Blog, bRight & Early, Don Surber, Power Line,, QandO, Classical Values and The Volokh Conspiracy

Trent Lott: Get Rid-O-Rove — Trent Lott: Get Rid-O-Rove — Trent was on Hardball today and said: — TRENT LOTT: Well, the question is, that you asked, is he good for American politics? Look, he has been very successful, very effective in the political arena.

The coverup worked — NO ONE really noticed, but Patrick Fitzgerald made an unassailable point last week about the timing of the indictment that his CIA leak investigation has produced so far. — ''I would have wanted nothing better," he said, ''that when the subpoenas were issued in August of 2004 …

What the 'Shield' Covered Up — Has anyone noticed that the coverup worked?
firedoglake, TAPPED, The Huffington Post, Middle Earth Journal, Alternate Brain, Poynter Online, Roger Ailes, Daily Kos and First Draft

13 Arrested In Paris Suburb Riots — (AP) Youths torched cars, set garbage bins alight and threw stones at police in a fifth night of rioting in a Paris suburb, and set two primary school classrooms on fire as rioting spread to two other suburban towns, police and an official said Tuesday.

CIA Holds Terror Suspects in Secret Prisons — Debate Is Growing Within Agency About Legality and Morality of Overseas System Set Up After 9/11 — The CIA has been hiding and interrogating some of its most important al Qaeda captives at a Soviet-era compound in Eastern Europe …

Editorial: A nomination that will divide — In picking Appeals Court Judge Samuel Alito for the U.S. Supreme Court on Monday, President Bush gave his right flank what it wanted: a true-blue conservative. The question now is: Is Bush giving the country what it needs?