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Harry Reid's Press Conference — Harry Reid responded to questions about the nature of his decision to shut down the Senate. He was obviously upset. — Video-WMP low res — Video-QT Bittorrent-QT — He explained that if he notified Bill Frist, then Frist could have shut down his attempt to have the many questions answered.

GOP Angered by Closed Senate Session — The U.S. Senate went into a rare closed session today after Democrats invoked a seldom used rule to back their demands for greater oversight by the Republican-controlled body, particularly on the Bush administration's use of intelligence in taking the country to war in Iraq.
Betsy's Page, Los Angeles Times, Pandagon, Taegan Goddard's …, bRight & Early,, Don Surber, Bark Bark Woof Woof, Confederate Yankee, baldilocks, The Corner on National …, The Carpetbagger Report, The Political Teen, Fox News, Hotline On Call, The Road To Surfdom, AMERICAblog and Law Dork

Mad About You — In the genteel club that is the United States Senate, Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-Tenn.) had a screaming temper tantrum yesterday. — Minutes after his Democratic counterpart, Harry Reid (Nev.), used a surprise parliamentary maneuver to throw the Senate into a rare closed session …
skippy the bush kangaroo

Reid Wins, Frist Loses, and the American People Get Closer To Their Promised Answers

Harry Reid sparks a dramatic Senate standoff
Financial Times, Prairie Weather, The Left Coaster, Michelle Malkin, Donklephant and Sadly, No!

CIA Holds Terror Suspects in Secret Prisons — Debate Is Growing Within Agency About Legality and Morality of Overseas System Set Up After 9/11 — The CIA has been hiding and interrogating some of its most important al Qaeda captives at a Soviet-era compound in Eastern Europe …
The Heretik, The Next Hurrah, Balloon Juice,, PrawfsBlawg,, Balkinization, Donklephant and AMERICAblog

Detainee Policy Sharply Divides Bush Officials — WASHINGTON, Nov. 1 - The Bush administration is embroiled in a sharp internal debate over whether a new set of Defense Department standards for handling terror suspects should adopt language from the Geneva Conventions prohibiting "cruel," …
The Mahablog, Right Wing Nut House, THE BELGRAVIA DISPATCH, Balkinization and

Alito nomination to test 'Gang of 14' — Senate Republicans said yesterday they will use the "nuclear option" to ban judicial filibusters if Democrats try using the tactic to block the confirmation of Judge Samuel A. Alito Jr. to the Supreme Court. — "Certainly, this does not rise …

Filibuster Option Is in the Democrats' Arsenal — Senators say the 'Gang of 14,' a bipartisan group that helped avoid a showdown on judicial nominees in May, could decide Alito's fate. — WASHINGTON — Democrats began gearing up Monday for a high-stakes fight over federal appellate Judge Samuel …

Strip Search Sammy—the law behind the label — Why is Judge Alito known in some circles as "Strip Search Sammy"? It all goes back to 2003 and Alito's dissenting opinion in a case called Doe v. Groody. (.pdf) — Here's a very brief, non-technical synopsis.

Pentagon: Top al-Qaida Operative Escaped — FORT BLISS, Texas - A man once considered a top al-Qaida operative escaped from a U.S.-run detention facility in Afghanistan and cannot testify against the soldier who allegedly mistreated him, a defense lawyer involved in a prison abuse case said Tuesday.

President Pushover — Under other circumstances, President Bush's choice of Judge Samuel Alito for the Supreme Court would have been seen as a bold move by a strong president with a clear policy objective. By choosing a man of superior intellectual heft and an indelible record of conservative views …

Voters Dislike 3 of Governor's Ballot Measures — His initiatives on state spending, redistricting and unions are all in trouble, reflective of his declining popularity. A tenure issue is a tossup. — Californians likely to vote in the special election Tuesday oppose three …

What the hell is wrong with conservatives? — With all the bloviating we hear about moral values from conservatives on a regular basis, you'd think that maybe they'd make some vague attempt to actually live up to their rhetoric, but time after time, it's conservatives who prove to be the most corrupt …

King of Zembla

The good news from Iraq is not fit to print — WHAT WAS the most important news out of Iraq last week? — That depends on what you consider ''important. " Do you see the war against radical Islam and Ba'athist fascism as the most urgent conflict of our time?

Trent Lott: Get Rid-O-Rove — Trent Lott: Get Rid-O-Rove — Trent was on Hardball today and said: — TRENT LOTT: Well, the question is, that you asked, is he good for American politics? Look, he has been very successful, very effective in the political arena.

13 Arrested In Paris Suburb Riots — (AP) Youths torched cars, set garbage bins alight and threw stones at police in a fifth night of rioting in a Paris suburb, and set two primary school classrooms on fire as rioting spread to two other suburban towns, police and an official said Tuesday.