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Leaders fiddle as France burns — In pictures: Paris burns after week of rioting — France was struggling to overcome one of its gravest post-war crises last night as every major city faced the threat of fierce rioting that began 12 nights ago and now seems to have spun out of control.

French Authorize Curfews to Stop Violence — PARIS - France's Cabinet authorized curfews under a state-of-emergency law Tuesday in an extraordinary measure to halt the country's worst civil unrest in decades after violence raged for a 12th night. — Local officials "will be able …
Captain's Quarters, The Glittering Eye, Below The Beltway, Cheat Seeking Missiles and Public Eye

France Sets Curfews, Deploys 9,500 Cops
The Uncooperative Blogger, The Glittering Eye, Below The Beltway, Myopic Zeal, Dean's World and Viking Pundit

US forces 'used chemical weapons' during assault on city of Fallujah — Powerful new evidence emerged yesterday that the United States dropped massive quantities of white phosphorus on the Iraqi city of Fallujah during the attack on the city in November 2004, killing insurgents and civilians …

Italian Satellite TV to Broadcast Evidence of US Use of Chemical Weapons on Civilians — by paper tigress — Italian media going full-bore on the Bush Administration. After its revelations on the subterfuge behind the Nigergate forgeries, documentary evidence of the use by US troops …

This is Not A Good Man — Kevin Drum says: … I agree. It's finally coming into focus that every single one of this administration's so-called grown-ups are idiots. There were people who knew that the avuncular Dick Cheney was something of a nut, but nobody believed them.

There are an amazing number of French fingerprints all over the Plame-Wilson affair. While it is not easy to penetrate the dark fog of lies, there is a highly consistent pattern pointing to French government involvement with a Watergate-style assault on the American Presidency, fronted by Ambassador Joseph C. Wilson IV.
National Review, In the Bullpen, The Strata-Sphere, Barcepundit and Common Sense and Wonder

President Bush's Walkabout — After President Bush's disastrous visit to Latin America, it's unnerving to realize that his presidency still has more than three years to run. An administration with no agenda and no competence would be hard enough to live with on the domestic front.

Fires in France — THE RIOTS in France have provoked their own mini-storm of misinterpretation, outside the country and among some of the French. So it's worth noting what 12 days (so far) of car-burning, looting and occasional shooting in the poor suburbs of Paris, and now dozens of other towns, is not about.
Legal Fiction

The Real Problems With Urban Schools and Recruiters — November 7, 2005: The U.S. Department of Defense sees urban schools as ones of its biggest recruiting obstacles. Not because leftist teachers in some of those schools try to keep recruiters out, but because so many potential recruits …

Middle class filling up military, study says
Betsy's Page

Australia foils 'catastrophic' terrorist chemical attack — · 17 arrested in raids in Sydney and Melbourne — · Railway stations thought to be likely target — Australian authorities believe they have foiled a major terrorist attack after arresting 17 people in overnight raids …

Victor Davis Hanson on Muslim violence in France and Europe. — HH: I'm now joined by Victor Davis Hanson, military historian extraordinaire, and you can read him every Friday at National Review Online. Victor, good to have you back on the program. — VDH: Glad to be here, Hugh.

Early skirmish in the Eurabian civil war — According to its Office du Tourisme, the big event in Evreux this past weekend was supposed to be the annual fête de la pomme, du cidre et du fromage at the Place de la Mairie. Instead, in this charmingly smouldering cathedral town in Normandy …

Official Reveals Budget for U.S. Intelligence — WASHINGTON, Nov. 7 - In an apparent slip, a top American intelligence official has revealed at a public conference what has long been secret: the amount of money the United States spends on its spy agencies. — At an intelligence conference …

Nominee's missing thesis recovered — Alito '72 believes Roe v. Wade was wrongly decided, adviser says — Chanakya Sethi — The senior thesis of Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito '72, which along with some 300 others was lost during the 1970s, resurfaced Monday when Alito's thesis adviser provided a copy to the University.

Another lawyer in Saddam trial shot dead — He represented codefendant; second defense attorney wounded — BAGHDAD, Iraq - Gunmen on Tuesday opened fire on a car carrying two lawyers defending some of Saddam Hussein's co-defendants in a trial for crimes against humanity …

FBI called in on Hill — The FBI and Capitol Police are investigating the vicious attack of a top Senate staffer at her home last week amid concerns that the assault might be related to her work on the Finance Committee. — Emilia DiSanto, chief investigator for committee Chairman Chuck Grassley …
Talking Points Memo