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State of Emergency Declared in France — President Jacques Chirac declared a state of emergency Tuesday, paving the way for curfews to be imposed on riot-hit cities and towns in an extraordinary measure to halt France's worst civil unrest in decades after 12 nights of violence.

France Declares 12-Day State of Emergency to Curb Crisis — PARIS, Nov. 8 - France declared a 12-day state of emergency today in an attempt by the government to curb the worst civil disturbances in the country in nearly four decades. — The government of Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin used …

STILL LOST IN THE CLOUDS OF FRENCH TEAR-GAS — [***Welcome, Instapundit readers. BTW I'm not saying the reports of riots are exaggerated, simply that we need to be careful about reading too much into the accounts that have come in so far. At the moment there seems to be a complex mix of causes.

Paris is burning — Via Roger Simon, an incredible page …
Discussion:, Independent, protein wisdom, Point Five, Roger L. Simon, alicublog and GM's Corner

FRANCE'S INTIFADA — November 8, 2005 — FRANCE has cancer and insists it's just a rash.
The Corner on National …, QandO, Right Wing News, The Glittering Eye, Winds of Change.NET, Power Line and

GOP LEADERS TO LAUNCH NEW 'LEAK' PROBE; INFO TO WASH POST 'DAMAGED NATIONAL SECURITY' — Sources tell Drudge that early this afternoon House Speaker Hastert and Senate Majority Leader Frist will announce a bicameral investigation into the leak of classified information to the WASHINGTON POST regarding the …

Another Leak Probe? GOP Calls for Investigation into 'Wash Post' Scoop on CIA 'Black Sites' — NEW YORK Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist and House Speaker Dennis Hastert on Tuesday called for a congressional investigation into who told Washington Post reporter Dana Priest about previously undisclosed CIA interrogation centers.

US forces 'used chemical weapons' during assault on city of Fallujah — Powerful new evidence emerged yesterday that the United States dropped massive quantities of white phosphorus on the Iraqi city of Fallujah during the attack on the city in November 2004, killing insurgents and civilians …

President Bush's Walkabout — After President Bush's disastrous visit to Latin America, it's unnerving to realize that his presidency still has more than three years to run. An administration with no agenda and no competence would be hard enough to live with on the domestic front.

Becoming Part of Sherrod Brown Campaign Story — So a Sherrod Brown staffer used some lines from one of my blog posts. Who frigging cares? This is a ridiculous story from the Cleveland Plain Dealer: … This is the post Brown used to list the cases where Alito has attacked workers rights.

Republicans now trying to Swift Boat Ambassador Joe Wilson over Rove-Treason-Gate — Two GOP attack dogs (who are regular pundits on FOX and have been published by Regnery, the nutty GOP publishing arm) are now trying to spread a lie about Joe Wilson, saying he revealed to them in a casual conversation …

Dubya-Cheney ties frayed by scandal — 'There has been some distance for some time' — WASHINGTON - The CIA leak scandal has peeled back the veil on the most closely held White House secret of all: the subtle but unmistakable erosion in the bond between President Bush and Vice President Cheney.

Nominee's missing thesis recovered — Alito '72 believes Roe v. Wade was wrongly decided, adviser says — Chanakya Sethi — The senior thesis of Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito '72, which along with some 300 others was lost during the 1970s, resurfaced Monday when Alito's thesis adviser provided a copy to the University.

Army reaches low, fills ranks … WASHINGTON // The number of new recruits who scored at the bottom of the Army's aptitude test tripled last month, Pentagon officials said, helping the nation's largest armed service meet its October recruiting goal but raising concerns about the quality of the force.
Comments From Left Field

MDforDirtyPolitics... Earlier this year a mysterious source turned over some e-mails to a Washington Post reporter. The e-mails seemed to indicate that a man with ties to the Republican governor of Maryland, Robert Ehrlich, was spreading rumors about the governor's chief political rival on

Fox News Is Accused in Bias Suit — The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission filed a federal lawsuit yesterday against the Fox News network, claiming it harassed and discriminated against its female employees, creating a "hostile work environment because of their sex."

Sleeping With the Enemy: Chalabi's Sordid History — "I can't substantiate [Chalabi's] claims. He makes new ones every year." — Colin Powell, 6/12/03 — Today, Ahmed Chalabi arrives in the United States. The Guardian reports: … Here's a short rap sheet on the man …
Talking Points Memo