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A Triumph For Warner, And a Guide For His Party — Virginia's quadrennial search for a governor featured neither charismatic personalities nor dominant policy initiatives. But Democrat Timothy M. Kaine's resounding victory over Republican Jerry W. Kilgore nonetheless provided important political lessons …

FAITH INDEED....The post-mortems of yesterday's elections will continue …

A Bad Night For GOP As Voters Send Angry Message
Boi From Troy, Blogs for Bush, The American Street, GOP Bloggers and Cheat Seeking Missiles

Voters Reject Schwarzenegger's Bid to Remake State Government — The governor's four ballot proposals, the foundation of his sweeping plans for change in Sacramento, are halted at the polls. — In a sharp repudiation of Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, Californians rejected all four …
New York Times, Angry Bear, PrestoPundit, QandO, The Blogging of the President, Donklephant, Talking Points Memo, Democracy Project, Wonkette, Hullabaloo, Blogs, Taegan Goddard's …, PoliBlog, Lawyers, Guns and Money,,, Wonkette,, Decision '08, The Blogging of the President, and Shakespeare's Sister

Who Is Lying About Iraq? — Among the many distortions, misrepresentations, and outright falsifications that have emerged from the debate over Iraq, one in particular stands out above all others. This is the charge that George W. Bush misled us into an immoral and/or unnecessary war in Iraq …
TAPPED, The Washington Monthly, Power Line, Cold Fury, Dr. Sanity,, Neptunus Lex, TigerHawk and Tinkerty Tonk

Evolution Slate Outpolls Rivals — All eight members up for re-election to the Pennsylvania school board that had been sued for introducing the teaching of intelligent design as an alternative to evolution in biology class were swept out of office yesterday by a slate of challengers who campaigned against the intelligent design policy.

Classified Report Warned on C.I.A.'s Tactics in Interrogation — WASHINGTON, Nov. 8 - A classified report issued last year by the Central Intelligence Agency's inspector general warned that interrogation procedures approved by the C.I.A. after the Sept. 11 attacks might violate some provisions …

GOP Leaders Urge Probe in Prisons Leak — Congress's top Republican leaders yesterday demanded an immediate joint House and Senate investigation into the disclosure of classified information to The Washington Post that detailed a web of secret prisons being used to house and interrogate terrorism suspects.
Think Progress, LiberalOasis, Patridiot Watch,, The Left Coaster, Wonkette and Poynter Online

San Francisco Voters Approve Handgun Ban — SAN FRANCISCO - Voters approved ballot measures to ban handguns in San Francisco and urge the city's public high schools and college campuses to keep out military recruiters. — The gun ban prohibits the manufacture and sale of all firearms …
Discussion:, California Conservative, BLACKFIVE, Democracy Project, aaron | aaron,, Ed and Stuck On Stupid

SF Voters Pass Gun Ban; Oust Military Recruiters
The Corner on National …, alicublog, Patterico's Pontifications, Balloon Juice, Argghhh! and Daily Pundit

Texas Voters Approve Ban on Gay Marriage
Clayton Cramer's BLOG

Times and Reporter Reach Agreement on Her Departure — The New York Times and Judith Miller, a veteran reporter for the paper, reached an agreement today that ends her 28-year career at the newspaper and caps more than two weeks of negotiations. — Ms. Miller went to jail this summer rather …

I Spy With My Little Eye . . . . . . something beginning with the letter S. (Answer: Sloppy spooks.) — "And they [CIA employees] have to expect that when they do their jobs, that information about whether or not they are affiliated with the CIA will be protected. …

Explosions rock Jordan hotels — At least 18 killed, 120 injured; blasts said to have earmarks of al-Qaida — AMMAN, Jordan - Suicide bombers on Wednesday attacked three hotels frequented by Westerners, and at least 18 people were killed and 120 wounded, police said.

Why Immigrants Don't Riot Here — France's rigid economic system sustains privilege and inspires resentment. — The French political response to the continuing riots has focused most on the need for more multicultural "understanding" of, and public spending on, the disenchanted mass in the country's grim banlieues (suburbs).
Discussion:, The Moderate Voice,, Mister Snitch! and Dissecting Leftism

Blair defeated over terror laws — Tony Blair says his authority is intact despite suffering his first House of Commons defeat as prime minister — He said he hoped MPs "do not rue the day" they rejected his call to allow police to detain terror suspects for up to 90 days without charging them.

Reminder of French Lectures to the U.S. — It is, of course, unseemly, and even arguably disturbed, to take pleasure in another country's riots. — Nonetheless, it is worth reminding ourserlves of the pious, pompous, condescending lectures about social order, racial and economic inequalities …

Drawing the line in the sand — By Sen. Bill Frist (R-Tenn.), majority leader of the U.S. Senate — Last week's absurd, unwarranted and disingenuous call for a closed session of the United States Senate sent me a clear message: Many Democrats have decided to mock the Senate's rules in the name of partisan advantage.