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A big victory in The War On Terror — And an information victory at that. Today Jordan put a captured "would be suicide terrorist" on tv. (Link is to an AP report.) — Why is this a victory? Because the harsh evil of Al Qaeda is front and center in Sunni Arab media.

Amman Bombings Reflect Zarqawi's Growing Reach — BERLIN, Nov. 12 — Triple suicide bombings in Jordan this week marked a breakthrough for Islamic guerrilla leader Abu Musab Zarqawi in his efforts to expand the Iraqi insurgency into a regional conflict and demonstrated his growing independence …

Iraqi Woman Confesses on Jordan TV
Secular Blasphemy, A Blog For All, In the Bullpen, Media Lies, Roger L. Simon, CNN, Stop The ACLU and Clarity & Resolve

Transcript for November 13 — Guests: His Majesty King Abdullah II, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan; — Ken Mehlman, Chairman, Republican National Committee; and — Howard Dean, Chairman, Democratic National Committee — MR. TIM RUSSERT: Our issues this Sunday: the Democrats win governorships in Virginia and New Jersey.

HOWARD THE DUCK: DEAN DODGES NBC APPEARANCE WITH REPUBLICAN — Dem Chair Dean Ducks Last Second Joint MEET THE PRESS Appearance With GOP Chair Mehlman — The DRUDGE REPORT has learned from exclusive sources that Democrat Party Chair Howard Dean turned down Republican Party Chair Ken Mehlman's …

Anti-Christian rampage by 2,000 India Muslims — Organized vandals in buses burn churches, convent, schools, homes of pastors, priests — They came in buses to the small village of Sangla Hill in the Nankana district of Punjab in India. — Some 2,000 organized Muslims first vandalized three churches …

An Opening for Democrats, However Slim — ACROSS the political landscape, there are signs the nation may be headed toward a sweeping anti-incumbent election next year. The Republican Congressional majority is staggering from one setback to another, the voters seem uneasy about problems …

Cold Water, But Not Enough — The NY Times tackles the question of whether the Democrats can realistically hope to re-capture the House in 2006. They are not hopeful: … They eventually get to some numbers sure to spread gloom across Team Reality:

SO, AT THE GYM they were for some reason running Face the Nation this morning where they usually show CNN or FoxNews. But that means I caught this very interesting statement from John McCain: … I think the "Bush lied us into war" meme is in trouble, and the GOP pushback seems to be a general effort, not a one-off.
Captain's Quarters, Power Line, Transterrestrial Musings, Althouse, The Truth Laid Bear, Decision '08 and Dean's World

NOT READY FOR PRIME TIME — Democratic Senator Jay Rockefeller, that is.
Captain's Quarters

1,100 Lawyers Leave Saddam Defense Team — AMMAN, Jordan (AP) - Some 1,100 Iraqi lawyers have withdrawn from Saddam Hussein's defense team, citing insufficient protection following the slayings of two peers representing co-defendants of the ousted Iraqi leader.

CIA allegedly hid evidence of detainee torture - report — WASHINGTON (AFX) - CIA interrogators apparently tried to cover up the death of an Iraqi 'ghost detainee' who died while being interrogated at Abu Ghraib prison, Time magazine reported today, after obtaining hundreds of pages of documents …

Bush Justice Department Ignores Civil And Voting Rights Cases — This is your Bush Justice Department at work, five years along now, ignoring votings rights and race, age, and sex discrimination cases against employers in favor of directing its Civil Rights Division staff towards deportation cases.

DECLARATION OF WAR....On Friday, George Bush said that, based on the intelligence known at the time, "more than a hundred Democrats in the House and the Senate...voted to support removing Saddam Hussein from power." In tomorrow's Washington Post, one of those Democrats, John Edwards, says this:
NewsHog, Rantingprofs, Taegan Goddard's …, The Original Blog, Donklephant and

EC declared us mad so it could sack us, claim staff — The European Commission has been accused of trying to have troublesome staff declared mentally ill in order to provide an excuse for giving them the sack. — Critics claim that the commission has resorted to tactics "worthy of the KGB" …

More Frivolity: Now With Human Mops! — (Eighth in a series arguing against the Graham Amendment/for the Bingaman Amendment regarding habeas corpus at Guantanamo Bay. If you agree, please call your senators, and ask them to vote for Jeff Bingaman's S. AMDT 2517 to bill S. 1042.

Sen. Roberts Questions Bush Claim That Congress Saw "Same Intelligence" On Iraq — On Friday, President Bush claimed that members of Congress who voted for the 2002 Iraq war resolution "had access to the same intelligence" as his administration. ThinkProgress has published information debunking that claim.

Does Yale Law School Owe Anything to Alito? — A New York Times article queries whether Yale Law School has been institutionally too harsh to its former professors and alumni who are nominated to the U.S. Supreme Court. Robert Bork was a former Yale Law School faculty member and Justice Thomas was a Yale Law School alumni.

WHO CARES WHAT WE THINK? — Dan Solove and Tim Johnson discuss …
The Volokh Conspiracy

Jeb Bush leaves open White House bid — BERLIN (Reuters) - Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, the brother of U.S. President George W. Bush, ruled out running for president in 2008 but left open the possibility of a subsequent bid in an interview with a German magazine published on Sunday.

Five questions non-Muslims would like answered — By Dennis Prager, Dennis Prager's nationally syndicated radio show is heard daily in Los Angeles on KRLA-AM (870). He may be contacted through his website: — THE RIOTING IN France by primarily Muslim youths …