
Political Web, page A1 … for 8:25 AM ET, November 14, 2005
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Top Items:

Captain Ed / Captain's Quarters:
The Counter-Offensive Turns Into A Team Sport  —  The pushback against the ridiculous "Bush lied!" campaign taken up by Democrats in 2005 after they lost an entire electoral cycle on it in 2004 has broadened out past the White House to even the President's fair-weather friends in the GOP.
Captain Ed / Captain's Quarters:
Jay's Bogus Journey?  —  A number of CQ readers caught something significant that I missed earlier in the quote from Jay Rockefeller.  In trying to attack George Bush and fend off Chris Wallace, Rockefeller tells Wallace that he went out to Arab leaders to conduct his own foreign policy:
Discussion: JustOneMinute and Myopic Zeal
Hindrocket / Power Line:   NOT READY FOR PRIME TIME  —  Democratic Senator Jay Rockefeller, that is.
Transcript for November 13  —  Guests: His Majesty King Abdullah II, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan;  —  Ken Mehlman, Chairman, Republican National Committee; and  —  Howard Dean, Chairman, Democratic National Committee  —  MR. TIM RUSSERT: Our issues this Sunday: the Democrats win governorships in Virginia and New Jersey.
Sweetness & Light:
Tim Russert, Democrat Shill  —  We realize Tim Russert only got his job at NBC because of Russert's then boss Senator Patrick Moynihan's friendship with the then head of NBC News.  But Russert regularly goes beyond the call of duty to his DNC overlords.  —  Behold this lead into a question …
Discussion: JustOneMinute and OxBlog
Jamal Halaby / Associated Press:
Iraqi Woman Admits on TV to Jordan Attack  —  An Iraqi woman confessed on Jordanian state television Sunday that she tried to blow herself up along with her husband during a hotel wedding reception last week, saying that the explosives concealed under her denim dress failed to detonate.
Discussion: Tinkerty Tonk
Agence France Presse:
White House declines to totally rule out torture  —  WASHINGTON (AFP) - In an important clarification of President George W. Bush's earlier statement, a top White House official refused to unequivocally rule out the use of torture, arguing the US administration was duty-bound to protect Americans from terrorist attack.
Pam Spaulding / Pandagon:
Discussion: The Road To Surfdom
Los Angeles Times:
Five questions non-Muslims would like answered  —  By Dennis Prager, Dennis Prager's nationally syndicated radio show is heard daily in Los Angeles on KRLA-AM (870).  He may be contacted through his website:  —  THE RIOTING IN France by primarily Muslim youths …
Mark Bowden / Opinion Journal:
Always Another Way?  —  Sometimes cruelty and coercion are necessary in dealing with enemy prisoners.  —  The thorny issue of torture paid a visit recently to Mackenzie Allen (Geena Davis), television's newest president of the United States.  A terrorist plot to attack elementary schools …
Bill Sammon / Washington Times:
Alito rejected abortion as a right  —  Judge Samuel A. Alito Jr., President Bush's Supreme Court nominee, wrote that "the Constitution does not protect a right to an abortion" in a 1985 document obtained by The Washington Times.  —  "I personally believe very strongly" in this legal position …
Howard Kurtz / Washington Post:
CIA Article Sidebar: A Story of Deja Vu  —  Dana Priest, and her newspaper, are being hit from both sides.  —  Some conservatives are furious over her Washington Post story this month disclosing that the CIA has been hiding and interrogating terror suspects at secret prisons in Eastern Europe.
Anti-Christian rampage by 2,000 India Muslims  —  Organized vandals in buses burn churches, convent, schools, homes of pastors, priests  —  They came in buses to the small village of Sangla Hill in the Nankana district of Punjab in India.  —  Some 2,000 organized Muslims first vandalized three churches …
Andrew /
THE DISH RE-LOADED:  —  I'm glad to say that in the near future, this blog will have a new home.  We're moving to's home-page and will be hosted by their server.  My invaluable business partner, Robert, who has managed all the technical and financial aspects of running a blog …
Discussion: Talking Points Memo and Peaktalk
Douglass K. Daniel / Associated Press:
Bush Didn't Mislead on War, Adviser Says  —  WASHINGTON - While admitting "we were wrong" about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction, President Bush's national security adviser on Sunday rejected assertions that the president manipulated intelligence and misled the American people.
New York Times:
Doing Unto Others as They Did Unto Us  —  Washington — How did American interrogation tactics after 9/11 come to include abuse rising to the level of torture?  Much has been said about the illegality of these tactics, but the strategic error that led to their adoption has been overlooked.
Discussion: Once Upon a Time
Gateway Pundit:
Days 17 & 18: Violence Spreads in Europe  —  VIOLENCE BREAKS OUT IN FRANCE, BELGIUM, GREECE, GERMANY & THE NETHERLANDS,  —  Last night- A nursery school was torched by youths in the southern French town of Carpentras, and a burning car was pushed up to an old people's home, which caused panic among residents.
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette:
Jack Kelly: Liberal illusions in flames  —  The riots in France put the apologist industry into overtime  —  It's harder to ignore the elephant in the living room when the elephant is setting fire to it.  —  The elephant in France — whose name begins with the dreaded M-word journalists dare …
Discussion: Captain's Quarters

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More Items:

Michelle Singletary / Washington Post:
Debunking Cosby on Blacks
Strategic overview: Annotating and updating Den Beste
David D. Kirkpatrick / New York Times:
Liberal Coalition Is Making Plans to Take Fight Beyond Abortion
Mindy Belz /
Suburban warriors  —  COVER STORY: Sleepless nights …
Discussion: Peaktalk
Denver Post:
Justice detained at Guantanamo
Suzanne Fields /
The love song of Maureen Dowd
Alan Ehrenhalt / New York Times:
A Tent Divided  —  ONE thing we used to know for sure …

Earlier Picks:

The Big Trunk / Power Line:
RELIABLE SOURCES?  —  There must be some kind of karmic irony involved …
Ken McCracken /
Pundit Roundtable  —  Hi folks, and welcome back to PUNDIT ROUNDTABLE.
Discussion: Decision '08
Mustang Bobby / Bark Bark Woof Woof:
No Google Bomb Here  —  Bryan over at Why Now? is rightfully deploring …
Matt Stoller / MyDD:
The Future of Blogs and Campaigns
Anne Gearan / Associated Press:
Saudis Pledge $1 Billion to Rebuild Iraq
Steve Soto / The Left Coaster:
Bush Justice Department Ignores Civil And Voting Rights Cases
Neil A. Lewis / New York Times:
Guantánamo Tour Focuses on Medical Ethics
Jamal Halaby / Associated Press:
1,100 Lawyers Leave Saddam Defense Team
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