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(Updated) Hostage Video Released, Hostages Identified (Images/Video) — **Jawa Report Exclusive** — ***The Jawa Report releases names of four Western hostages. A hostage video has been released of the four Western peace activists taken hostage in Iraq. The Jawa Report has obtained a copy of the video.
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Video shows four Iraq captives — Aljazeera has aired a videotape showing four peace activists who were captured in Iraq by a previously unknown group. — The group, calling itself the Swords of Righteousness Brigade. said the four were spies working undercover as Christian peace activists.

John McCain: Torture Worked on Me — Sen. John McCain is leading the charge against so-called "torture" techniques allegedly used by U.S. interrogators, insisting that practices like sleep deprivation and withholding medical attention are not only brutal - they simply don't work …

John Fund has a blockbuster of a story on several levels. Apparently, Harry Reid has leaked classified information to the press. … This is a scandal! If senators can't be trusted with top secret information, they won't be able to perform their Constitutional obligations to oversight of the Executive branch.

In Case You Missed It: Senator Sieve — From Opinion Journal's Political Diary — Is Senator Harry Reid all that swift when it comes to U.S. Intelligence matters? Last Wednesday, the Minority Leader appeared on KRNV-TV's "Nevada Newsmakers" program and dropped a stunning revelation.

A one-stop shop for the 'best' blogs — By gathering an elite group of widely read bloggers, a young media company hopes to make them more attractive to advertisers. — If a single thought-provoking weblog can find a large audience, might 70 or more linked together start a revolution?

Bush, Rumsfeld: Iraq strategy is working — Both say troop withdrawal would be a mistake — President Bush said Tuesday that "it would be a terrible mistake" to pull U.S. forces out of Iraq and that politics should not play any part in a decision about withdrawal.
The Left Coaster, The Heretik, The Democratic Daily Blog, Angry Bear, Mathew Gross, Oliver Willis and AMERICAblog

Hillary Clinton Defends Pro-War Vote — WASHINGTON - Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton on Tuesday defended her vote to authorize war in Iraq amid growing unease among liberal Democrats who could determine the potential 2008 presidential candidate's future. — "I take responsibility for my vote …

Iran: President Says Light Surrounded Him During UN Speech — Iranian President Mahmud Ahmadinejad says that when he delivered his speech at the UN General Assembly in September, he felt there was a light around him and that the attention of the world leaders in the audience was unblinkingly focused upon him.

Cheney accused on prisoner abuse — A top aide to former Secretary of State Colin Powell has launched a stinging attack on US Vice-President Dick Cheney over abuse of prisoners by US troops. — Col Lawrence Wilkerson accused Mr Cheney of ignoring a decision by President Bush on the treatment of prisoners in the war on terror.

Best of the Web — Mistaken Identity — Yesterday we got an e-mail from an old friend who is a captain in the U.S. Army. He writes: … Here's the scene to which our friend refers: — "A hundred and fifty thousand American men and women are stuck in Iraq," according to the narration that accompanies this scene.

U.S. Lacks Plan to Curb Terror Funds, Agency Says — WASHINGTON, Nov. 28 - The government's efforts to help foreign nations cut off the supply of money to terrorists, a critical goal for the Bush administration, have been stymied by infighting among American agencies, leadership problems …

Ban on men sitting next to children — Air New Zealand and Qantas have banned men from sitting next to unaccompanied children on flights, sparking accusations of discrimination. — The airlines have come under fire for the policy that critics say is political correctness gone mad …

The Lebanese/Israeli Border — As promised yesterday, here are my photos of the Lebanese-Israeli border — a renewed hot zone in the Arab-Isareli conflict. If you want more complete descriptions of what's going on in this region and what some of these pictures are all about, read yesterday's article No Peace Without Syria.
Tech Central Station

Not-so-Petty cash to rock bat mitzvah — History will forever record Elizabeth Brooks' bat mitzvah as "Mitzvahpalooza." — For his daughter's coming-of-age celebration last weekend, multimillionaire Long Island defense contractor David H. Brooks booked two floors of the Rainbow Room …

Bush Renews Push to Overhaul Immigration — TUCSON, Nov. 28 - President Bush kicked off a new effort on Monday to unite Republicans behind an overhaul of immigration laws. He emphasized the need to choke off the flow of illegal immigrants while trying to address conservatives' concerns …