Top Items:

Justice Dept. Probing Domestic Spying Leak — WASHINGTON - The Justice Department has opened an investigation into the leak of classified information about President Bush's secret domestic spying program, Justice officials said Friday. — The officials, who requested anonymity …
Captain's Quarters, TAPPED, IntoxiNation-News …, PunditGuy, NewsHog, BLACKFIVE, Right Wing Nut House, Concurring Opinions, ShrinkWrapped, Democrat Taylor Marsh …, The Washington Monthly, Concurring Opinions,, PrawfsBlawg, Shakespeare's Sister, The Carpetbagger Report, Hullabaloo, WTF Is It Now?? and Blogs for Bush

FINALLY: JUSTICE DEPT. OPENS NSA LEAK PROBE — ***scroll for updates...leaks leading to both NYTimes' NSA story and WashPost secret CIA prison story are under investigation...*** — It's about time. Via Breitbart/AP: … Fox News reporting that the White House is expected to comment on the probe.

Justice Dept. Opens Inquiry Into Leak of Domestic Spying — WASHINGTON, Dec. 30 - The Justice Department said today that it had opened a criminal investigation into the disclosure of classified information about a secret National Security Agency program under which President Bush authorized eavesdropping …
The Moderate Voice

Justice Dept. to probe leak of spy program — Bush had called disclosure a 'shameful act'; NY Times reported NSA story — WASHINGTON - The Justice Department has launched an investigation to see who disclosed details about a secret domestic eavesdropping operation, department officials said Friday.

Fla. Boy Coming Home After Iraq Adventure — BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) — A 16-year-old from Florida who traveled to Iraq on his own without telling his parents was put on a flight home Friday, the U.S. Embassy said, while warning Americans of the dangers of undertaking similar journeys.

Leap Second Lovers are Traitors Says Bill O'Reilly — "This year's leap second is an assault on the American public," says commentator Bill O'Reilly. "The reason the leap second is even being proposed is because of America Haters, because of Iraqi hate mongers, and let's be honest, Shiites.
Shakespeare's Sister

Bill on Illegal-Immigrant Aid Draws Fire — WASHINGTON, Dec. 29 - Churches, social service agencies and immigration groups across the country are rallying against a provision in the recently passed House border-security bill that would make it a federal crime to offer services or assistance to illegal immigrants.

Islamic Jihad claims Thursday's West Bank suicide bombing — The Islamic Jihad militant group claimed responsibility Friday for a suicide bombing in the West Bank that killed one soldier and two other Palestinians. — Islamic Jihad activists in the West Bank village of Atil, near Tul Karm …
The Volokh Conspiracy

Report: Trump Weighs Run for N.Y. Governor — ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) - Donald Trump is considering running for governor, a leading Republican said Friday. — Senate Majority Leader Joseph Bruno on Thursday suggested that a big-name candidate could be flirting with entering the 2006 contest.

Confidential British memos show how information procured by torture in Uzbekistan is being used by US and UK, in violation of international law — Markos has the story, and I'm repeating the gist of it here to help get it out there. Feel free to copy and past this entire post on your blog.

The case for surveillance — PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH has acknowledged that he authorized surveillance of electronic communications between people in the United States and people beyond our borders without asking for court authorization. The president claims that congressional authorization …
The Strata-Sphere

Media Blackout on Iraqi Body Counts — This is startling news! It is a shame the media is not reporting it! — Iraq has seen a very dramatic decrease in the number of civilian casualties this past year! — (click on picture to enlarge) — In fact if you take out that horrible …

Look What's Slipped in the Middle — I'm too far behind on most of the issues raised in Dana Priest's summary article on CIA programs post 9/11 to comment on them in a particularly thoughtful way, (although I'm sure the rest of the blogosphere will be all a-buzz today) but one thing raises big alarm bells for me.

Democrats Try To Block Kavanaugh Bid — WASHINGTON — With so much attention focused on Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito, President Bush's lower-court nominees have drawn relatively little notice in recent months. But a quiet maneuver last week by Senate Democrats aimed at blocking …
Power Line

Pack of Angry Chihuahuas Attack Officer — FREMONT, California - A pack of angry Chihuahuas attacked a police officer who was escorting a teenager home following a traffic stop, authorities said. The officer suffered minor injuries including bites to his ankle on Thursday …

Prayers Needed For FM — Got some bad news today on the transplant front. The biopsy came back from the hospital, and the tissue shows a polyoma virus infection of the transplanted kidney, which has led to the lessened kidney function that we have seen the past few weeks.

'Devilish' Jeans a Hot Seller in Sweden — STOCKHOLM, Sweden - A punk-rock style, trendy tight fit and affordable price have made Cheap Monday jeans a hot commodity among young Swedes, but what has people talking is the brand's ungodly logo: a skull with a cross turned upside down on its forehead.