Top Items:

Disgraced Congressman 'Wore a Wire' — Sources tell TIME that Duke Cunningham wore a wire after agreeing to cooperate with a graft probe — Washington's power players have always bragged about being well-wired, but for disgraced former congressman Duke Cunningham, "wired" wasn't just a figure of speech.

THE TIMES AND THE LAW — Since the New York Times published the Risen/Lichtblau NSA story on December 16, we have cited the federal law that makes the disclosures on which the story is based a crime. The federal law is 18 U.S.C. § 798, a law that precisely prohibits leaks of the type …

THE CHRISTIANE AMANPOUR "SPYING" BROUHAHA — Okay, here's the deal: Liberal blogs are buzzing over NBC correspondent Andrea Mitchell's interview with NYTimes reporter James Risen, which was posted at Acording to left-wing Americablog, a transcript of the original interview …

CNN covers Amanpour spy story
The Hotline's Blogometer, TAPPED, The Indepundit, Factesque, War and Piece and Alternate Brain

What Sharon Did — The Bulldozer's long, brutal career ended better than anyone expected. — On the day after Ariel Sharon's massive stroke, it's not difficult to remember a time when the news of his demise would have been, not to be too callous about it, something that would have been welcomed …
Austin Bay Blog, Kesher Talk, Decision '08,, Boker tov, Boulder!, Legal Fiction and Air America Radio

A Calamity for Israel — The stroke suffered by Israeli Prime …
CNN, Haaretz, New York Times, TAPPED,, Gates of Vienna, Donklephant, Vodkapundit, Oliver Kamm, The Political Pit Bull and Betsy's Page

Murtha Fears a Withdrawal that "Makes It Look Like There's a Victory" — Representative John Murtha, the Pennsylvania Democrat who has come to national prominence since his call for a quick withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq, said Thursday night that he worries about "a slow withdrawal which makes it look like there's a victory."

Murtha Denies Causing Recruitment Woes — WASHINGTON - Rep. John Murtha (news, bio, voting record) says the military is blaming him for a recruitment slump instead of recognizing mistakes that have led to an enlistment shortage. — "They're trying to direct attention away from their problems …

Iraq Facing Hurdles, U.S. General Warns — CAMP VICTORY, Iraq, Jan. 4 - The top American operational commander in Iraq has offered a sober assessment of the hurdles facing a new Iraqi government, voicing concerns that sectarian rivalries and incompetence could cripple major ministries …
american footprints, The Left Coaster, Rantingprofs, The Heretik, Middle Earth Journal and TAPPED

Al-Qaida Touts U.S. Troop Cuts in Iraq — CAIRO, Egypt - Al-Qaida's No. 2, Ayman al-Zawahri, said in a videotape aired Friday that the United States' recent decision to withdraw some troops from Iraq represented "the victory of Islam." — Al-Zawahri, wearing a white turban and gray robe …

Zawahri says US defeated in Iraq: Jazeera TV — DUBAI (Reuters) - Al Qaeda's deputy leader Ayman al-Zawahri said in a video aired on Friday that President George W. Bush's plans to withdraw troops from Iraq meant Washington had been defeated by the Muslims.

Abramoff and His Vanishing Friends — It almost makes you feel sorry for Jack Abramoff. — Republicans once fell all over themselves to get his "moolah," the term used famously by the disgraced superlobbyist, and to get his advice on dealing with that warm and cuddly entity known as "the lobbying community."

Visited by a Host of Administrations Past, Bush Hears Some Chastening Words — President Bush Thursday with present and former secretaries of state and defense. From left: Harold Brown, Lawrence S. Eagleburger, James A. Baker III, Colin L. Powell, James R. Schlesinger, Donald H. Rumsfeld …

BREAKING NEWS: HOUSE GOPERS CALL FOR ELECTIONS — The Hotline has learned from three House sources that at least two-dozen House GOPers spanning the ideological spectrum have agreed to sign a letter to House Conference Chair Deborah Pryce (R-OH) requesting new leadership elections in an effort …

Scooter Finds Fellowship at the Hudson Institute — I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby , chief of staff and national security adviser to Vice President Cheney until that indictment unpleasantness a few months ago, has found a new perch as he awaits trial. — Libby is joining the Hudson Institute …

IRS tracked taxpayers' political affiliation — WASHINGTON - As it hunted down tax scofflaws, the Internal Revenue Service collected information on the political party affiliations of taxpayers in 20 states. — Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., a member of an appropriations subcommittee …

Alito's record on search and seizure matters comes under scrutiny — WASHINGTON - As the Bush administration defends its right to eavesdrop on Americans without court permission, a look at Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito's record on search and seizure matters reveals how few limits …

In effort to widen propaganda story, Washington Post nets unpaid blogger — A Washington Post article which combined coverage of a blogger's embedment in Iraq with a story about military propaganda has sparked so much controversy that the paper's ombudsman is "looking into it," RAW STORY has learned.
Washington Post, Media Blog on National …, BLACKFIVE, Michelle Malkin, Sadly, No! and Why Are We Back In Iraq?

DNA Offers New Insight Concerning Cat Evolution — Researchers have gained a major insight into the evolution of cats by showing how they migrated to new continents and developed new species as sea levels rose and fell. — About nine million years ago - two million years after the cat family …