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DeLay Abandons Bid to Remain House Leader — WASHINGTON - Embattled Rep. Tom DeLay on Saturday abandoned his bid to remain as House majority leader, clearing the way for leadership elections among Republicans eager to shed the taint of scandal. — In a letter to rank-and-file Republicans …
firedoglake, A Blog For All, Ezra Klein, The Next Hurrah, The Political Teen, AMERICAblog, Donklephant, Shakespeare's Sister and Stop The ACLU

Fellow Republican: Ney likely to be indicted — WASHINGTON — Rep. Bob Ney, R-Ohio, is likely to be indicted in an ongoing public corruption scandal, according to a fellow Republican congressman, Jim McCrery of Louisiana. — Ney has been linked by prosecutors to Jack Abramoff …

Officials: DeLay to Quit Leadership Post — Embattled Rep. Tom DeLay decided Saturday to give up his post as House majority leader, clearing the way for new leadership elections among Republicans eager to shed the taint of scandal, two officials said. — These officials said DeLay …

DeLay Abandons Bid to Remain House Leader — Rep. Tom DeLay (R-Tex.) today abandoned his bid to remain House majority leader, bowing to pressure from a growing number of fellow House Republicans who wanted a permanent leadership change because of his indictment on campaign finance charges.
Hotline On Call, The Carpetbagger Report, The Democratic Daily Blog and Democratic Veteran

Tide Turning Against DeLay — Some House Republicans Push for Leadership Elections — Rank-and-file House Republicans took the first formal step toward permanently replacing Rep. Tom DeLay (Tex.) in the House's leadership by unveiling a petition to hold a special leadership election in the coming weeks.

Officials Focus on a 2nd Firm Tied to DeLay — WASHINGTON, Jan. 7 - Having secured a guilty plea from the lobbyist Jack Abramoff, prosecutors are entering a new phase of the corruption investigation in Washington and are focusing on a lobbying firm that may hold the key to whether Tom DeLay …
Daily Kos

Rebels in G.O.P. Call for DeLay to Be Replaced
The Washington Monthly

A Hammer No More — But Why? — DeLay will give up House leadership post [AP]

Mike Pence for Majority Leader
Beltway Blogroll, Hotline On Call, The Corner on National … and Weapons of Mass Discussion

Alito's Credibility Problem — Every Supreme Court nominee bears a heavy burden to demonstrate that he or she is committed to the constitutional principles that have been vital in advancing fairness, decency and equal opportunity in our society. As Judge Samuel Alito approaches …

Sam He Was — WHEN I recently received an invitation to a reunion of my Yale Law School class, it stirred memories of the astounding group of students I found when I arrived there in 1972. Bill and Hillary Rodham Clinton are the most famous, of course, but my classmates also include someone else who has made news lately: Sam Alito.

Sitting Judges to Speak on Alito's Behalf — No Conflict of Interest In Role, Specter Asserts — Seven current and former federal appellate court judges will testify on behalf of Supreme Court nominee Samuel A. Alito Jr. next week, an extraordinary role for the sitting judges who will be dealing …

Report Rebuts Bush on Spying — A report by Congress's research arm concluded yesterday that the administration's justification for the warrantless eavesdropping authorized by President Bush conflicts with existing law and hinges on weak legal arguments. — The Congressional Research …
Simianbrain, NewsHog, Centerfield, Power Line, The American Street, Right Wing Nut House, The Heretik, New York Times, Discriminations, The Majority Report, THE ASTUTE BLOGGER, Just a Bump in the Beltway, Donklephant, Tennessee Guerilla Women, Taegan Goddard's …, WTF Is It Now?? and TalkLeft

In Video, Al Qaeda's No. 2 Tells Bush to Admit Defeat in Iraq — Accusations Fly Day After Lethal Insurgent Attacks — BAGHDAD, Jan. 6 — Al Qaeda's second-in-command said President Bush had admitted defeat in Iraq by announcing plans to reduce the American troop presence in the country, saying the move would be a victory for Islam.

VIDEO: A VETERAN TELLS OFF MURTHA/MORAN — This. Is. Priceless. — As I noted in the post just below, Sgt. Mark Seavey confronted Democrat Reps. Jim Moran and John Murtha at a town hall meeting in Arlington, Va., earlier this week and left the moonbats momentarily speechless.

Sharing our "secrets" with Osama — (post is updated below) — One of the most revealing aspects of the NSA scandal has been the way in which Bush followers have been running around shrieking that national security has been damaged and treason has been committed by the New York Times.

White House Denounces Robertson's Remarks on Sharon — Television Evangelist Said Prime Minister's Illness Was Deserved — The White House today criticized television evangelist Pat Robertson's remarks that Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's severe illness was deserved, calling the comments "wholly inappropriate and offensive."

Just the Facts — IT'S CONVENTIONAL WISDOM. In fact, it's more than conventional wisdom. It's an article of faith among the enlightened: There was no connection, at least no significant connection, between Saddam Hussein's regime and al Qaeda and other terrorist groups.
Abu Aardvark, Right Wing Nut House, The Strata-Sphere, Macsmind, The American Thinker, Michelle Malkin, Dr. Sanity and Power Line

Sinking Feeling — My spider senses are twitching about Iran. I sense a disturbance in the force. Several reports, from different sources — Strategic Forecasting, the Turkish press, and now RegimeChangeIran — are all hinting at windows of opportunity that are closing …