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Facing Down Iran — Our lives depend on it. — Most Westerners read the map of the world like a Broadway marquee: north is top of the bill—America, Britain, Europe, Russia—and the rest dribbles away into a mass of supporting players punctuated by occasional Star Guests: India, China, Australia.
Gateway Pundit, Slate,, neo-neocon, Ace of Spades HQ, Carol Platt Liebau, Daimnation!, The Sundries Shack and Peaktalk

Iran Hits Milestone in Nuclear Technology — Iran has successfully enriched uranium for the first time, a landmark in its quest to develop nuclear fuel, hard-line President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Tuesday. He insisted, however, that his country does not aim to develop nuclear weapons.

With One Filing, Prosecutor Puts Bush in Spotlight — WASHINGTON, April 10 — From the early days of the C.I.A. leak investigation in 2003, the Bush White House has insisted there was no effort to discredit Joseph C. Wilson IV, the man who emerged as the most damaging critic of the administration's case …

Bush acknowledges declassifying intelligence — Critics: White House should explain why information was released — WASHINGTON (CNN) — President Bush said Monday that he had declassified intelligence documents in 2003 to help explain his administration's reasons for going to war in Iraq.

All the President's Leaks — What's amazing about the defenses offered …

Prodi Declares Victory in Italian Election — ROME - Italy's parliamentary election hung in the balance Tuesday as the country counted ballots cast by Italians living abroad, including in the United States, for six new Senate seats. — Near final returns showed opposition leader Romano …
Publius Pundit, TigerHawk, RedState, The Hotline's Blogometer, Peaktalk, Free Thoughts, AMERICAblog, Tammy Bruce and Atlas Shrugs

Centre-left claims Italy victory
EU Referendum, CorrenteWire, Right Wing Nut House, In the Bullpen, Say Anything, Secular Blasphemy and Sister Toldjah

In France, an Economic Bullet Goes Unbitten
A Chequer-Board of Nights …

Six in Ten Americans Critical of Bush on Leaks — But Bush job approval holds steady at 37% — PRINCETON, NJ — The latest USA Today/Gallup poll finds more than 6 in 10 Americans critical of President George W. Bush on the leak controversy. The more closely people are following the issue …

Gallup: Most Americans Critical of President in CIA Leak Case — NEW YORK A new Gallup poll released today finds that most Americans are critical of President Bush's actions in the Plame/CIA leak scandal, but only one in four is following the matter closely.

Pressure, Frustration Mount — The immigrant demonstrators who flooded the streets of America's cities yesterday ratcheted up pressure on lawmakers to complete an overhaul of the nation's immigration laws, while raising Republicans' frustration with President Bush for what they see as a muddled stand on the issue.

Immigrants Rally in Scores of Cities for Legal Status — WASHINGTON, April 10 — Waving American flags and blue banners that read "We Are America," throngs of cheering, chanting immigrants and their supporters converged on the nation's capital and in scores of other cities on Monday calling …
The American Street, Bark Bark Woof Woof, Gateway Pundit, TigerHawk, TalkLeft and The Rude Pundit

Gingrich at USD: Pull out of Iraq (video) — Ex-House speaker says U.S. should scale back — VERMILLION - Newt Gingrich, the former Republican Speaker of the House, told students and faculty at the University of South Dakota Monday that the United States should pull out of Iraq and leave …

US economy's latest output: better jobs — Newest job numbers show that businesses are expanding opportunities in high-wage fields. — The US economy isn't just producing jobs these days, it's also producing good jobs. Alongside the ads for jobs handling a cash register or a spatula are these new opportunities:

Iraq's Beauty Queen Resigns After Four Days — Pageant Winner Cites Threats by Religious Extremists — BAGHDAD, Iraq, April 10, 2006 — Iraq's newly crowned beauty queen, Tamar Goregian, has decided to step down — just four days after her election, making this the shortest reign in the pageant's 60-year history.
Outside The Beltway, The Jawa Report v3.0 Beta, Informed Comment, No More Mister Nice Blog, Hit and Run and TBogg

VIDEO/PHOTO ESSAY: VIVA LA RAZA IN D.C. — ***scroll for updates*** — So, my Sony Handycam and I attended the illegal alien demonstration in D.C. yesterday. Here are some of the more interesting moments captured on tape of what I saw at the revolucion:

Which side is the national media on? — Uncle Jimbo- Bestriding the internets like a colossus — Love this blog? Hate it? Want more info? Add your comment to the Military Matters forum — Is the US military allowed to have an information warfare strategy?
The Corner on National …, protein wisdom, The Huffington Post, David Corn, Kesher Talk and Amygdala

Muhammed turned the other cheek? UPDATED — UPDATE: JihadWatch isn't buying Ali's responses and responds at length. — Continue reading initial post below. — Instapundit linked to Clifford May asking, Where are the Moderate Muslims. Well, I've been lucky enough to be able to correspond with a …
Jihad Watch, Sigmund, Carl and Alfred, USS Neverdock, The Jawa Report v3.0 Beta and Captain's Quarters

Christians Sue for Right Not to Tolerate Policies — Many codes intended to protect gays from harassment are illegal, conservatives argue. — ATLANTA — Ruth Malhotra went to court last month for the right to be intolerant. — Malhotra says her Christian faith compels her to speak out against homosexuality.

Late Nite FDL: Breaking The Code — It's always interesting to see how the right wing deals with its inherent racism. They used to wear it proudly and openly, but since we have managed to make some progress in the last 40 years or so, they have had to become much more creative …

In Attics and Rubble, More Bodies and Questions — NEW ORLEANS, April 5 — When August Blanchard returned to New Orleans from Pennsylvania in late December, his mother was still missing. Family members, scattered across the country, had been calling hospitals, the Red Cross and missing persons hot lines, hoping she had been rescued.

Zogby Poll: Pols Probably Won't Fix U.S. Immigration Problems Americans skeptical Washington will find right solution — Americans are mostly doubtful that President Bush and Congress will find a fair and effective solution to the burgeoning immigration problem, and a majority of them oppose amnesty …