Top Items:

So, the verdict is in. According to the WP, the NYT, the LAT, Time, etc. Goss was forced out yesterday after months of tension between him and John Negroponte over the CIA's reduced turf, and that President Bush lost confidence in Goss "almost from the beginning" (WP). — So then he was forced out on very short notice?

Top C.I.A. Pick Has Credentials and Skeptics — WASHINGTON, May 5 — Gen. Michael V. Hayden, who senior administration officials said Friday was the likely choice of President Bush to head the Central Intelligence Agency, has a stellar résumé for a spy and has long been admired at the White House and on Capitol Hill.

CIA boss Goss is cooked — Tied to contractor's poker parties - hints of bribes & women — WASHINGTON - CIA Director Porter Goss abruptly resigned yesterday amid allegations that he and a top aide may have attended Watergate poker parties where bribes and prostitutes were provided to a corrupt congressman.

Director of C.I.A. Is Stepping Down Under Pressure — WASHINGTON, May 5 — Porter J. Goss resigned under pressure on Friday as director of the Central Intelligence Agency, ending a stormy 19-month tenure marked by plummeting morale inside the agency's ranks and turf battles within government.

The Fix-It Man Leaves, but The Agency's Cracks Remain — Porter J. Goss was brought into the CIA to quell what the White House viewed as a partisan insurgency against the administration and to re-energize a spy service that failed to prevent the Sept. 11 attacks or accurately assess Iraq's weapons capability.

Hayden as Goss' Replacement? And you thought it couldn't get worse.
The Moderate Voice, Dr. Sanity, Crooks and Liars, AMERICAblog and The Democratic Daily Blog

The Next Head of the CIA?
NO QUARTER, Billmon, The Left Coaster, Shakespeare's Sister, Captain's Quarters, The Strata-Sphere, The American Street, In From the Cold, Democrat Taylor Marsh …, Reuters, Balloon Juice, Don Surber, AMERICAblog, Big Lizards, The Heretik,, TPM Muckraker, Think Progress, The Moderate Voice, Booman Tribune, Wonkette, Super Fun Power Hour, TBogg and Wizbang

The Goss Resignation — Why did Porter Goss step down as head …
Betsy's Page, The Strata-Sphere, Greg's Opinion, Lifelike Pundits, HorsesAss.Org, Flopping Aces and Jay Currie

Nagging Details — The narrative that emerged yesterday …
The Reaction

Police Disciplined in Kennedy Crash — Investigation Continues as Congressman Enters Mayo Clinic — May 5, 2006 — Capitol Police have taken disciplinary action in relation to the handling of the response to Rep. Patrick Kennedy's car accident, acting Capitol Police Chief Christopher McGaffin said.

Valerie Plame Gets Book Deal — Valerie Plame Wilson, the Central Intelligence Agency covert officer whose name was publicly disclosed three years ago, has agreed to sell her memoir for a little more than $2.5 million, according to people involved in the bidding process for the book.

Algerian Reformist Malek Chebel: 27 Propositions for Reforming Islam — Malek Chebel, a renowned anthropologist focusing on the Arab world, is one of today's prominent French-speaking North African intellectuals. In 2004, he established, in France, the Foundation for an Enlightened Islam.

Not All See Video Mockery of Zarqawi as Good Strategy — An effort by the American military to discredit the terrorist leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi by showing video outtakes of him fumbling with a machine gun — suggesting that he lacks real fighting skill — was questioned yesterday by retired and active American military officers.

Bush says fight against terror is 'World War III' — WASHINGTON (AFP) - US President George W. Bush said the September 11 revolt of passengers against their hijackers on board Flight 93 had struck the first blow of "World War III." — In an interview with the financial news network CNBC …

The Great Republican Rebranding — Sen. Rick Santorum wanted to talk. — His purpose, he said over breakfast earlier this week in the Senate dining room, was to "tell the other side of the story" about his record, which his foes use to cast him as — these are his words — "a mean-spirited, hard-right country club Republican."

Limousine Firm Denies Allegations — Cunningham Was Not Provided With Prostitutes, Official Says — The president of a limousine company questioned in a congressional bribery investigation has denied accusations that he or his company provided prostitutes to convicted former congressman Randy "Duke" Cunningham or anyone else.

"LOS RANGERS" — I'm not a baseball fan, but several readers wrote in about the Yankees-Rangers game last night. A sample: — Reader K... Reader Steve... The Mexican consul approved of the jerseys: … I understand the Rangers wanted to do something innocuous to recognize a holiday celebrating historical and cultural pride.

Iraqis Cheer Crash of British Helicopter — BAGHDAD, Iraq - A British military helicopter crashed in Basra on Saturday, and Iraqis hurled stones at British troops and set fire to three armored vehicles that rushed to the scene. Clashes broke out between British troops and Shiite militias, police and witnesses said.

Andrew Sullivan: Bush to Blame for his Political Opponents Holding Views that Secret Jewish Cabals Run the World — You can't make this stuff up, people: From "Crazed Lefty vs. Rumsfeld" … ...blah, blah, blah blah blah. — Sullivan posts as his "money quote" the same Rumsfeld …

Immigration: South and West — Immigration is causing a split in the Republican Party. But it's not between business snobs and working slobs. It's between the South and the West. — While there may be state and local races this year where it makes sense for GOP candidates to take a hard line …