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EXCLUSIVE: CIA Nominee Hayden Linked to MZM — While director of the National Security Agency, Gen. Michael V. Hayden contracted the services of a top executive at the company at the center of the Cunningham bribery scandal, according to two former employees of the company.

Bush Turns to Gen. Hayden to Lead CIA — WASHINGTON — President Bush on Monday chose Air Force Gen. Michael Hayden to lead the embattled Central Intelligence Agency, re-igniting a debate over the domestic surveillance program that the onetime head of the National Security Agency once ran.

Bush nominates Hayden for CIA chief — Some lawmakers question selection of military officer for post — WASHINGTON (CNN) — President Bush nominated Air Force Gen. Michael Hayden to be the new CIA chief Monday, setting up a possible battle with members of Congress who question whether …

C.I.A. Nominee May Face Tough Fight — President Bush unveiled his choice for C.I.A. director in the Oval Office: Gen. Michael V. Hayden. Director of National Intelligence John D. Negroponte, left, also attended. — President Bush announced today that he was nominating Gen. Michael V. Hayden …

Hayden Nominated to Head CIA — President Bush named Gen. Michael V. Hayden as CIA director today in the face of heavy criticism from Republicans as well as Democrats. — Bush cited Hayden's background of "more than 20 years of experience" as he announced the nomination, which was widely reported over the weekend.

In GOP, Doubts On Likely CIA Pick
The Hotline's Blogometer, PoliBlog, The Heretik, Majikthise, TBogg and The American Mind

Rove's Time in Limbo Near End in CIA Leak Case — Special Counsel Patrick J. Fitzgerald is wrapping up his investigation into White House Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove's role in the CIA leak case by weighing this central question: — Did Rove, who was deeply involved in defending President Bush's use …

Democrats pledge probes of Bush, not impeachment — WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democrats will launch a series of investigations of the Bush administration if they take control of Congress in November but are not out to impeach President George W. Bush, a top Democrat said on Sunday.

Rove Is Using Threat of Loss to Stir G.O.P.
Hot Air, Firedoglake, Balloon Juice, The Democratic Party, Andrew Sullivan, QandO, Unfogged, Cold Fury, Blue Crab Boulevard, The Anonymous Liberal, Vox Popoli, Ankle Biting Pundits › News, The Democratic Daily Blog, Daily Pundit, Rising Hegemon, Air America Radio, AMERICAblog, Sadly, No! and Roger Ailes

Al Gore Might Yet Join 2008 Contenders — Former Vice President Keeps Mum — As His Movie Sparks Talk of a White House Run — First there was Clinton-Gore. Could Clinton vs. Gore be next? — For former Vice President Al Gore, a rash of favorable publicity surrounding this month's opening …

Bush's Appointees Not As Diverse as Clinton's — President Bush's crop of political appointees includes fewer women and minorities than did President Bill Clinton's at comparable points in their presidencies, according to a new report by House Democrats. — Women made up about 37 percent …

Iran's Leader Writes to President Bush — Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has written a letter to President Bush, a spokesman for Iran's hard-line government said Monday. The letter proposed "new solutions for getting out of international problems and the current fragile situation in the world …

His Legacy and His Library Occupy Bush's Thoughts — WASHINGTON — President Bush had dinner last month on the Stanford University campus at the home of George P. Shultz, who was President Ronald Reagan's secretary of state, and the topic of conversation was not, as might be expected, the war in Iraq.
Firedoglake, Ezra Klein, The Heretik, AMERICAblog, Pam's House Blend and Taegan Goddard's …

Choosing War — We as humans believe that we are rational and logical. We believe that our rational choices can control the outcome of our lives. We believe in this control because, in this world that seems so anarchic and chaotic, we could not operate or continue to exist without it.

What's in a Name? Plenty If It's Kennedy — It's hard to imagine that Patrick Kennedy would have gotten elected to Congress a dozen years ago without his last name. — It's equally hard to imagine that the media would be going wild about his late-night car crash and prescription drug addiction if he weren't a Kennedy.

THE BETRAYAL OF GEORGE W. BUSH — Glenn Greenwald and Digby take note of the project to rehabilitate conservatism by abandoning the president. A central theme is the intellectual dishonesty of ex-Bushists now portraying their former idol as a liberal apostate. Broadly speaking I would say this is on point.

Congress shaping telecom law in private — Real work will be done in conference committee, where the public has no influence but lobbyists do. — WASHINGTON — The House and Senate are preparing to vote on telecommunications legislation that could affect every American who surfs the Internet, watches cable TV or uses a phone.

Cupid's Broken Arrow — Performance Anxiety and Substance Abuse Figure Into the Increase in Reports of Impotence on Campus — Adam Skrodzki, a tall, redheaded senior at the University of Maryland, bench-presses a respectable 280 pounds. He fights fires in Howard County as a volunteer …

U.S. Immigration Debate Is a Road Well Traveled — NEW YORK — They were portrayed as a disreputable lot, the immigrant hordes of this great city. — The Germans refused for decades to give up their native tongue and raucous beer gardens. The Irish of Hell's Kitchen brawled and clung to political sinecures.

Immigration: The Ugly Duckling Issue — We have become accustomed in the six years of the George W. Bush presidency to seeing issues split the parties and the nation down the middle, with almost all Republicans on one side and almost all Democrats on the other.