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Digital Lynch Mob — Two weeks ago I wrote about Al Gore's new movie on global warming. I liked the film. In response, I instantly got more than 1,000 e-mails, most of them praising Gore, some calling him the usual names and some concluding there was no such thing as global warming, if only because Gore said there was.
Captain's Quarters, QandO, Austin Bay Blog, Michael Bérubé's "Web" "Log", PSoTD, News Blog, The Huffington Post, Shakespeare's Sister, Jay, Pharyngula, Hot Air, A Tiny Revolution, The Mahablog, Balloon Juice, Mathew Gross, skippy the bush kangaroo, The Strata-Sphere,, Daily Kos, The Influence Peddler, Wonkette, Ankle Biting Pundits › News, Blue Crab Boulevard, Michelle Malkin and Decision '08

Disorganization Worries al-Qaida in Iraq — BAGHDAD, Iraq - Al-Qaida in Iraq is concerned about disorganization within its cells in the Baghdad area, with one extremist describing them as simply a "daily annoyance" to the Iraqi government, according to documents released Monday by the U.S. military.

Captured AQ Documents: "Every Year Is Worse Than The Previous Year" — CENTCOM announced today that they had captured al-Qaeda correspondence in Iraq that discusses the state of the insurgency, especially around Baghdad but also around the entire country. Far from optimistic …

WHO'S WINNING? THEY SAY WE ARE — I missed this when it was released by Centcom, but our friend Ed Morrissey is on top of it: … This quote from a captured document, for example, supports Ed's characterization: … So the terrorists say we're winning in Iraq. Why is this fact so little recognized in America?

White House to Name Hayden for CIA Job — White House to Name Air Force Gen. Michael Hayden As Pick to Be Next Director of CIA — WASHINGTON May 8, 2006 (AP)— Air Force Gen. Michael Hayden will be named as the next chief of the CIA, President Bush's national security adviser said Monday …

Experts See a Strategy Behind CIA Shuffle — General May Help Intelligence Chief Rein In Rumsfeld and His Military Spy Plans — Gen. Michael V. Hayden isn't the first active-duty military officer tapped to lead the CIA — he is in fact the fifth — but many intelligence experts and officers …
The Washington Note, The Left Coaster, Democrat Taylor Marsh …, MyDD and

THIS WEEK — So let's say you're the governing party and you're worried about upcoming elections because of high gas prices, low poll numbers, copious scandals, internal discord and an unpopular war. What do you do? For congressional Republicans, the answer is to start a new fight over judges.

LEFT-WING "DEBATE": — In my most recent column I argued that Joe Lieberman is annoying for all sorts of reasons, but beating him in the primary would be bad because 1) He would continue to play the role of Lone Democrat Honest Enough to Praise Bush, only now with the power of martyrdom behind him …

Optimistic, Democrats Debate the Party's Vision — WASHINGTON, May 8 — With Democrats increasingly optimistic about this year's midterm elections and the landscape for 2008, intellectuals in the center and on the left are debating how to sharpen the party's identity and present a clear alternative …

Hillary Clinton's "Mating Ritual" With Rupert Murdoch — There's a lot of talk from the media and the pundit class about "red and blue America," supposedly increased political "polarization" - but as my new book, Hostile Takeover details, that narrative is a deliberate farce designed …

HUD secretary's blunt warning — Alphonso Jackson says deal was scuttled after contractor admits not liking Bush — Once the color barrier has been broken, minority contractors seeking government work may need to overcome the Bush barrier. — That's the message U.S. Housing …
David Sirota

MSNBC reporter: 'I am convinced that Karl Rove will, in fact, be indicted' — Rush transcript from Countdown with Keith Olbermann / MSNBC. — MSNBC's Keith Olbermann: There are stories — possibly apocryphal — from the medieval courts of chancery in England, of lawsuits that took so long …
TalkLeft, Firedoglake, Hotline On Call, Democrat Taylor Marsh …, WTF Is It Now?? and I speak dog

Flying robot attack "unstoppable": experts — It may sound like science fiction, but the prospect that suicide bombers and hijackers could be made redundant by flying robots is a real one, according to experts. — The technology for remote-controlled light aircraft is now highly advanced …

Another Possible Bump to the Debt Ceiling — A $2.7 trillion budget plan pending before the House would raise the federal debt ceiling to nearly $10 trillion, less than two months after Congress last raised the federal government's borrowing limit. — The provision — buried on page 121 …

Out and About — The Vice President's Daughter Tells The Inside Story in Her New Book. But the Subject Is Politics. — NEW YORK — "Are the eyes too much?" — Mary Cheney is peering into the makeup artist's mirror in the early hours of the morning, getting "done" for her appearance on …
Betsy's Page, Althouse, Wonkette, Bark Bark Woof Woof, Done With Mirrors and Andrew Sullivan

Egyptians in the states protest demanding release of jailed egyptians — Location: — Egyptian embassy and consulates Egyptian embassy and consulates in Washington, D.C., New York, Chicago and San Francisco — Organizer: — Activists in the U.S — Description: — From Shehab Fakhry

Ahead of UN vote, Peres warns that Iran, too, can be 'wiped out' — NEW YORK - Vice Premier Shimon Peres, speaking ahead of UN Security Council deliberations over sanctions for Iran, has cautioned that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad, who has called for Israel to be wiped off the map …

Lesbians' brains respond differently from those of heterosexual women — WASHINGTON — Homosexuals' brains respond differently from those of straight men and women when exposed to sex hormones, but researchers now say the difference is less pronounced in lesbians than in gay men.

Campaigning on the Blogs — For Washington pols and presidential candidates, a new staffer is becoming indispensible: the internet specialist — House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi is one of the many Washington politicians trying to the adapt to the world of blogs.

In Men, 'Trigger-Happy' May Be a Hormonal Impulse — Handling a gun stirs a hormonal reaction in men that primes them for aggression, new research suggests. — Psychologists at Knox College in Galesburg, Ill., enrolled 30 male students in what they described as a taste study.