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White House: Iran's letter not a nuclear fix — Ahmadinejad reportedly offers Bush 'new ways out' — FORT LAUDERDALE, Florida (CNN) — The White House acknowledged Monday that it had received a letter from Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, but said the letter did not address the concerns over Iran's nuclear program.

As Cuba Plans Offshore Wells, Some Want U.S. to Follow Suit — WASHINGTON, May 8 — In 1977, the United States and Cuba signed a treaty that evenly divided the Florida Straits to preserve each country's economic rights. They included access to vast underwater oil and gas fields on both sides of the line.
Captain's Quarters

Captured AQ Documents: "Every Year Is Worse Than The Previous Year" — CENTCOM announced today that they had captured al-Qaeda correspondence in Iraq that discusses the state of the insurgency, especially around Baghdad but also around the entire country. Far from optimistic …

Disorganization Worries al-Qaida in Iraq — BAGHDAD, Iraq - Al-Qaida in Iraq is concerned about disorganization within its cells in the Baghdad area, with one extremist describing them as simply a "daily annoyance" to the Iraqi government, according to documents released Monday by the U.S. military.

CIA No. 3, facing bribe probe, quits — WASHINGTON, May 8 (UPI) — CIA Director Porter Goss' No. 3 man at the agency, facing investigation as part of a congressional bribe probe, quit Monday, an official said. — Kyle "Dusty" Foggo, the CIA's executive director, announced his resignation …

Murdoch to host fundraiser for Hillary Clinton campaign — Rupert Murdoch, the conservative media mogul whose New York Post tabloid savaged Hillary Clinton's initial aspirations to become a US senator for New York, has agreed to host a political fundraiser for her re-election campaign.
Middle Earth Journal, The Green Knight, The Left Coaster, USS Neverdock and Running Scared

Rove prepares 20 judges — Presidential adviser Karl Rove and White House counsel Harriet Miers yesterday told conservative activists and Senate staff that the administration would soon send the names of more than 20 judicial nominees to Capitol Hill for confirmation.

Moussaoui Fails in Bid to Withdraw 9/11 Guilty Plea — Facing transfer to the nation's toughest federal prison, Zacarias Moussaoui served up what may be his final legal surprise yesterday: The al-Qaeda conspirator said he was not involved in the Sept. 11, 2001, terror plot after all and wants a new trial to prove it.

MSNBC reporter: 'I am convinced that Karl Rove will, in fact, be indicted' — Rush transcript from Countdown with Keith Olbermann / MSNBC. — MSNBC's Keith Olbermann: There are stories — possibly apocryphal — from the medieval courts of chancery in England, of lawsuits that took so long …

Digital Lynch Mob — Two weeks ago I wrote about Al Gore's new movie on global warming. I liked the film. In response, I instantly got more than 1,000 e-mails, most of them praising Gore, some calling him the usual names and some concluding there was no such thing as global warming, if only because Gore said there was.

Looking Inside Hamas: Search for Martyrdom, Hatred of Israel — May 8 (Bloomberg) — Anyone hoping that Hamas's parliamentary triumph will convert that martyr-making machine into a vehicle of peaceful democracy may be seriously dismayed by a new PBS special.

A ratings downer for Fox News — Some recent ratings news no doubt gladdened the hearts of Fox News Channel haters. — First, Nielsen Media Research reported that Fox News' overall prime-time lineup dropped 17% last month compared with a year ago (MSNBC grew 16% during the same period, while CNN plummeted by 38%).

Newspaper Circulation Declines 2.6 Percent — Newspaper circulation fell 2.6 percent in the six-month period ending in March, according to data released Monday, as more people turned to the Internet and other media outlets for news and information. — The decline in average paid weekday circulation …

Nancy Pelosi, Super-Genius — The House minority leader answers the GOP's prayers. — Elizabeth Dole sounded desperate last week. Trying to inspire dispirited Republicans, the head of the party's Senatorial Campaign Committee wrote a fund-raising letter urging the GOP faithful to rally …
Betsy's Page, The Democratic Party, Andrew Sullivan, Balloon Juice, New England Republican, The Moderate Voice and OxBlog

Atwar Bahjat Beheading Video a Hoax (Images / Video) — ****Jawa Report Exclusive**** — A gruesome beheading video delivered to the Sunday Times purporting to be of slain journalist Atwar Bahjat is a hoax. On Sunday, May 7th, the Times reported that they had received a low-quality video of Atwar Bahjat being slowly beheaded.

Lesbians' brains respond differently from those of heterosexual women — WASHINGTON — Homosexuals' brains respond differently from those of straight men and women when exposed to sex hormones, but researchers now say the difference is less pronounced in lesbians than in gay men.

Experts See a Strategy Behind CIA Shuffle — General May Help Intelligence Chief Rein In Rumsfeld and His Military Spy Plans — Gen. Michael V. Hayden isn't the first active-duty military officer tapped to lead the CIA — he is in fact the fifth — but many intelligence experts and officers …

We're the Decider — Drum provides the regular lament that there ain't enough wonk talk in the blogosphere. There's more than he gives credit for - there's certainly a lot of reacting to the atrocity-in-Congress-of-the- day - and as Stoller points out it is to a great degree a waste of time.