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CIA No. 3, facing bribe probe, quits — WASHINGTON, May 8 (UPI) — CIA Director Porter Goss' No. 3 man at the agency, facing investigation as part of a congressional bribe probe, quit Monday, an official said. — Kyle "Dusty" Foggo, the CIA's executive director, announced his resignation …

EXCLUSIVE: CIA Nominee Hayden Linked to MZM — While director of the National Security Agency, Gen. Michael V. Hayden contracted the services of a top executive at the company at the center of the Cunningham bribery scandal, according to two former employees of the company.

Transcript for May 7 — MR. TIM RUSSERT: Our issues this Sunday, serious issues facing our country: — gas prices, health care, immigration, Iran, Iraq and more. If the Democrats reclaim control of the Congress, what would they do? — With us, the woman who would like to be the next speaker …
Expose the Left, OxBlog,, Gateway Pundit, Crooks and Liars and State of the Day

Changing the Guard — While Bush's new CIA nominee preps for a tough nomination battle, agency No. 3 Dusty Foggo is leaving the agency — May 8, 2006 - By all accounts, Michael Hayden is one of the most knowledgeable and experienced intelligence officers currently working for the United States government.
TPM Muckraker

Nancy Pelosi, Super-Genius — The House minority leader answers the GOP's prayers. — Elizabeth Dole sounded desperate last week. Trying to inspire dispirited Republicans, the head of the party's Senatorial Campaign Committee wrote a fund-raising letter urging the GOP faithful to rally …
The Moderate Voice, Betsy's Page,, Andrew Sullivan, The Democratic Party, New England Republican and QandO

Bush Turns to Gen. Hayden to Lead CIA
Associated Press, CNN, New York Times, In From the Cold, The Strata-Sphere, Betsy's Page, Hot Air, The Moderate Voice,, News Hounds, Fox News, Confederate Yankee, The Democratic Daily Blog, Wizbang, Iowa Voice, Super Fun Power Hour, Stop The ACLU, Hugh Hewitt, Captain's Quarters, Ace of Spades HQ, The Sandbox, Flopping Aces and A Chequer-Board of Nights …

The CIA's Existential Crisis
American Spectator, Time, Talking Points Memo, Think Progress, The Next Hurrah and War and Piece

Bush approval rating hits new low — WASHINGTON — President Bush's approval rating has slumped to 31% in a new USA TODAY/Gallup Poll, the lowest of his presidency and a warning sign for Republicans in the November elections. — The survey of 1,013 adults, taken Friday through Sunday …
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Atwar Bahjat Beheading Video a Hoax (Images / Video) — ****Jawa Report Exclusive**** — A gruesome beheading video delivered to the Sunday Times purporting to be of slain journalist Atwar Bahjat is a hoax. On Sunday, May 7th, the Times reported that they had received a low-quality video of Atwar Bahjat being slowly beheaded.
protein wisdom, Abu Aardvark, In the Bullpen, Point Five, Villainous Company, The Moderate Voice and Andrew Sullivan

Al Gore Might Yet Join 2008 Contenders — Former Vice President Keeps Mum — As His Movie Sparks Talk of a White House Run — First there was Clinton-Gore. Could Clinton vs. Gore be next? — For former Vice President Al Gore, a rash of favorable publicity surrounding this month's opening …

Murdoch to host fundraiser for Hillary Clinton campaign — Rupert Murdoch, the conservative media mogul whose New York Post tabloid savaged Hillary Clinton's initial aspirations to become a US senator for New York, has agreed to host a political fundraiser for her re-election campaign.

Peres says that Iran 'can also be wiped off the map' — TEHRAN, Iran — Vice Premier Shimon Peres said Monday in an interview to Reuters that "the president of Iran should remember that Iran can also be wiped off the map," Army Radio reported. — According to Peres …
Point Five, Blue Crab Boulevard, BBC, IMAO, FullosseousFlap's Dental Blog, Iowa Voice, The Sandbox and Daily Pundit

Moussaoui asks for new trial — Less than a week after he was jailed for life over the September 11 attacks, Al-Qaeda plotter Zacarias Moussaoui submitted a motion asking to withdraw his guilty plea so he can have a new trial. — "Moussaoui wishes to withdraw his guilty plea because when he entered …

MSNBC reporter: 'I am convinced that Karl Rove will, in fact, be indicted' — Rush transcript from Countdown with Keith Olbermann / MSNBC. — MSNBC's Keith Olbermann: There are stories — possibly apocryphal — from the medieval courts of chancery in England, of lawsuits that took so long …

Captured AQ Documents: "Every Year Is Worse Than The Previous Year" — CENTCOM announced today that they had captured al-Qaeda correspondence in Iraq that discusses the state of the insurgency, especially around Baghdad but also around the entire country. Far from optimistic …

Newspaper Circulation Declines 2.6 Percent — Newspaper circulation fell 2.6 percent in the six-month period ending in March, according to data released Monday, as more people turned to the Internet and other media outlets for news and information. — The decline in average paid weekday circulation …

Judy Miller Responds, As Do Others — Judy Miller's team responds to the Libby subpoena (8 page .pdf). — Nothing struck me, but maybe someone else can find gold. — The NY Times has the longest response at 21 pages. From p.11: … I am not sure whether that also means …
The Strata-Sphere

Don't Feed the Beast — George W. Bush is not the sort of president who reads journals such as the Atlantic Monthly. But at least someone at the White House should check out the piece in the new issue by Jonathan Rauch. For honest believers in tax cuts, it's devastating.
The Conspiracy to Keep …, The Corner on National …, The Mahablog, Norwegianity, Decision '08 and Andrew Sullivan