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Newsweek Poll: Americans Wary of NSA Spying — Bush's approval ratings hit new lows as controversy rages. — May 13, 2006 - Has the Bush administration gone too far in expanding the powers of the President to fight terrorism? Yes, say a majority of Americans, following this week's revelation …

The Right Call on Phone Records — The NSA's Program Safeguards Security — and Civil Liberties — On Thursday, USA Today reported that three U.S. telecommunications companies have been voluntarily providing the National Security Agency with anonymized domestic telephone records …

Information Please — Oh, sorry, it's not 1942. It's 2006, and these three phone giants are about to be excoriated for cooperating with the war on terror. Senate Judiciary Committee chairman Arlen Specter has demanded that ATT, Verizon, and BellSouth testify under oath about their assistance …

More Exciting Poll Results — From Newsweek poll from email: — 52% of those polled want Dems to take Congress, including 47% of independents (35/30 respectively want Repubs to keep controly). — 50%/31% say they want a Dem/Repub to be the next pres. — 32% approve of Bush's handling of Iraq.

Sibling Rivalry: 'Wash Post' and 'Newsweek' Polls Clash on NSA — They may be owned by the same company, but two polls commissioned by The Washington Post and Newsweek magazine on the important issue of public approval of the National Security Agency's gathering of phone records produced quite different results.

Cheney Pushed U.S. to Widen Eavesdropping — WASHINGTON, May 13 — In the weeks after the Sept. 11 attacks, Vice President Dick Cheney and his top legal adviser argued that the National Security Agency should intercept purely domestic telephone calls and e-mail messages without warrants …

Democrats See an Opening to Debate Security Issues — WASHINGTON, May 12 — Senate Democrats intend to use next week's confirmation hearings for a new C.I.A. director to press the Bush administration on its broad surveillance programs, engaging Republicans on national security grounds …

BORDER TROOPS — BUSH'S PLAN TO STEM ALIEN TIDE — May 13, 2006 — WASHINGTON - President Bush plans to call for troops and a high-tech "virtual" fence to beef up the border with Mexico when he speaks to the nation on immigration Monday night, sources said yesterday.

Is the Phone Company Violating Your Privacy? — ON THURSDAY, USA Today reported that three telecom companies — AT&T Inc., Verizon Communications Inc. and BellSouth Corp. — have been providing the spy agency with records of billions of phone calls made by U.S. citizens inside …

Questions Raised for Phone Giants in Spy Data Furor — The former chief executive of Qwest, the nation's fourth-largest phone company, rebuffed government requests for the company's calling records after 9/11 because of "a disinclination on the part of the authorities to use any legal process," his lawyer said yesterday.

Spy Agency Watching Americans From Space — WASHINGTON (AP) - A little-known spy agency that analyzes imagery taken from the skies has been spending significantly more time watching U.S. soil. — In an era when other intelligence agencies try to hide those operations …
protein wisdom, The Reaction, Booman Tribune, No More Mister Nice Blog, Blue Crab Boulevard and Riehl World View

Alabama candidate for AG disputes Holocaust, is coming to NJ — BIRMINGHAM, Ala. — A Democratic candidate for Alabama attorney general denies the Holocaust occurred and said Friday he will speak this weekend in New Jersey to a "pro-white" organization that is widely viewed as being racist.

The Probe of a Senior CIA Official Hits Home — and Abroad — While agents search Foggo's home for evidence of improper links to a defense contractor, they are also casting a wider net across the Atlantic — Even as federal officers Friday searched the Vienna, Va., residence of Kyle …

LIBERTY UNIVERSITY COMMENCEMENT ADDRESS — Lynchburg, Virginia. ¬- Today, U.S. Senator John McCain (R-AZ) delivered the commencement address to the graduates at Liberty University. The following is the text of his address: — Thank you, Dr. Falwell.

Conservative Battle Fatigue (UPDATES) — Several of my favorite bloggers, self-described conservatives of various stripes, properly respected stalwarts of reasonability and probity, have offered considered reasons to split with George Bush. — Mark Tapscott's decades of dedication …
Tapscott's Copy Desk,, Captain's Quarters, NewsHog, The Anchoress and Stop The ACLU