Top Items:

Karl Rove Indicted on Charges of Perjury, Lying to Investigators — Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald spent more than half a day Friday at the offices of Patton Boggs, the law firm representing Karl Rove. — During the course of that meeting, Fitzgerald served attorneys …
The Next Hurrah,, SEIXON, Democrat Taylor Marsh …, The Democratic Daily Blog, Bark Bark Woof Woof, The Gun Toting Liberal, Preemptive Karma, Shakespeare's Sister, Running Scared, Blanton's and Ashton's, Booman Tribune, News Hounds, The Moderate Voice and In Search Of Utopia

Cheney Pushed U.S. to Widen Eavesdropping — WASHINGTON, May 13 — In the weeks after the Sept. 11 attacks, Vice President Dick Cheney and his top legal adviser argued that the National Security Agency should intercept purely domestic telephone calls and e-mail messages without warrants …
Balkinization, Middle Earth Journal, US Politics, SEIXON, Booman Tribune, Amygdala and True Blue Liberal

A Fresh Focus on Cheney — Hand-written notes by the Vice President surface in the Fitzgerald Probe — The Vice President at an awards ceremony on Wednesday — May 13, 2006 - The role of Vice President Dick Cheney in the criminal case stemming from the outing of White House critic …

Times' Frank Rich: Any 'witch hunt' for traitors should begin in the White House — Defending journalists who have been castigated as traitors for exposing government blunders, New York Times columnist Frank Rich writes that any "witch hunt" for traitors should begin in the White House, RAW STORY has found.

President's Radio Address — THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. This week I nominated General Mike Hayden to be the next Director of the Central Intelligence Agency. The work of the CIA is essential to the security of the American people. The enemies who struck our Nation on September the 11th …

NSA's Multi-Billion Dollar Data Mining Effort

Newsweek Poll: Americans Wary of NSA Spying — Bush's approval ratings hit new lows as controversy rages. — May 13, 2006 - Has the Bush administration gone too far in expanding the powers of the President to fight terrorism? Yes, say a majority of Americans, following this week's revelation …

Sibling Rivalry: 'Wash Post' and 'Newsweek' Polls Clash on NSA — They may be owned by the same company, but two polls commissioned by The Washington Post and Newsweek magazine on the important issue of public approval of the National Security Agency's gathering of phone records produced quite different results.

NSA Program Further Blurs Line on Privacy — Consumers Grow Accustomed to Surrendering Personal Data — Phone companies know every number we dial. Grocery stores watch what we buy, search engines track what we look for on the Internet, banks count each penny we deposit or withdraw.

Information Please — Oh, sorry, it's not 1942. It's 2006, and these three phone giants are about to be excoriated for cooperating with the war on terror. Senate Judiciary Committee chairman Arlen Specter has demanded that ATT, Verizon, and BellSouth testify under oath about their assistance …

Vox Pollsteri — One of the things that I find frustrating about the current debate over the surveillance state is the constant bickering about what the polls show. One side cites the latest Washington Post poll, showing that most people are OK with having their phone records swept …
The Moderate Voice

BORDER TROOPS — BUSH'S PLAN TO STEM ALIEN TIDE — May 13, 2006 — WASHINGTON - President Bush plans to call for troops and a high-tech "virtual" fence to beef up the border with Mexico when he speaks to the nation on immigration Monday night, sources said yesterday.
Discussion:, Hugh Hewitt, QandO, Daily Pundit, Outside The Beltway, Stop The ACLU and OPFOR

LIBERTY UNIVERSITY COMMENCEMENT ADDRESS — Lynchburg, Virginia. ¬- Today, U.S. Senator John McCain (R-AZ) delivered the commencement address to the graduates at Liberty University. The following is the text of his address: — Thank you, Dr. Falwell.

The Probe of a Senior CIA Official Hits Home — and Abroad — While agents search Foggo's home for evidence of improper links to a defense contractor, they are also casting a wider net across the Atlantic — Even as federal officers Friday searched the Vienna, Va., residence of Kyle …

Spy Agency Watching Americans From Space — WASHINGTON (AP) - A little-known spy agency that analyzes imagery taken from the skies has been spending significantly more time watching U.S. soil. — In an era when other intelligence agencies try to hide those operations …
protein wisdom, The Reaction, Booman Tribune, A Blog For All, No More Mister Nice Blog and Blue Crab Boulevard

Is the Phone Company Violating Your Privacy? — ON THURSDAY, USA Today reported that three telecom companies — AT&T Inc., Verizon Communications Inc. and BellSouth Corp. — have been providing the spy agency with records of billions of phone calls made by U.S. citizens inside …

Honest Clinton? — The Clinton New Network's latest attempt to ressurect the legacy of Bill Clinton. — Hmmmm - polls. Legacy? Blue dress. Moving on. — But once again, let's explore theFacts on Clinton. — RECORDS SET — The only president ever impeached on grounds of personal malfeasance

Some Other Implications Of The NSA Phone Databank Scandal — We've said repeatedly in our posts that a key problem with the Bush administration is its nonstop, growing credibility crisis. It's a huge underlying factor in the current uproar over the collection of phone call data by NSA …

Mike McCurry: More on Us Being Internet Rabble — There is a blogad buy from the Telecom companies on their new negative attack piece on net neutrality. I encourage bloggers who received the ad to link this to this blog post. — That's it. Burn DC to the ground.