Top Items:

Karl Rove Indicted on Charges of Perjury, Lying to Investigators — Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald spent more than half a day Friday at the offices of Patton Boggs, the law firm representing Karl Rove. — During the course of that meeting, Fitzgerald served attorneys …
TalkLeft, Billmon,, SEIXON, Democrat Taylor Marsh …, The Gun Toting Liberal, Sweetness & Light, Bark Bark Woof Woof,, Preemptive Karma, Shakespeare's Sister, The Florida Masochist, Blanton's and Ashton's, In Search Of Utopia, Outside The Beltway, Running Scared, Booman Tribune, THE NEWS BLOG, News Hounds and Cannonfire

A Fresh Focus on Cheney — Hand-written notes by the Vice President surface in the Fitzgerald Probe — The Vice President at an awards ceremony on Wednesday — May 13, 2006 - The role of Vice President Dick Cheney in the criminal case stemming from the outing of White House critic …
TalkLeft, Macsmind, AMERICAblog, The Democratic Daily Blog, Andrew Sullivan and Flopping Aces

Cheney Pushed U.S. to Widen Eavesdropping — WASHINGTON, May 13 — In the weeks after the Sept. 11 attacks, Vice President Dick Cheney and his top legal adviser argued that the National Security Agency should intercept purely domestic telephone calls and e-mail messages without warrants …
Balkinization, US Politics, SEIXON, Booman Tribune, Middle Earth Journal, Amygdala, True Blue Liberal and The Mahablog

Times' Frank Rich: Any 'witch hunt' for traitors should begin in the White House — Defending journalists who have been castigated as traitors for exposing government blunders, New York Times columnist Frank Rich writes that any "witch hunt" for traitors should begin in the White House, RAW STORY has found.
Obsidian Wings

Breaking Report: Karl Rove Indicted — Huge breaking news from Jason Leopold just now at Truthout — Karl Rove has been indicted. … Leopold reports the charges include lying to investigators and perjury before the grand jury but it is not yet known if obstruction of justice is one of the charges.
Sadly, No!

The Cirque du Soleil Defense, Part II
The Next Hurrah

Newsweek Poll: Americans Wary of NSA Spying — Bush's approval ratings hit new lows as controversy rages. — May 13, 2006 - Has the Bush administration gone too far in expanding the powers of the President to fight terrorism? Yes, say a majority of Americans, following this week's revelation …

Sibling Rivalry: 'Wash Post' and 'Newsweek' Polls Clash on NSA — They may be owned by the same company, but two polls commissioned by The Washington Post and Newsweek magazine on the important issue of public approval of the National Security Agency's gathering of phone records produced quite different results.

Hey, I Got Polled — Looks like many are confused by recent polling over the NSA story. … They aren't alone. But I did actually get a call today from Gallup / USA Today to participate in a poll on the topic. I'll share some feedback from a participant's point of view.

Rep. Pete Hoekstra: Journalism vs. security — Leaking classified information puts American lives at risk, says Republican congressman. — WE ARE IN the first war of the Information Age, and we have a critical advantage over our enemy: We are far better at gathering intelligence.

NSA's Multi-Billion Dollar Data Mining Effort

BORDER TROOPS — BUSH'S PLAN TO STEM ALIEN TIDE — May 13, 2006 — WASHINGTON - President Bush plans to call for troops and a high-tech "virtual" fence to beef up the border with Mexico when he speaks to the nation on immigration Monday night, sources said yesterday.

Fired Officer Believed CIA Lied to Congress — Friends Say McCarthy Learned of Denials About Detainees' Treatment — A senior CIA official, meeting with Senate staff in a secure room of the Capitol last June, promised repeatedly that the agency did not violate or seek to violate …

LIBERTY UNIVERSITY COMMENCEMENT ADDRESS — Lynchburg, Virginia. ¬- Today, U.S. Senator John McCain (R-AZ) delivered the commencement address to the graduates at Liberty University. The following is the text of his address: — Thank you, Dr. Falwell.

Duke Lacrosse DNA: Mystery Man Revealed — Accuser's Boyfriend is 'Single Source' of DNA on Vaginal Swab — May 13, 2006 — The second round of DNA test results in the Duke University rape investigation show "no conclusive match'' to any lacrosse players, defense attorneys said …

Mike McCurry: More on Us Being Internet Rabble — There is a blogad buy from the Telecom companies on their new negative attack piece on net neutrality. I encourage bloggers who received the ad to link this to this blog post. — That's it. Burn DC to the ground.

Some Other Implications Of The NSA Phone Databank Scandal — We've said repeatedly in our posts that a key problem with the Bush administration is its nonstop, growing credibility crisis. It's a huge underlying factor in the current uproar over the collection of phone call data by NSA …