Top Items:

Top Bush Aide at Justice Dept. Was Set to Quit — WASHINGTON, May 26 — Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales and senior officials and career prosecutors at the Justice Department told associates this week that they were prepared to quit if the White House directed them to relinquish evidence seized …

A Defiant Stance In Jefferson Probe — Justice Dept. Talked of Big Resignations If White House Agreed to Return Papers — The Justice Department signaled to the White House this week that the nation's top three law enforcement officials would resign or face firing rather than return documents seized …

White House compares illegal immigration to speeding — WASHINGTON - The White House on Friday said a Senate bill that would grant legal status to illegal immigrants is analogous to a traffic law that allows a speeder to pay a fine and continue driving. — "If you had a traffic ticket …

House Republican Pessimistic on Immigration Deal — WASHINGTON, May 26 — A powerful House Republican said today that he would like to see an immigration bill become law, but he warned that the version passed overwhelmingly by the Senate on Thursday is a "non-starter."

Why All the Fuss? — It's amusing, frankly, that the Republicans …
The Blogging of the President

In Haditha, Memories of a Massacre — Iraqi Townspeople Describe Slaying of 24 Civilians by Marines in Nov. 19 Incident — BAGHDAD, May 26 — Witnesses to the slaying of 24 Iraqi civilians by U.S. Marines in the western town of Haditha say the Americans shot men, women and children …
Time, Riehl World View, Amygdala, Left I on the News, Bark Bark Woof Woof, Daimnation!, Majikthise, Oliver Willis and Outside The Beltway

Bush Aide Confirmed to U.S. Bench — Senate Vote Puts Kavanaugh on Court of Appeals for D.C. Circuit — White House aide Brett M. Kavanaugh won Senate confirmation as an appeals judge yesterday after a three-year wait, a new victory for President Bush in a drive to place a more conservative stamp on the courts.

Senate Overwhelmingly Confirms General to Be Director of C.I.A. — WASHINGTON, May 26 — The Senate overwhelmingly confirmed Gen. Michael V. Hayden on Friday as director of the Central Intelligence Agency, despite some senators' criticism of his role in overseeing a domestic electronic surveillance program.

U.S. Senate Votes 78-15 to Confirm Hayden to Head CIA (Correct)
The Strata-Sphere

Looking Back at Iraq — A war to be proud of. — National Review Online — There may be a lot to regret about the past policy of the United States in the Middle East, but the removal of Saddam Hussein and the effort to birth democracy in his place is surely not one of them.

JESSE MACBETH'S DD-214 — Someone has posted a scanned copy of what appears to be a DD-214 for one Jesse Adam MacBeth. My initial read of it tells me that he most likely dropped out of boot camp. — Blocks 11 and 13 appear to have been crudely "modified" after the fact. — Block 11 reads as follows:

Jesse Macbeth(?) posts his discharge form
JUST CITIZENS …, BLACKFIVE, A Blog For All, protein wisdom, Blue Crab Boulevard and Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler

U.S. Is Debating Talks With Iran on Nuclear Issue — WASHINGTON, May 26 — The Bush administration is beginning to debate whether to set aside a longstanding policy taboo and open direct talks with Iran, to help avert a crisis over Tehran's suspected nuclear weapons program …

"Media Matters"; by Jamison Foser — The defining issue of our time is not the Iraq war. It is not the "global war on terror." It is not our inability (or unwillingness) to ensure that all Americans have access to affordable health care. Nor is it immigration, outsourcing, or growing income inequity.
The Radio Equalizer

Cultural ID — Chris Bowers writes about one of my favorite subjects today: American tribal identity. … I think the evidence is overwhelming that it is. He reproduces one of those great maps that break down everybody by something or other and like most of them, it ends up showing …

Left to die on Mount Everest — Report that dozens of climbers passed stricken British mountaineer on way to the summit shocks first man to reach top — WELLINGTON, New Zealand - Mount Everest pioneer Sir Edmund Hillary said Wednesday he was shocked that dozens of climbers left …

Hundreds die in Indonesian quake — More than 2,700 people have been killed and thousands more injured by a strong earthquake that struck the Indonesian island of Java, officials have said. — The quake, measuring 6.2, flattened buildings in a densely-populated area south of the city of Yogyakarta, near the southern coast of Java.
The Agonist

The 25 Worst Tech Products of All Time — At PC World, we spend most of our time talking about products that make your life easier or your work more productive. But it's the lousy ones that linger in our memory long after their shrinkwrap has shriveled, and that make tech editors cry out, "What have I done to deserve this?"
Pam's House Blend

Books: 'Barn Burning, Barn Building' — "Tales of a Political Life, From LBJ to George W. Bush and Beyond" — Ben Barnes , a political consultant who has been involved in Texas and national politics for decades, was online Friday, May 26, at 11 a.m. ET to discuss his book, "Barn Burning …

Paul Krugman, A Test of Our Character — In his new movie, "An Inconvenient Truth," Al Gore suggests that there are three reasons it's hard to get action on global warming. The first is boiled-frog syndrome: because the effects of greenhouse gases build up gradually, at any given moment it's easier to do nothing.