Top Items:

Kerry Pressing Swiftboat Case, Long After Loss — John Kerry starts by showing the entry in a log he kept from 1969: "Feb 12: 0800 run to Cambodia." — He moves on to the photographs: his boat leaving the base at Ha Tien, Vietnam; the harbor; the mountains fading frame by frame as the boat heads north …

Bring It On — John Kerry wants to re-fight the Swift Boats wars. My goodness, that is the only thing that could get the Times to cover this - during his campaign they stayed about as far from this story as Kerry was from Cambodia at Christmas time. — Let me seize on just one detail …

"Media Matters"; by Jamison Foser — The defining issue of our time is not the Iraq war. It is not the "global war on terror." It is not our inability (or unwillingness) to ensure that all Americans have access to affordable health care. Nor is it immigration, outsourcing, or growing income inequity.

Democrats wary about signing up as Clinton campaign gathers pace — At a breakfast in Washington recently, a former senior member of Bill Clinton's cabinet offered only an exaggerated Gallic shrug when faced with this question: Could Hillary Clinton win a national election?
David Sirota

Iraqi minister defends Iranian nuclear program — 'Every country has right' to nuclear technology, Zebari says — BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) — Iran has a right to develop nuclear technology and the international community should drop its demands that Tehran prove it's not trying to build a nuclear weapon …

U.S. Is Debating Talks With Iran on Nuclear Issue
In From the Cold, Decision '08, Kobayashi Maru, TigerHawk, Booman Tribune, Blue Crab Boulevard, rubber hose and BrothersJudd Blog

In Haditha, Memories of a Massacre — Iraqi Townspeople Describe Slaying of 24 Civilians by Marines in Nov. 19 Incident — BAGHDAD, May 26 — Witnesses to the slaying of 24 Iraqi civilians by U.S. Marines in the western town of Haditha say the Americans shot men, women and children …

Photos Indicate Civilians Slain Execution-Style — An official involved in an investigation of Camp Pendleton Marines' actions in an Iraqi town cites `a total breakdown in morality.' — WASHINGTON — Photographs taken by a Marine intelligence team have convinced investigators …

President Delivers Commencement Address at the United States Military Academy at West Point — United States Military Academy at West Point — THE PRESIDENT: Thank you for the warm welcome. General Lennox, Secretary Harvey, members of the United States Congress, Academy staff and faculty …

Live-Blogging President Bush's Speech at West Point — I am listening to President Bush's speech at West Point and thinking "Why didn't he give this speech three years ago?" — "Long war" is the subject of this speech, and Bush is reviewing our last long war, The Cold War.

White House Wants NSA Lawsuits Nixed — Administration Asks Federal Judges In N.Y., Mich. To Drop Wiretap Cases — (CBS/AP) The Bush administration asked federal judges in New York and Michigan to dismiss a pair of lawsuits filed over the National Security Agency's domestic eavesdropping program …

U.S. Senate Votes 78-15 to Confirm Hayden to Head CIA (Correct)
The Strata-Sphere

Cultural ID — Chris Bowers writes about one of my favorite subjects today: American tribal identity. … I think the evidence is overwhelming that it is. He reproduces one of those great maps that break down everybody by something or other and like most of them, it ends up showing …

First Amendment Applies to Internet, Appeals Court Rules — SAN FRANCISCO, May 26 — A California appeals court ruled Friday that online reporters are protected by the same confidentiality laws that protect traditional journalists, striking a blow to efforts by Apple Computer to identify people who leaked confidential company data.

Quake kills at least 2,900 in Indonesia — YOGYAKARTA, Indonesia - A powerful earthquake flattened homes and hotels in central Indonesia early Saturday as people slept, killing at least 2,900 and injuring thousands more in the nation's worst disaster since the 2004 tsunami.
True Blue Liberal

Howie Klein's Blue America: Montana — Last week I mentioned how important June 6 is, with primaries in 8 states, and I talked about a couple of crucial ones in California (Francine Busby's Special Election run-off against Republican lobbyist Brian Bilbray and Jerry McNerney's grassroots campaign …

Dowd to RNC Members: Simmer Down Now — RNC senior adviser/BC04 senior strategist/Ron Fournier co-author Matthew Dowd urges Republican Nat'l Committee members to favor a "comprehensive" solution to immigration, which the public believes is is "unifying — not polarizing."

THANK YOU FORT BENNING DRILL SERGEANTS... ...for if it wasn't for you, Jesse MacBeth would have been a soldier. This Bud's for you! — Background on Jesse MacBeth here. — McQ at QandO has more - His DD214 shows a discharge before completing training and entering the Army. He couldn't cut it.
Brainster's Blog, protein wisdom, Blue Crab Boulevard, JUST CITIZENS … and A Blog For All