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Details Emerge About Suspects in Canada Bomb Plot — MISSISSAUGA, Canada, June 4 — Several of the people arrested by Canadian authorities in a huge counterterrorism sweep over the weekend regularly attended the same storefront mosque in a middle-class neighborhood of modest brick rental townhouses and well-kept lawns.

Take a good, hard look at what's going on here — Be sickened. Be frightened. Be angry. But don't you dare be shocked. — Unless you've been had. — Either way, the time has long passed for domestic bliss born of ignorance, virtue and wilful denial.

Accused from a 'broad strata' of society — From an unmarried computer programmer to a university health sciences graduate and the unemployed, the 17 suspects charged in a foiled terrorist plot represent a "broad strata" of Canadian society. — "Some are students, some are employed …

A Hard Look at Haditha — The apparent cold-blooded killing last November of 24 Iraqi civilians by United States marines at Haditha will be hard to dispose of with another Washington damage control operation. The Iraqi government has made clear that it will not sit still for one, and neither should the American people.
Flopping Aces, The Political Pit Bull, Don Surber, Patterico's Pontifications and Rising Hegemon

Events at Haditha don't change need for victory — Here are a couple of observations from two parents of American heroes fallen in Iraq. The first is from Cindy Sheehan, the mother of Army Spec. Casey Sheehan, a brave man who enlisted in 2000, re-upped for a second tour and died in 2005 …

GEORGE BUSH MADE ME HAVE SEX — Well, not literally. — Bush has been blamed for most of the world's ills over the past five years. He has been blamed for tsunamis, earthquakes, tornadoes, obesity, a rise in global temperatures, and the pimple on Duncan Black's posterior.

Gunmen kill 21 commuters near Baghdad — SULAIMANIYAH, Iraq - Gunmen killed 21 people — many of them high school students — after dragging them off buses northeast of Baghdad, officials said. Four Sunni Arabs were spared and the dead were all Shiites or Kurds.
Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler

Colbert Tells College Graduates: Get Your Own TV Show — NEW YORK At the close of his commencement speech before 250 graduates (and 4000 others) at tiny Knox College in Galesburg, Ill. on Saturday, satirist Stephen Colbert left them with a piece of advice: Get your own TV show.
Brilliant at Breakfast

Gore says don't count on a 2008 run — WASHINGTON - Al Gore, the Democrats' nominee for the White House in 2000, says he has all but ruled out running for president in 2008, saying the best use of his time is to educate people about global warming. — "I haven't made a Sherman statement …

Paul Bass — Seasonal Memory Lapses — Medical researchers have identified a host of causes for amnesia, from encephalitis to traumatic brain injury. — I've discovered another cause: political campaigns. — Exhibit A: The current campaign in Connecticut for the Democratic U.S. Senate nomination.

Fears for the worst as 10,000 Spitfires head for Germany — The last time they flew across the Channel, they were 32 feet long, with Rolls-Royce engines and wings bristling with 20mm cannons. — Now they measure all of 18 inches, have no engine and not so much as a peashooter - but their …

Gay Marriage Amendment Getting a Presidential Push — Conservatives who think Bush has buried the issue denounce the planned event as a ruse. — WASHINGTON — The campaign against gay marriage is scheduled to get the full White House treatment on Monday — words from President Bush in front …

China: June 4th:Silence, Memorial and Blogger's Saying — Today it's June 4th, the 17th anniversary of Tiananmen Square Massacre, which marked the end of student democracy movement in Beijing and nationwide lasting from March to June, 1989. The communist party of China still did not recognize …

Ahmadinejad: I've Got A Secret — Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has decided to publicly release the package offered by Western nations for an end to Teheran's uranium-enrichment program. Brushing off a warning from Kofi Annan, Ahmadinejad says he wants his people to remain fully informed of the situation:

Citizen soldiers, citizen media: The War Tapes — On Friday, I attended the New York premiere of The War Tapes, the true story of National Guardsmen who filmed their own tour of duty in Iraq. (My original photos: here, here, and here.) — "The War Tapes" is a milestone in journalism.

Harry Truman would have given terrorists hell — Democrats know how to fight real wars, not just political ones, says Peter Beinart. — IN 1948, AMERICAN liberals went to war — with each other. The chief combatants were Henry A. Wallace, Franklin D. Roosevelt's former vice president …

Hillary and Bill: A Relationship Too Political to Be Ignored — COMPLAINTS about the May 23 Page 1 article on Hillary and Bill Clinton add up to one of the most uniformly negative and partisan reader reactions to a Times article during the past year. Most decried as tabloid journalism …

Middle Earth Journal