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Iraqi PM: Abu Musab al-Zarqawi killed — BAGHDAD, Iraq - Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the al-Qaida-linked militant who led a bloody campaign of suicide bombings, kidnappings and hostage beheadings in Iraq, has been killed in a U.S. air raid north of Baghdad, Iraq's prime minister said Thursday.
Outside The Beltway, blogenlust, Mark in Mexico, Security Watchtower, The Glittering Eye, Blinq, The Left Coaster, Media Blog on National …, AMERICAblog, PunditGuy, A Blog For All, the talking dog,, Left I on the News,, QandO, Blue Crab Boulevard, No More Mister Nice Blog, Unqualified Offerings, PoliBlog, lgf, AMERICAN FUTURE, EconoPundit and Bark Bark Woof Woof

Insurgent Leader Zarqawi Killed in Iraq — BAGHDAD, June 8 — Abu Musab Zarqawi, leader of one of the most entrenched insurgent operations in Iraq, has been killed, Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki announced Thursday. — Maliki, flanked by U.S. Gen. George Casey, who commands U.S. troops in Iraq …
Democrat Taylor Marsh …, Right Wing Nut House, Global Guerrillas, All Things Beautiful, Hammorabi, TAPPED, Villainous Company, The Washington Monthly, The Carpetbagger Report, The Wide Awake Cafe, Obsidian Wings, Mark in Mexico, The Sundries Shack, The American Thinker, The RCP Blog and RuminateThis

ZARQAWI KILLED!! — Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has just announced the death of terror leader Abu Musa'ab al-Zarqawi in a joint press conference with Ambassador Khalil Zad. — Al-Maliki explained that Zarqawi (and 7 of his aides) was killed in an air raid in the little town …
Wizbang, The American Mind,, Big Lizards, Sister Toldjah and Mudville Gazette

Leader of Al Qaeda in Iraq Has Been Killed — BAGHDAD, Iraq, June 8 - Al Qaeda's leader in Iraq, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, was killed in an American airstrike on an isolated safe house north of Baghdad at 6.15 p.m. local time on Wednesday, top U.S. and Iraqi officials said on today.
Ezra Klein, Back to Iraq 3.0, The American Street, Air America Radio, FP Passport, Althouse and Just a Bump in the Beltway

Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi Dies in Bombing Attack — BAGHDAD, Iraq — Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, Al Qaeda's leader in Iraq who led a bloody campaign of suicide bombings and kidnappings, has been killed in an air strike, U.S. and Iraqi officials said Thursday, adding that his identity was confirmed by fingerprints and a look at his face.
Winds of Change.NET, Gay Patriot, Strategic Outlook Institute, Vodkapundit, OPFOR and Common Sense and Wonder

Terror leader al-Zarqawi dead, Iraqi officials say — BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) — Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the most wanted terrorist in Iraq, is dead, Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki said Thursday. — "Today Zarqawi has been killed," al-Maliki said. The announcement was greeted by cheers.

"ZARQAWI HAS BEEN KILLED" (VIDEO ADDED) — ***scroll for of Iraqi PM announcement added...oil prices drop after announcement...the Kos crazies are at it already...scars and fingerprints used to identify Zarqawi body...dancing in the streets...Bush transcript …

Statement by the President on Death of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi — Washington, D.C. — THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. Last night in Iraq, United States military forces killed the terrorist al Zarqawi. At 6:15 p.m. Baghdad time, special operation forces, acting on tips and intelligence from Iraqis …

Airstrike kills terror leader al-Zarqawi in Iraq — BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) — Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the most wanted terrorist in Iraq, was killed in a coalition airstrike near Baquba, jubilant U.S. and Iraqi authorities announced Thursday. — Al-Zarqawi's killing is a major coup for the embattled coalition forces.

Zarqawi killed in Iraq air raid — Militant leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi has been killed, Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Maliki has announced. — "Today we have eliminated Zarqawi," Mr Maliki said, sparking sustained applause. The US said he was killed in an air raid near Baquba.
Aljazeera, Guardian, California Conservative, american footprints, Jay Currie, THE ASTUTE BLOGGER and BrothersJudd Blog

With or Without Zarqawi — With ABC news reporting that Zarqawi is dead, and a major press conference in Iraq planned for the morning, there is a good chance that the son of a bitch might be dead. Yet the United States needs to stop acting like this is a one man show.

Zarqawi Scheduled for Martyrdom — June 7, 2006: The relationship between terrorist leader Abu Musab al Zarqawi and and the mainline al Qaeda leadership continues to deteriorate. Zarqawi's recent audio messages have not only attacked the U.S. and the Shia-dominated government in Iraq, but also Iran.

ZARQAWI IS DEAD: Good. Unlike previous reports this one seems very likely to be true.
Discussion:, Counterterrorism Blog, Hugh Hewitt, Tim Blair, Austin Bay Blog and Pundit Review


Zarqawi Killed — Scroll for updates, quotes from Bush announcement …

Specter's Uneasy Relationship With White House Is Revealed in a Letter to Cheney — WASHINGTON, June 7 — A senior Republican lawmaker went public on Wednesday about his often tense and complicated relationship with the Bush White House in a remarkable display of the strains within the party.

White House faulted in VA data theft — Funds sought for personnel — WASHINGTON — Lawmakers from both parties called on the Bush administration yesterday for money and accountability in a widening data-security breach now encompassing nearly all active-duty military, Guard, and Reserve members.

Supporters Lose in Gay Marriage Ban Vote — The Senate on Wednesday rejected a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage, dealing an embarrassing defeat to President Bush and Republicans who hoped to use the measure to energize conservative voters on Election Day.

Efforts by C.I.A. Fail in Somalia, Officials Charge — WASHINGTON, June 7 — A covert effort by the Central Intelligence Agency to finance Somali warlords has drawn sharp criticism from American government officials who say the campaign has thwarted counterterrorism efforts inside Somalia …