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Can Lieberman Survive Iraq? — With bloggers, consituents and many party officials still angry about his support for the war, Connecticut's moderate Democratic senator is fighting for his political life — As Joe Lieberman was criss-crossing Connecticut last Friday, picking up endorsements …

New Ad: Look Who's Talking - George Bush or Joe Lieberman? [14] — New Ad: Look Who's Talking - George Bush or Joe Lieberman? — We are going on the air with a brand new commercial, and we need your help to keep it on the air. While Senator Lieberman distorts facts and outright lies …

Lieberman Lies, Leaps Into Gutter — He did it with this new attack flyer mailed to Democratic voters. — Joe Lieberman's reelection campaign for U.S. Senate has already been widely criticized, even by conservatives sympathetic to the candidate, for its low-grade attack tactics on Ned Lamont …
Firedoglake, Connecticut Bob, LamontBlog, The Influence Peddler and Connecticut Local Politics

Bush slams leak of terror finance story — WASHINGTON - President Bush on Monday sharply condemned the disclosure of a program to secretly monitor the financial transactions of suspected terrorists. "The disclosure of this program is disgraceful," he said.

Bush Condemns Bank Record Search Leak — President Bush said today that a secret program to search global bank records for terrorism-related transactions was "fully authorized" under U.S. law, and he denounced the public disclosure of the program as "disgraceful."

President Bush Meets with Supporters of U.S. Military in Iraq and Afghanistan — THE PRESIDENT: I have just had a remarkable discussion with some of my fellow citizens who have dedicated their lives to making sure our troops know that this country supports them as they help secure our country and spread freedom.

CU To Fire Ward Churchill — Professor Has Vowed To Sue If School Fired Him — BOULDER, Colo. — The University of Colorado announced Monday that it will dismiss controversial professor Ward Churchill. — "Today, I issued to Professor Churchill a notice of intent to dismiss …

Recommendation of Interim Chancellor Phil DiStefano with Regard to Investigation of Research Misconduct — Fifteen months ago, I met with you to discuss the findings of specific allegations concerning the scholarship and conduct of Professor Ward Churchill.

Divisive Plan to Unify Iraq — Sunnis object to much of premier's blueprint for reconciliation. U.S. senators criticize its proposal of amnesty for some insurgents. — BAGHDAD — Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Maliki on Sunday unveiled an ambitious, U.S.-backed plan for bringing together ethnic …

New Evidence Emerges in Haditha Case — New evidence continues to emerge that U.S. Marines did not wantonly kill Iraqi civilians in Haditha last November - and the soldiers' accounts of what happened are backed up by videotape shot by an ultralight vehicle, NewsMax has learned.
Flopping Aces, Hot Air, Sister Toldjah, PrairiePundit, Sweetness & Light and

Spinning Haditha — So I receive a phone call from a reporter at ABC News. They are working on a story about Haditha, and the reporter's comments to me go something along the lines of; "I am particularly interested in your recent pieces on Haditha in which you say that in order to understand what happened …

Justices Block Vermont Campaign Finance Law — WASHINGTON, June 26 — The Supreme Court ruled today that a Vermont law restricting campaign donations and expenditures was unconstitutional. The court said that the law's limits on how much a candidate could spend violated …

Majority of Americans want withdrawal plan for Iraq — WASHINGTON — A clear majority of Americans say Congress should pass a resolution that outlines a plan for withdrawing U.S. troops from Iraq, according to a USA TODAY/Gallup Poll taken Friday through Sunday.

Lessons from a Larger-than-Life President — Theodore Roosevelt is one of the most remarkable figures in America's story. Adventurous, brave, opinionated, a larger-than-life personality, he was a man of action, energy and motion. T.R. loved what he called "the literature of history" …

State to interfere in childrens' home lives — The home life of every child in the country is to be recorded on a national database in the ultimate intrusion of the nanny state, it has emerged. — Computer records holding details of school performance, diet and even whether their parents provide …