Top Items:

Justices Back Most G.O.P. Changes to Texas Districts — WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court on Wednesday upheld most of the Texas congressional map engineered by former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay but threw out part, saying some of the new boundaries failed to protect minority voting rights.

Decisions: No ruling on Hamdan; partisan gerrymander claim rejected — (NOTE: The Chief Justice announced that the Court will issue remaining decisions in the Term at 10 a.m. Thursday. The two still-undecided cases are the war crimes tribunal case (Hamdan v. Rumsfeld) …

Most of Texas' redistricting map upheld — WASHINGTON — The U.S. Supreme Court today upheld almost all of Texas' Republican-friendly U.S. House election district map. — By a 5-4 vote, the court said the 23rd District in Southwest Texas, represented by Republican Henry Bonilla …

Terrorist funds-tracking no secret, some say — Cite White House boasts of tighter monitoring system — WASHINGTON — News reports disclosing the Bush administration's use of a special bank surveillance program to track terrorist financing spurred outrage in the White House and on Capitol Hill …
Unclaimed Territory, A Blog For All, The Mahablog, New York Times, News Hounds, Palmetto Pundit, King of Zembla and Preemptive Karma

Piling On the New York Times With a Scoop — Story on Secret Program Further Rouses Critics — President Bush calls the conduct of the New York Times "disgraceful." Vice President Cheney objects to the paper having won a Pulitzer Prize. A Republican congressman wants the Times prosecuted.

"[T]reason, plain and simple": Right-wing media figures attack …
ECHIDNE OF THE SNAKES, TPMCafe, News Hounds, The Carpetbagger Report and Crooks and Liars

'Mashaal is target for assassination' — Justice Minister Haim Ramon said Wednesday that Hamas's Syria-based leader, Khaled Mashaal, is a target for assassination for ordering the kidnapping of an Israeli soldier in the Gaza Strip. — "He is definitely in our sights ... he is a target," Ramon told Army Radio.
Captain's Quarters, Kesher Talk, Israel Matzav, Gateway Pundit,, and Assorted Babble

Operation Summer Rains
Discussion:, Atlas Shrugs, Israel Matzav,, Haaretz, World Opinion Roundup …, Liberty and Justice, CNN and A Blog For All

Israelis keep pressure on Palestinians
BBC, International, All Things Beautiful, Assorted Babble, Left I on the News and Mia Culpa

For first time, Hamas-led government calls for prisoner swap
New York Times, Israel Matzav, A Blog For All,, PoliBlog, FP Passport, and

IDF captures airstrip, gains foothold east of Rafah
Captain's Quarters, Israel Matzav, Flopping Aces, A Blog For All,,, Liberty and Justice and Power Line

Obama: Democrats Must Court Evangelicals — WASHINGTON — Sen. Barack Obama chastised fellow Democrats on Wednesday for failing to "acknowledge the power of faith in the lives of the American people," and said the party must compete for the support of evangelicals and other churchgoing Americans.
David Sirota, MyDD, The Republic of T., Seeing the Forest, Firedoglake, The Agonist, Hot Air, The Carpetbagger Report, AMERICAblog, Street Prophets, Ezra Klein and Eschaton

A SWIFT Kick in the Head — When asked to back up the White House accusation that a recent New York Times story put American lives at risk by disclosing vital secrets to terrorists, the best press secretary Tony Snow could do yesterday was this: "I am absolutely sure they didn't know about SWIFT."

Democrats More Eager to Vote, But Unhappy with Party — Gay Marriage, Inheritance Tax Among the Lowest Public Priorities — Summary of Findings — With less than five months to go before Election Day, Democrats hold two distinct advantages in the midterm campaign that they have not enjoyed for some time.

Home Fly-By Sends Message to Syrian Leader — Israeli warplanes buzzed the summer residence of Syrian President Bashar Assad early Wednesday, military officials said, in a message aimed at pressuring the Syrian leader to win the release of a captured Israeli soldier.

GOP's New `values Agenda' Item Fails — House Republicans failed Wednesday to advance a bill protecting the words "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance. Only a day earlier, the GOP had placed the measure on its "American Values Agenda" in hopes of bolster the party's prospects in the fall election.

A Working Girl Can Win — THE CASE AGAINST STAYING AT HOME WITH THE KIDS. — Get to work, Linda Hirshman admonished American women in a polemical article in the American Prospect last December, in which she argued that it's imperative for women not to "opt out" of employment to stay home with the kids.

Commentary: Media provides cover for assault on traditional marriage — Editor's note: James C. Dobson is founder and chairman of Focus on the Family Action. He has a Ph.D. in child development and is author of the best-selling book, "Bringing Up Boys." He's currently working on a follow-up, "Bringing Up Girls."

Indiana Jones? No, it's Weldon — It's a scene out of an Indiana Jones movie - or an Indiana Jones parody: — A caravan of jeeps and heavy equipment crawls across the Iraqi desert, headed for a secret location on the banks of the Euphrates River. — Their mission: to dig 25 feet …

Senator seeks tax on pimps, prostitutes — Grassley: 'It's a no-brainer to have the IRS go after sex traffickers' — NEW YORK (CNN) — Republican Sen. Charles Grassley of Iowa is hoping to stamp out the sex trade by taxing pimps and prostitutes, then jailing them when they don't pay.