Top Items:

Hamas leaders arrested; Israeli executed — GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip - Israeli forces rounded up dozens of Palestinian Cabinet ministers and lawmakers from Hamas, increasing pressure on the Islamic militants to release a captured Israeli soldier, and witnesses said tanks moved into northern Gaza …

Home Fly-By Sends Message to Syrian Leader — Israeli warplanes buzzed the summer residence of Syrian President Bashar Assad early Wednesday, military officials said, in a message aimed at pressuring the Syrian leader to win the release of a captured Israeli soldier.

More than 30 Hamas man arrested, Palestinians say — Israel Defense Forces troops launched early Thursday a major arrest operation against Hamas officials, detaining more than 30 of the ruling militant group's ministers and parliamentarians in the West Bank, Palestinian security officials said.
Kesher Talk

Gaza militants say fired chemical-tipped warhead —Text+GAZA (Reuters) - A spokesman for gunmen in the Gaza Strip said they had fired a rocket tipped with a chemical warhead at Israel early on Thursday. — The Israeli army had no immediate comment on the claim by the spokesman …
Arutz Sheva, A Blog For All, Riehl World View, Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler, Wizbang, Assorted Babble and

Terrorist funds-tracking no secret, some say — Cite White House boasts of tighter monitoring system — WASHINGTON — News reports disclosing the Bush administration's use of a special bank surveillance program to track terrorist financing spurred outrage in the White House and on Capitol Hill …
The Washington Monthly, Bring it On!, Palmetto Pundit, A Blog For All, Preemptive Karma and Counterterrorism Blog

Behind Bush's Fury, a Vow Made in 2001 — WASHINGTON, June 28 — Ever since President Bush vowed days after the Sept. 11 attacks to "follow the money as a trail to the terrorists," the government has made no secret of its efforts to hunt down the bank accounts of Al Qaeda and its allies.
Mia Culpa

Insurgents offer to halt attacks in Iraq — BAGHDAD, Iraq - Eleven Sunni insurgent groups have offered an immediate halt to all attacks — including those on American troops — if the United States agrees to withdraw foreign forces from Iraq in two years, insurgent and government officials told The Associated Press on Wednesday.
Captain's Quarters, Flopping Aces, Secular Blasphemy, Blue Crab Boulevard, The Democratic Daily and USS Neverdock

Insurgents Demand Withdrawal of U.S. Forces in Iraq in 2 Years — BAGHDAD, Iraq — Insurgents are demanding the withdrawal of all U.S. and British forces from Iraq within two years as a condition for joining reconciliation talks, a senior Iraqi government official said Wednesday.

Bush Should Welcome a Fight with the Media — The battle of Midway Island was the turning point of the Pacific War. Victory at Midway was possible because the U.S. had broken the Japanese naval code. The Chicago Tribune spilled the beans in a story that ran under the headline: "NAVY HAD WORD OF JAP PLAN TO STRIKE AT SEA."

Commentary: Media provides cover for assault on traditional marriage — Editor's note: James C. Dobson is founder and chairman of Focus on the Family Action. He has a Ph.D. in child development and is author of the best-selling book, "Bringing Up Boys." He's currently working on a follow-up, "Bringing Up Girls."

Awkward moments abound in penis pump trial — BRISTOW, Okla. - Serving on the jury in an indecent-exposure trial unfolding in this conservative Oklahoma town has been a giggle-inducing experience. — Former Judge Donald D. Thompson, a veteran of 23 years on the bench …
Blue Crab Boulevard

Wanton murder — Report of June 26: … Report of June 23: … Report of June 21: … Report of June 16: … Report of June 13: … Report of June 9: … Report of June 5: … That's just a small number of reports from June 2006. As is now all too well known, I could easily have added to them.
Blue Crab Boulevard

Nominations Sent to the Senate — John Preston Bailey, of West Virginia, to be United States District Judge for the Northern District of West Virginia, vice Frederick P. Stamp, Jr., retiring. — Mary O. Donohue, of New York, to be United States District Judge for the Northern District of New York …

For Immediate Release — Webb Campaign Blasts Allen Campaign For "Weak-Kneed Attacks" Against Men And Women In Uniform — Arlington—The campaign of U.S. Senate candidate Jim Webb today called the attacks on Webb's patriotism by Allen's campaign, "weak-kneed attacks by cowards" and demanded that Allen and his campaign apologize.
THE NEWS BLOG, QandO, Hotline On Call, Give Up Blog, The Hotline's Blogometer, Oliver Willis, Democratic Underground and Daily Kos

Obama: On Faith and Politics. And Alan Keyes. — Sen. Barack Obama this morning talks about religion and says Democrats need to better acknowledge the power of faith. — Here's his speech. — Remarks of Senator Barack Obama — Call to Renewal Keynote Address — Washington, DC

New Bin Laden Audio Tape: Osama Speaks on the Death of Zarqawi — Rhonda Schwartz and Maddy Sauer Report: — A new Osama bin Laden audio is expected to be released within three days. On the tape, bin Laden will talk about the death of Abu Musab Zarqawi. More details to come.

Pentagon reverses on listing of homosexuality as mental illness — (Washington DC - PQ News, June 28, 2006) In response to the discovery that the Department of Defense had classified homosexuality as a mental illness, the Pentagon has released a statement changing the designation, PageOneQ has learned.

Day two at the gun ban conference — A remarkable thing happened at the United Nations yesterday. We, the United States, told the world "no". The messenger was Robert Joseph, the Undersecretary of State for Arms Control and International Security. Speaking before the dozens of nations …