Top Items:

Fit and Unfit to Print — What are the obligations of the press in wartime? … So wrote the great legal scholar, Alexander Bickel, about the duties of the press in his 1975 collection of essays "The Morality of Consent." We like to re-read Bickel to get our Constitutional bearings …

Sulzberger Responds to 'WSJ' Editorial Slamming the 'NYT' — NEW YORK After remaining mum for the past week, even as controversy swirled around newspapers' revealing the banking records surveillance program, the Wall Street Journal editoral page weighed in today.

Lawmakers: NSA database incomplete — WASHINGTON — Members of the House and Senate intelligence committees confirm that the National Security Agency has compiled a massive database of domestic phone call records. But some lawmakers also say that cooperation by the nation's telecommunication companies …
protein wisdom, Amygdala, JustOneMinute, TPMmuckraker, Public Eye, The Heretik and The Politburo Diktat

A note to our readers — On May 11, USA TODAY reported that the National Security Agency, with the cooperation of several of America's leading telecommunications companies, had compiled a database of domestic phone call records in an effort to monitor terrorist activity.

A Governing Philosophy Rebuffed — Ruling Emphasizes Constitutional Boundaries — For five years, President Bush waged war as he saw fit. If intelligence officers needed to eavesdrop on overseas telephone calls without warrants, he authorized it. If the military wanted to hold terrorism suspects without trial, he let it.

Did Bush commit war crimes? — Supreme Court's decision in Hamdan vs. Rumsfeld could expose officials to prosecution. — THE SUPREME Court on Thursday dealt the Bush administration a stinging rebuke, declaring in Hamdan vs. Rumsfeld that military commissions for trying terrorist suspects violate …
The Next Hurrah, The Strata-Sphere, California Conservative, ACSBlog, Real Clear Politics and Fausta's blog

5 wrong justices — By putting on hold military commissions to try terrorists for war crimes, five Supreme Court justices have made the legal system part of the problem, rather than part of the solution to the challenges of the war on terrorism. They tossed aside centuries of American history …
Outside The Beltway

Report: Mubarak demands Hamas be expelled from Syria — Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak demanded from his Syrian counterpart Bashar Assad to deport the Syrian-based Hamas leadership unless it agrees to release kidnapped IDF soldier Cpl. Gilad Shalit, Palestinian sources said on Friday.

SIEGEL V. BASEBALL CAPS: — There are few places on earth, as far as I'm concerned, where the light, especially in late afternoon, in summer, is more beautiful than on the Upper West Side of Manhattan. It's a river light, soft and gently diffused. It gets delicately soaked into the sides of buildings …

Superman eschews longtime patriot act — Nevermind Superman's sexual orientation. Here's another identity-related question that is likely to spark controversy as the Man of Steel soars into theaters nationwide this Fourth of July weekend in Warner Bros. Pictures' "Superman Returns": Is Superman still American?
The Influence Peddler, Below The Beltway, Dick Polman's American Debate and New World Man

I Was A Teenage Maniac — The Globe & Mail continues its in-depth look into Canada's home-grown terrorists and how they became radicalized while living in a tolerant, multicultural Western society. Yesterday the G&M reviewed the case of Nada Farooq, the wife of Zakaria Amara, one of the cell's ringleaders.

U.S. troops accused of killing Iraq family — BEIJI, Iraq - Five U.S. Army soldiers are being investigated for allegedly raping a young woman, then killing her and three members of her family in Iraq, a U.S. military official said Friday. — The soldiers also allegedly burned the body …

Sensitive Subject In The Senate — Lieberman's Colleagues In Awkward Position — WASHINGTON — Want to see a Democratic senator squirm? Don't ask about Iraq or gasoline prices. Ask about Joe Lieberman. — They edge toward the door, duck into the elevator, scoot down the hall to avoid the question …

A Secret the Terrorists Already Knew — COUNTERTERRORISM has become a source of continuing domestic and international political controversy. Much of it, like the role of the Iraq war in inspiring new terrorists, deserves analysis and debate. Increasingly, however, many of the political …

A Spat Over Iraq Revealed On Tape — Rice and Russian Caught Bickering At Private Lunch — MOSCOW, June 29 — The official State Department version is that "there was absolutely no friction whatsoever" between Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov during …

Guardian finds Afghan witnesses US couldn't — Declan Walsh in Gardez — The US government said it could not find the men that Guantánamo detainee Abdullah Mujahid believes could help set him free. The Guardian found them in three days. — Two years ago the US military invited Mr Mujahid …