Top Items:

3 soldiers killed, 2 seized in Hezbollah border strike — Three Israel Defense Forces soldiers were killed and two others were abducted Wednesday morning in an attack by guerillas from the militant Hezbollah organization. — The militants attacked two IDF armored Hummer jeeps patrolling along …

Hezbollah Captures 2 Israeli Soldiers — 7 Troops Killed as Israeli Forces Enter Lebanon to Conduct Search — SIDON, Lebanon, July 12 — The militant Shiite Muslim group Hezbollah captured two Israeli soldiers along the Israel-Lebanon border Wednesday morning.
Atlas Shrugs, The Washington Monthly, Shakespeare's Sister, Left I on the News and Israel Matzav

PM Olmert declares Hizbullah attack 'act of war' by Lebanon — Seventeen days after IDF soldier Gilad Shalit was kidnapped in Gaza, a second front was opened on Israel's northern border Wednesday morning as Hizbullah, under cover of a barrage of Katyusha rockets and mortar shells, kidnapped two more army troops.

Israeli Forces Enter Lebanon After 2 Soldiers Are Seized — JERUSALEM, July 12 — The Lebanese militant group Hezbollah seized two Israeli soldiers and killed three more in a brazen raid this morning along Israel's border with Lebanon. Israel immediately responded by sending an armored force …
Ynetnews, TigerHawk, Euphoric Reality, TAPPED, Power Line, The Left Coaster and Israel Matzav

Israel strikes come within 10 miles of Beirut — Prime minister says assaults over captured prisoners will be 'very painful' — Among the sites targeted by Israeli warplanes was the Qassmieh Bridge in southern Lebanon. At least two civilians have died in the attacks. — FREE VIDEO

Israel calls Hizbollah capture of soldiers act of war
Associated Press, Ankle Biting Pundits, PoliBlog, Big Lizards, and GOP Bloggers

Hezbollah Captures 2 Israeli Soldiers
Discussion:, Wizbang, QandO, Mere Rhetoric, The Glittering Eye and RS National Affairs Daily

Israel rejects Lebanese cease-fire call
Captain's Quarters, Hyscience, Liberty and Justice, This Blog Is Full Of Crap and The Big Pharaoh

2 Israeli soldiers captured by Hezbollah
Blue Crab Boulevard

ANALYSIS: Israel prepares for widespread military escalation
Outside The Beltway, Rantings of a Sandmonkey, Winds of Change.NET and Captain's Quarters

Justice Department Lawyer To Congress: 'The President Is Always Right' — The Senate Judiciary Committee yesterday heard testimony from Steven Bradbury, head of the Justice Department's office of legal counsel. When questioned by Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT) on whether the President's interpretation …

It's Bush's Way or the Highway on Guantanamo Bay — As Congress opened hearings yesterday on the treatment of terrorism detainees, the Bush administration's view was neatly summarized by Steven Bradbury, the Justice Department lawyer serving as lead witness. "The president," Bradbury said, "is always right."

Nation's Capital Declares Crime Emergency — Two groups of tourists were robbed at gunpoint on the National Mall, just hours after the police chief declared a crime emergency in the city in response to a string of violence that included the killing of a British activist.

Death toll in Bombay attacks rises to 200 — BOMBAY, India - The death toll from a series of bombs that struck Bombay's packed commuter trains rose Wednesday to 200, and India demanded that Pakistan dismantle the "infrastructure of terrorism," but leveled no direct accusation at its rival for the attacks.

Wave of Violence in Baghdad Puts 3-Day Death Toll Past 100 — BAGHDAD, Iraq, July 11 — More than 50 people were killed in Baghdad on Tuesday in violence that included a double suicide bombing near busy entrances to the fortified Green Zone, scattered shootings, mortar attacks …

Losing the Next Alito Fight — I've been meaning to blog about what we should in the event of a new Supreme Court opening. I wrote a prescription for what the anti-Alito forces could have done better. I know it was forwarded around to various leaders, but apparently these leaders have learned very little.
Firedoglake, THE NEWS BLOG, Bring it On!, The Ham Hock of Liberty, Feministe, Daily Kos and Democrat Taylor Marsh …

Online Venture Seeks To Elevate the Debate — Civility Is In, Rancor Out on Web Site Begun by Democratic, GOP Strategists — A group of political strategists who have spent years firing heavy artillery at each other came together at the Hay-Adams Hotel yesterday, put aside their weapons …
Don Surber, TAPPED, Silflay Hraka, The Gun Toting Liberal, Outside The Beltway and Blue Crab Boulevard

Video: 50 year study says conservatives 'followers' — In an interview with MSNBC's Keith Olbermann, former Nixon counsel John Dean explained a largely unknown 50 year academic study. The data shows that conservatives are much more likely to follow authoritarian leaders.
Shakespeare's Sister, Bring it On!, The Real Ugly and The Gun Toting Liberal

Disgusting: DCCC Uses Dead Soldiers to Raise Money — The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has a new fundraising pitch going out. It uses September 11th and our troops to raise money. But, instead of using those images to show Democrats would be tougher on terrorists …

Army to End Expansive, Exclusive Halliburton Deal — Logistics Contract to Be Open for Bidding — The Army is discontinuing a controversial multibillion-dollar deal with oil services giant Halliburton Co. to provide logistical support to U.S. troops worldwide, a decision that could cut deeply …

Dawn Over Tokyo — Sixty-one years after the end of World War II, Japan is on the verge of becoming a mature, responsible democracy. — Once Japan's troops raped and murdered their way across China, enslaved women as prostitutes for their soldiers, and starved, beat and worked Allied POWs to death.

Nations sending Iran to Security Council — PARIS - World powers agreed Wednesday to send Iran back to the United Nations Security Council for possible punishment, saying the clerical regime has given no sign it means to negotiate seriously over its disputed nuclear program.
Captain's Quarters

Judge Scrubs Movie Sanitizers — Call it a clean-cut victory. — Siding with 16 of Tinseltown's biggest directors, including Martin Scorsese, Steven Spielberg and Steven Soderbergh, a federal judge in Denver has ordered several companies to cease and desist from editing out movie content they find offensive.

Gorbachev: 'Americans Have a Severe Disease' — 15 Years After Being Deposed From Power, Former Leader Discusses Russia, U.S. — July 12, 2006 — Mikhail Gorbachev is generally regarded as the man who broke down the "iron curtain" that separated the communist world from the West and thawed …

Chances of Voting Rights Act renewal dim — WASHINGTON - A conservative backlash to the massive street demonstrations over immigration is aggravating Republican leaders' carefully orchestrated plans to renew the landmark Voting Rights Act before the fall elections.