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Breaking: Group claims responsibility for Centanni abduction (Video added) — The "Holy Jihad Brigades"? Whose very first act of holy jihad is to kidnap a reporter and a cameraman? — That's a shrewd way to get press, but at the rather large expense of antagonizing the Palestinian terror …
Associated Press, The Political Pit Bull, Hyscience, Reuters, Dr. Sanity, Flopping Aces, Sister Toldjah and Vital Perspective

Asking for it: why terrorism vs. Fox TV is not news — It's been over a week since Fox TV newsmen Steve Centanni and Olaf Wiig were abducted in Gaza. Until today's terrorist video by the Holy Jihad Brigade, showing them both alive and demanding the release of Muslim prisoners in America …

BREAKING: Previously Unknown 'Holy Jihad Brigades' Claims Centanni Kidnapping, Demands Release of Muslim Prisoners — Heard on Fox: Al-Jazeera is reporting that the Holy Jihad Brigades is claiming responsibility for the Centanni/Wiig kidnappings. — Group gives 72-hour deadline for the release …

A Law Unto Herself — TO end her opinion in American Civil Liberties Union v. National Security Agency — the case that enjoins President Bush's warrantless surveillance program — Judge Anna Diggs Taylor quoted Earl Warren (referring to him as "Justice Warren," not "Chief Justice Warren," …

Conflict of Interest Is Raised in N.S.A. Ruling — The federal judge who ruled last week that President Bush's eavesdropping program was unconstitutional is a trustee and an officer of a group that has given at least $125,000 to the American Civil Liberties Union in Michigan, a watchdog group said Tuesday.
The American Princess, Unclaimed Territory, Outside The Beltway, Hot Air, TPMmuckraker and KnoxViews

Iran Sanctions Could Fracture Coalition — It was always going to be tough for Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to hold together her fragile coalition of world powers trying to rein in Iran's nuclear ambitions. The Israel-Hezbollah war in Lebanon has made that job harder.

Senator Jokes About House Painter — WASHINGTON (AP) - Republican Sen. Conrad Burns, whose re-election campaign is pressing for tighter immigration controls, referred to his house painter as "a nice little Guatemalan man" and suggested that worker as well employees of a roofing company he hired might be in the country illegally.

The Battle of Baghdad — Rampant insecurity—and a detailed plan to combat it. — BAGHDAD—Although there has been much good news to report about security progress in Iraq this summer—the killing of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the handover of security responsibility for Muthanna province …
Rantingprofs, The Moderate Voice, The Corner, politburo diktat 2.0 and

Marine Reservists Facing Combat Duty — With Volunteers Lagging, as Many as 2,500 to Be Called Up for Afghanistan, Iraq — The Marine Corps is planning to call up as many as 2,500 Marine reservists for combat duty in Iraq and Afghanistan, dipping into a rarely used pool of troops …

Marines Who Served Will Be Ordered Back
The Left Coaster

Gov. Murkowski Concedes Defeat in Alaska — Republican Gov. Frank Murkowski concedes race for second term in Alaska — (AP) Republican Gov. Frank Murkowski, stung by accusations of arrogance and stubbornness, lost his bid for a second term Tuesday after polling last in a three-way GOP primary.

Is the Bush Doctrine Dead? — The president's critics are wrong. That includes the neocons. — In recent months, we have been bombarded with reports of the death of the Bush Doctrine. Of course, there have been many such reports since the doctrine was first promulgated at the start …

Fixing the Federal Spending Problem — On the road tonight, after a full day with great candidates and committed patriots in Alabama. While scrolling down Instapundit a little while ago, I found a blog post from Andrew Stuttaford at The Corner, discussing the Federal Funding Accountability …

British gen. calls Iraq mini 'civil war' — WASHINGTON - The British deputy to the top U.S. commander in Iraq said Tuesday the country's sectarian conflict is not a full-blown civil war but could be described as a "civil war in miniature." — "In my judgment, we are not in a situation of civil war …

HAIL TO THE CHIEF — I had the opportunity this afternoon to be part of a relatively small group who heard President Bush talk, extemporaneously, for around forty minutes. It was an absolutely riveting experience. It was the best I've ever seen him. Not only that; it may have been the best I've ever seen any politician.

What Your Freshmen Don't Know — Beloit College has released its latest "Mindset List," to help academics understand what freshmen know — and what they don't have a clue about. This list has been prepared each August since 1998 and past lists are available online. — Here is this year's list, for the Class of 2010:

L'Affaire GoldFrisch III: We All Knew This Was Coming — This post was co-written with Tim Dreier of The One-Handed Economist; both of us are graduates of the University of Oregon in Eugene, where Deb Frisch now lives. As a matter of full disclosure, we've had a few scrapes with Frisch of our own …

Democrats' Shameful Wal-Mart Demonization — Presidential hopefuls only hurt themselves when pandering to unions by bashing the country's largest employer. — WITH ONE EYE ON 2008 and one on their labor union base, Democratic luminaries are canvassing Iowa and other states this summer …

Al-Jazeera's Tricky Balancing Act — DOHA, Qatar — What do people in the Middle East think five years after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks? To get a quick snapshot, I paid a visit here to Ahmed Sheikh, the editor in chief of al-Jazeera television. It was reassuring, in a perverse way …
Extreme Mortman, The Sundries Shack, The Big Pharaoh, Blue Crab Boulevard and Liberty and Justice

The Protestant Crusade Conspiracy — Who planted the bombs on German trains? Depends who you ask. Many Muslims in Germany think it's a government conspiracy. Just like with Sept. 11. And London.... This just in: The Lebanese men suspected of having deposited bombs on German trains …