Top Items:

Breaking: Group claims responsibility for Centanni abduction (Video added) — The "Holy Jihad Brigades"? Whose very first act of holy jihad is to kidnap a reporter and a cameraman? — That's a shrewd way to get press, but at the rather large expense of antagonizing the Palestinian terror …

Asking for it: why terrorism vs. Fox TV is not news — It's been over a week since Fox TV newsmen Steve Centanni and Olaf Wiig were abducted in Gaza. Until today's terrorist video by the Holy Jihad Brigade, showing them both alive and demanding the release of Muslim prisoners in America …

BREAKING: Previously Unknown 'Holy Jihad Brigades' Claims Centanni …

A Law Unto Herself — TO end her opinion in American Civil Liberties Union v. National Security Agency — the case that enjoins President Bush's warrantless surveillance program — Judge Anna Diggs Taylor quoted Earl Warren (referring to him as "Justice Warren," not "Chief Justice Warren," …

Conflict of Interest Is Raised in N.S.A. Ruling — The federal judge who ruled last week that President Bush's eavesdropping program was unconstitutional is a trustee and an officer of a group that has given at least $125,000 to the American Civil Liberties Union in Michigan, a watchdog group said Tuesday.

ACLU of Washington Defends Free Speech Rights of Lt. Ehren Watada — Brief Filed for Soldier Facing Court Martial for Opposition to Iraq War — TACOMA, WA — In a military justice case that has drawn wide attention, the American Civil Liberties Union of Washington is backing the free speech rights …

12 arrested after Northwest Airlines turned back — Passengers 'looked into plastic bags, passed cell phones' — AMSTERDAM, Netherlands (CNN) — Dutch police said Wednesday that 12 passengers were in custody after a Northwest Airlines flight bound for Mumbai, India, returned to Amsterdam when several people on board aroused concern.

Report: 12 passengers arrested after diverted Northwest flight lands
Discussion:, The Blotter, Ace of Spades HQ, Hugh Hewitt's TownHall Blog, protein wisdom and Cold Fury

Alaska Gov. Murkowski Concedes Defeat in GOP Gubernatorial Primary — ANCHORAGE, Alaska — Republican Gov. Frank Murkowski, whose perceived missteps over the past four years have turned him into one of the most unpopular governors in state history, soundly lost his bid for re-election …

Don't Marry Career Women — Guys: A word of advice. Marry pretty women or ugly ones. Short ones or tall ones. Blondes or brunettes. Just, whatever you do, don't marry a woman with a career. — Why? Because if many social scientists are to be believed, you run a higher risk of having a rocky marriage.
Feministe, Gawker, Ezra Klein, Shakespeare's Sister, Feministing, Dr. Helen, Unfogged, Boing Boing, Crescat Sententia, Liberty and Justice and Pajamas Media

E&P editor attacks bloggers over Reutersgate — I was going to make the title, "E&P editor attacks bloggers over Reutersgate, misrepresents pretty much everything," but his article's only the first of two parts. So perhaps the misrepresentations will be addressed in today's exciting conclusion.

L'Affaire GoldFrisch III: We All Knew This Was Coming — This post was co-written with Tim Dreier of The One-Handed Economist; both of us are graduates of the University of Oregon in Eugene, where Deb Frisch now lives. As a matter of full disclosure, we've had a few scrapes with Frisch of our own …
Balloon Juice, protein wisdom, Ace of Spades HQ, Sister Toldjah, Hot Air and The Jawa Report

"Rockey I": If it sounds too good to be true... The good news is that CNN seems to have finally stop obsessing over John Mark Karr. Instead, they've found a new soap opera to go ga-ga over, Katrina survivor Rockey Vaccarella, who drove his FEMA trailer from his home in ravaged St. Bernard Parish …

Comments Haunt Another Senator — In a moment of unusual candor for a veteran senator fighting for his political life, Conrad Burns (R-Mont.) offered this blunt self-assessment a few months ago: "I can self-destruct in one sentence," he told supporters. "Sometimes in one word."
Discussion:, The Carpetbagger Report, The Corner, The Democratic Daily and

Is the Bush Doctrine Dead? — The president's critics are wrong. That includes the neocons. — In recent months, we have been bombarded with reports of the death of the Bush Doctrine. Of course, there have been many such reports since the doctrine was first promulgated at the start …

The Battle of Baghdad — Rampant insecurity—and a detailed plan to combat it. — BAGHDAD—Although there has been much good news to report about security progress in Iraq this summer—the killing of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the handover of security responsibility for Muthanna province …
Rantingprofs, Gateway Pundit, The Moderate Voice, The Corner, ScrappleFace and politburo diktat 2.0

McCain faults administration on Iraq — COLUMBUS, Ohio - Republican Sen. John McCain (news, bio, voting record), a staunch defender of the Iraq war, on Tuesday faulted the Bush administration for misleading Americans into believing the conflict would be "some kind of day at the beach."

ON POLITICS — By Heather Greenfield, National Journal's Technology Daily — President Bush is not the only one facing falling polling numbers. Conservative pundit Bill O'Reilly of Fox News' "The O'Reilly Factor" is having to factor in his own losses when it comes to Internet traffic.

Bush clings to a lost cause in Iraq — George W. Bush sounds increasingly like your average defiant teenager. The teenager won't clean his room, and the president won't leave Iraq. — The president's latest news conference was another installment of rebel with a cause that a shrinking number of Americans believe in.
Middle Earth Journal, The Democratic Daily, Wizbang, Hugh Hewitt's TownHall Blog and Liberal Values

Connecticut Senate: Lieberman, Lamont Still in a Toss-Up — Lieberman (I) 45% Lamont (D) 43% — America's two-party system generally marginalizes Independent and third-party candidacies, but every once in a while a contest shows the system is not set in concrete: Ross Perot running for President …

Fixing the Federal Spending Problem — On the road tonight, after a full day with great candidates and committed patriots in Alabama. While scrolling down Instapundit a little while ago, I found a blog post from Andrew Stuttaford at The Corner, discussing the Federal Funding Accountability …