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A Bad Bargain — Here is a way to measure how seriously President Bush was willing to compromise on the military tribunals bill: Less than an hour after an agreement was announced yesterday with three leading Republican senators, the White House was already laying a path to wiggle out of its one real concession.
TAPPED, Lean Left, The Next Hurrah, Middle Earth Journal, Political Animal, Daily Kos, Shakespeare's Sister, TPMmuckraker and Matthew Yglesias

The Abuse Can Continue — THE GOOD NEWS about the agreement reached yesterday between the Bush administration and Republican senators on the detention, interrogation and trial of accused terrorists is that Congress will not — as President Bush had demanded — pass legislation …

Senators Snatch Defeat From Jaws of Victory: U.S. to be First Nation to Authorize Violations of Geneva — I hope that that headline is a gross exaggeration, but based on a few quick seconds purusing the "compromise" on Common Article 3, I'm afraid it's not. [The Administration appears to agree.
Legal Fiction, Hullabaloo, Riehl World View, Associated Press, Unfogged, The Blotter, QandO, First Draft, Donklephant, TPMCafe blogs, Stop The ACLU, the talking dog, Bradford Plumer, The Strata-Sphere, Taylor Marsh, Hot Air, Talking Points Memo, LiberalOasis, Liberty Street and

Three of the Most Significant Problems with the "Compromise" — Here's the Agreement Upon Common Article 3. And here's the Agreements on Classified Information, Self Incrimination and Coercion, and Hearsay, in military commission trials. — These are probably the most significant problems with the …
Obsidian Wings

Republicans Reach Deal on Detainee Bill — The Bush administration and Congressional Republicans reached agreement Thursday on legislation governing the treatment and interrogation of terrorism suspects after weeks of debate that divided Republicans heading into the midterm elections.

Coming Together on Torture — Bush and the renegade GOP senators finally agree on a bill to define how terror suspects should be treated. And everyone is claiming victory — The just-announced deal between the White House and three Republican senators over rules to govern military tribunals …

Columbia Withdraws an Invitation to Ahmadinejad — Overruling a prominent dean, the president of Columbia University, Lee Bollinger, yesterday withdrew an invitation to the Iranian president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. — The dean of Columbia's school of international and public affairs …

Crazy like a Fox: Business Leader Maurice R. Greenberg Describes Ahmadinejad's Performance — On September 20, the Council on Foreign Relations hosted a small meeting of select council members with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Several members of the Nixon Center's Board …

Bush on Democrats: 'They will raise your taxes' — TAMPA, Florida (Reuters) - President George W. Bush charged on Thursday that Democrats would raise taxes if put in control of the U.S. Congress, turning to a familiar campaign theme as he seeks to stave off Republican losses in November.

Bush Leads New Offensive Featuring Economy and Linking Democrats to High Taxes
The Carpetbagger Report

US threatened to bomb Pakistan 'back to stone age' after 9/11: Musharraf — NEW YORK (AFP) - The United States threatened to bomb Pakistan "back to the stone age" in 2001 unless it cooperated in the US-led war on terror, President Pervez Musharraf said in an interview.

Much Too Cozy With Chavez — Politics: It's good to see Democrats put country above politics, as many did in repudiating Hugo Chavez's lunatic attacks on our president. But too many are still in the thug's debt and must dissociate with more than words. — That's important …

WAL-MART: THE GOOD, THE BAD, AND THE UGLY....Ezra Klein comments on Wal-Mart's plan to start selling a wide array of generic prescription drugs for as little as $4 for a 30-day supply: … This is actually worth unpacking a bit, because no one ought to be surprised by Ezra's reaction.

Citgo No Go? — Up until yesterday, I was unaware that Citgo is wholly owned by Venezuela's state-owned PDVSA. After Hugo Chavez' lunatic rantings about Bush being Satan and smelling sulphur at the UN podium at Turtle Bay this week, some CQ readers might find that fact ... interesting.

Civilian deaths soar to record high in Iraq — Peter Beaumont in Baghdad and agencies — Nearly 7,000 civilians were killed in Iraq in the past two months, according to a UN report just released - a record high that is far greater than initial estimates had suggested.

Bush and His Public in a Disinformation Age — The most original and thought-provoking insights in "The Greatest Story Ever Sold: The Decline and Fall of Truth from 9/11 to Katrina," Frank Rich's meticulously researched chronicle of the Bush administration's exploits, come in his searing analysis …
The American Thinker

Tolerance: A Two-Way Street — Religious fanatics, regardless of what name they give their jealous god, invariably have one thing in common: no sense of humor. Particularly about themselves. It's hard to imagine Torquemada taking a joke well. — Today's Islamists seem to have not even a sense of irony.

Palestinian PM won't recognize Israel — GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip - Palestinian Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh of Hamas said Friday he will not head a government that recognizes Israel, striking a potential blow to President Mahmoud Abbas' attempts to create a national unity government.

Strained, Army Looks to Guard for More Relief — Strains on the Army from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have become so severe that Army officials say they may be forced to make greater use of the National Guard to provide enough troops for overseas deployments.