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KGB Letter Outlines Sen. Kennedy's Overtures to Soviets, Prof Says — ( - The antipathy that congressional Democrats have today toward President George W. Bush is reminiscent of their distrust of President Ronald Reagan during the Cold War, a political science professor says.

The Kennedy KGB letter Updated with info about the NIE leak — So you want answers, eh? Not satisfied with the CNS report? — I've got answers. — There's a new book on Ronald Reagan making the rounds, The Crusader: Ronald Reagan and the Fall of Communism.

Supreme Court upholds Arizona's photo ID law for elections — Arizona voters will have to present identification at the polls on Nov. 7 after all. — The U.S. Supreme Court ruled Friday that Arizona can go ahead with requiring voters to present a photo ID, starting with next month's general election …


Exclusive: Feds Probe a Top Democrat's Relationship with AIPAC — The Department of Justice is investigating whether Rep. Jane Harman and the pro-Israel group worked together to get her reappointed as the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee — Did a Democratic member …
US News

National Security Leaker - UPDATE - Identified - bumped … Welcome Instapundit readers. Thanks for stopping by. — We are updating regularly, scroll for latest entries. — UPDATE: LEAKER NAMED AND HE WAS HIRED BY JANE HARMAN! — Explains why she went ballistic. — ****** End update ******

Former delegate gets purported Diebold code … Diebold Election Systems Inc. expressed alarm and state election officials contacted the FBI yesterday after a former legislator received an anonymous package containing what appears to be the computer code that ran Maryland's polls in 2004.

CREW asks DOJ to investigate Weldon for e-mails outlining possible threats of retaliation against his opponent's contributors — E-mails received by CREW have prompted us to ask the Department of Justice to investigate whether Congressman Curt Weldon (R-PA) violated the law …

Bush: I Won't Change Strategy in Iraq — WASHINGTON (AP) - President Bush conceded Friday that "right now it's tough" for American forces in Iraq, but the White House said he would not change U.S. strategy in the face of pre-election polls that show voters are upset.

Report: Kim 'sorry' about N. Korea nuclear test — NBC: State Department officials don't believe report … Today show — SEOUL, South Korea - North Korean leader Kim Jong Il expressed regret about his country's nuclear test to a Chinese delegation and said Pyongyang would return …

Dems promise Tester seat on appropriations panel — HELENA - The U.S. Senate's top Democratic leader on Thursday promised Senate candidate Jon Tester a seat on the powerful Senate Appropriations Committee "as soon as possible" if Tester defeats Republican incumbent Conrad Burns next month.
Daily Kos

Why is the White House so Eerily Confident about the Coming Elections? — All week I've been reading in disparate sources from Drudge to US News and World Report about Bush, Rove and Cheney being overly confident about the midterm elections. Even Republican strategists are increasingly concerned …
Riehl World View, Sister Toldjah, Blue Crab Boulevard, Blogs for Bush, The New Editor and JunkYardBlog

Weller refers incident to House — WASHINGTON — Rep. Jerry Weller, R-Morris, through his election attorney, moved Thursday to inform the House that a former male page or intern may have been the subject of inappropriate attention from another lawmaker, Weller's campaign manager said Thursday.
The Capitol Fax Blog

VP Bill? Depends on Meaning of 'Elected' — The prospective presidential candidacy of Hillary Rodham Clinton has given rise to plenty of speculation about the notion of Bill Clinton as the nation's first gentleman. But what about another role? How about, say, vice president?

The Politics of Dancing — FDR and Reagan had more fun than their successors do. — Everyone is focusing on the polls and spreadsheets, on the scandals and negative ads. This in fact may be the year negative advertising reached critical mass. Voters are no longer running from the room saying …

Israeli air violations in Lebanon 'extremely dangerous': France — UNITED NATIONS (AFP) - French Defense Minister Michele Alliot-Marie warned that Israeli air violations in Lebanon were "extremely dangerous" and must end in the interest of all parties. — French President Jacques Chirac …

Democrats have Katrina on their minds if they win — Levees, insurance top list of changes — WASHINGTON — With polls predicting a Democratic takeover in the House elections next month, frustrated congressmen from the hurricane-ravaged Gulf Coast unveiled their wish list Thursday for a post-Katrina agenda.
The Huffington Post