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Voters Increase Support for Stem Cell Research After Viewing Michael J. Fox Ad — Republicans' Support for Republican House Candidates Declines — FLEMINGTON, N.J.—(BUSINESS WIRE)—A new national study revealed that American voters' support for stem cell research increased after they viewed …

Good Morning, Creep — This Michael J. Fox controversy is making me more angry than I can remember being in a long time. There is something wrong with people who think like this: … If Michael J. Fox could still act he would be making millions of dollars acting in paying TV commercials, films or sitcoms.

Outrage as Muslim cleric likens women to 'uncovered meat' — A Muslim cleric's claim that women who do not wear the veil are like 'uncovered meat' who attract sexual predators sparked outrage around Australia yesterday. — Sheik Taj Din al-Hilali, the nation's most senior Muslim cleric …
The Australian, this blog is full of crap, Slog, Ace of Spades HQ, One Hand Clapping, Nitpicker, Dinocrat and Andrew Sullivan

ALLEN'S REVENGE: EXPOSES UNDERAGE SEX SCENES IN OPPONENT'S NOVELS — Sen. George Allen, R-VA, unleashed a press release late Thursday that exposed his rival's fiction writing, which includes graphic underage sex scenes. — The press release, as provided by the Allen Campaign: — WEBB'S WEIRD WORLD
The Huffington Post, The Corner, Riehl World View, The Tradesports Political …, The Agitator and Dinocrat

GOP retires 'Playboy' ad in Tennessee — Day after Mehlman defended anti-Ford spot, party says it's 'run its course' … Norah O'Donnell — The Republican National Committee said Wednesday it was taking off the air an attack ad that critics said was a racial slur against Democratic …
The Volokh Conspiracy, Daily Kos, The Huffington Post,, PoliBlog and Democratic National Committee

Ad Seen as Playing to Racial Fears
Globe and Mail, Attytood, Outside The Beltway, PoliBlog, DownWithTyranny!, Hit and Run,, Blog P.I., The American Scene and First Read

What Osama Wants — THE French saying, often attributed to Talleyrand, that "this is worse than a crime, it's a blunder," could easily describe America's invasion of Iraq. But for the United States to pull entirely out of that country right now, as is being demanded by a growing chorus of critics …

Bush Signs U.S.-Mexico Border Fence Bill — WASHINGTON (AP) - President Bush signed a bill Thursday authorizing 700 miles of new fencing along the U.S.-Mexico border, hoping to give Republican candidates a pre-election platform for asserting they're tough on illegal immigration.
Senator Bill Frist, Michelle Malkin, Scared Monkeys, Hot Air, Sweetness & Light, Big Brass Blog, Freedom Folks, Wizbang and Dogwood Pundit

A Match Made In Washington: It's A Quote Off! Round 1... (H/T to Steve Clemons for the pix.) — It's down to the final decisions on the Match Made in Washington Quote Off. But I need your help to determine the winners. Voting begins now, and will continue until tomorrow …

Trandahl Names Kolbe as a 'Problem' With Page Program, Source Says — Rhonda Schwartz and John Yang Report: — A source close to former House Clerk Jeff Trandahl told ABC News that Arizona Congressman Jim Kolbe (R-Ariz.) was one of a small number of "problem members" …

In Iraq, Journalist Richard Engel Sticks to the Story — NBC Correspondent Has Made War Coverage His Life — NEW YORK — After struggling for years to make it as a Middle East journalist, Richard Engel was living in Cairo, married to his college girlfriend and itching for a new adventure.
The Corner

An Ascent Shadowed By Questions on Race — In February 2004, Sen. George Allen was on a bus taking him from Birmingham to Selma, Ala. On a video screen in front of him was "Eyes on the Prize," the acclaimed documentary chronicling the civil rights movement.

Barack Obama Writes Emails [17] — Barack Obama Writes Emails — (Barack Obama sent out an email to his CT list supporting Ned Lamont earlier today - Tim) — Ned Lamont has waged an impressive grassroots campaign to give the people of Connecticut a choice in the November Senate election.

Cheney calls 'water-boarding' a valuable interrogation tool — The vice president confirmed that an interrogation technique that simulates drowning and has been called 'cruel and inhumane' was used on al Qaeda suspects. — — WASHINGTON - Vice President Dick Cheney …

2006: THE BIG PICTURE — We've been through a lot together this election cycle, and now we're headed for the last round-up on November 7th. Your Crystal Ball staff will be tweaking our predictions right up until election eve, taking into account last-minute shifts, scandals, and surprises.

A New Campaign Tactic: Manipulating Google Data — If things go as planned for liberal bloggers in the next few weeks, searching Google for "Jon Kyl," the Republican senator from Arizona now running for re-election, will produce high among the returns a link to an April 13 article from The Phoenix New Times, an alternative weekly.

Seven Reasons Why Karl Rove Is Optimistic — Ok, well, actually, we can't break into Rove's head and we don't know why he's personally confident. Many speculate that the veneer of hope masks unalloyed fear. But here are seven reasons cited by people who also read "THE polls" …