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ALLEN'S REVENGE: EXPOSES UNDERAGE SEX SCENES IN OPPONENT'S NOVELS — Sen. George Allen, R-VA, unleashed a press release late Thursday that exposed his rival's fiction writing, which includes graphic underage sex scenes. — The press release, as provided by the Allen Campaign: — WEBB'S WEIRD WORLD
The Huffington Post, Wizbang Politics, The Corner, Scared Monkeys, Flopping Aces, Blue Crab Boulevard, A Blog For All, Inactivist, Wizbang, TIME, Patterico's Pontifications, Daily Kos, The Agitator, Cold Fury, Althouse, Riehl World View, Talking Points Memo, Ezra Klein, Dinocrat, Sean Gleeson and Daily Pundit

Smutgate: Drudge nukes Webb with pedo passage from novel
The Huffington Post

Rumsfeld Tells Iraq Critics to 'Back Off' — With his chorus of critics expanding deeper into Republican ranks, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld told detractors yesterday to pull back as U.S. and Iraqi officials grapple with the uncertainties of laying out Iraq's course.
Real Clear Politics, PoliBlog, Hot Air, Think Progress, Armchair Generalist, The Democratic Daily and State of the Day

"UNCOVERED MEAT IS THE DISASTER" — Sheik Sheik Sheik! — Sheik Sheik Sheik! — Sheik Hilali! — Shiek HiLAli! — KC & The Sunshine Band of Decadent Western Dancing Unpeople Who Must Die — IS IT possible to Sheik and spin at the same time?

Good Morning, Creep — This Michael J. Fox controversy is making me more angry than I can remember being in a long time. There is something wrong with people who think like this: … If Michael J. Fox could still act he would be making millions of dollars acting in paying TV commercials, films or sitcoms.

Special treatment for Air America — When is a campaign donation not a campaign donation? Apparently if you spend the money to run a radio program instead of paying for campaign ads that run on that same program. Just look at Air America. With $41 million in losses since 2004 …

ATLAS INTERVIEW: MARK STEYN WARNS US — Mark Steyn Interview: Money quote (for Atlas) (minute 7:47, Part II) … From Steyn? I can die and go to heaven now. My day, month, year is made. Totally. — Here's the audio in two parts, anyone who wants to convert to MP3? — Download mark_steyn_part_i.wav

G.O.P. Moves Fast to Reignite Issue of Gay Marriage — The divisive debate over gay marriage, which played a prominent role in 2004 campaigns but this year largely faded from view, erupted anew on Thursday as President Bush and Republicans across the country tried to use a court ruling …
Unclaimed Territory, The Moderate Voice, The Anonymous Liberal, TalkLeft and Bark Bark Woof Woof

Is that a fact: Ad twists Bachmann's crime views — A recent ad uses one Senate vote unfairly against the GOP candidate in the tight Sixth District race. — A highly deceptive ad by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee takes one vote out of context to distort congressional candidate Michele Bachmann's record on crime.

I.R.S. Going Slow Before Election — Mark W. Everson, commissioner of internal revenue, said he regularly discussed the potential impact of agency actions with senior staff members. "We are very sensitive to political perceptions," Mr. Everson said. — The commissioner of internal revenue …

The Year Of Playing Dirtier — Rep. Ron Kind pays for sex! — Well, that's what the Republican challenger for his Wisconsin congressional seat, Paul R. Nelson, claims in new ads, the ones with "XXX" stamped across Kind's face. — It turns out that Kind — along with more than 200 …

Seven Reasons Why Karl Rove Is Optimistic — Ok, well, actually, we can't break into Rove's head and we don't know why he's personally confident. Many speculate that the veneer of hope masks unalloyed fear. But here are seven reasons cited by people who also read "THE polls" …
MyDD, The Agitator,, Don Surber, Wizbang Politics, Oliver Willis and Dogwood Pundit

Terrorism rehearsal on Oslo flight — Czech security police (BIS) have reported an attempt to storm the cockpit of a flight from Oslo to Prague. — The BIS annual report for 2005, released on Tuesday, mentions flight OK 447 in September 2005, where three Egyptian citizens tried to gain access to the pilots.

Andrew Sullivan on The Conservative Soul — The Hugh Hewitt Show — HH: Joined now by Andrew Sullivan, author of The Conservative Soul: How We Lost It, How To Get It Back, in bookstores everywhere. I will link it at a little bit later. We've got Andrew for the next hour and a half.

Missouri ACORN Voter Fraud Scandal Makes the National News — Here's the latest on the Missouri ACORN/democratic voter fraud scandal... Kansas City officials say this is the most irresponsible and extensive voter registration abuse in Missouri in the twenty five years they have been on the job with the Kansas City Board of Elections.
UPI, USS Neverdock, Riehl World View, Blue Crab Boulevard, Wizbang Politics and

Bush, Signing Bill for Border Fence, Urges Wider Overhaul — President Bush signed into law on Thursday a bill providing for construction of 700 miles of added fencing along the Southwestern border, calling the legislation "an important step toward immigration reform."

Email to a friendPost a CommentPrinter-friendlyAbsorbing Gay Pain & Praise, Clinton Says She's Evolved — In an appearance early Wednesday evening in front of roughly three-dozen LGBT leaders, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton indicated that she would not oppose efforts by Eliot Spitzer …

Poll: Middle class voters abandoning GOP — WASHINGTON - The 2006 election is shaping up to be a repeat of 1994. This time, Democrats are favored to sweep Republicans from power in the House after a dozen years of GOP rule. — Less than two weeks before the Nov. 7 election …