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EMBARGOED UNTIL DELIVERY: ADDRESS OF THE PRESIDENT TO THE NATION — Good evening. Tonight in Iraq, the Armed Forces of the United States are engaged in a struggle that will determine the direction of the global war on terror - and our safety here at home.
Associated Press, White House, Captain's Quarters, Jay, Guardian, The Huffington Post, Power Line, Matthew Yglesias, Sister Toldjah, ABCNEWS, The American Street, QandO, Don Surber, Lean Left, Washington Post, Right Wing News, Redstate, TigerHawk, FullosseousFlap's Dental Blog, Defense Tech, Taylor Marsh, PoliBlog (TM), Legal Fiction, The Reaction, The Carpetbagger Report, The Autopsy, Flopping Aces, The Swamp, The Political Pit Bull, Blogcritics Section, Blogs for Bush, The American Mind, A Blog For All, Gun Toting Liberal ™,, Blue Crab Boulevard, Political Animal, The Democratic Daily, Tammy Bruce,, Daimnation!, Daily Pundit, Reason Magazine and Unqualified Offerings

Report: U.S. Troops Raid Iranian Consulate in Iraq — U.S. troops raided an Iranian consulate in northern Iraq late Wednesday night and detained several people, Iran's main news agency reported today, prompting protests from Tehran just hours after President Bush pledged to crack down on the Islamic Republic's role in Iraqi violence.

In the slums of Baghdad — My Hot Air colleague Bryan Preston and I have been in Iraq, embedded with an incredibly dedicated Army unit in Baghdad tasked with training Iraqi security forces (both Shia and Sunni) conducting counterinsurgency operations, and carrying out civil affairs work.

Promising Troops Where They Aren't Really Wanted — As President Bush challenges public opinion at home by committing more American troops, he is confronted by a paradox: an Iraqi government that does not really want them. — The Shiite-led government of Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki …

Bush Adds Troops in Bid to Secure Iraq — President Bush embraced a major tactical shift on Wednesday evening in the war in Iraq when he declared that the only way to quell sectarian violence there was to send more than 20,000 additional American troops into combat.

On Patrol in Baghdad; Update: Photos posted at Michelle's site — Michelle and I are embedded with a unit in Baghdad that's responsible for the "standing up" part of the US plan to get Iraq ready to become master of its own destiny. This unit trains Iraqi army and police …
The Jawa Report, Right Wing Nut House, Blogs of War, Patterico's Pontifications, Gateway Pundit and Suitably Flip

Bush's Strategy for Iraq Risks Confrontations — By stepping up the American military presence in Iraq, President Bush is not only inviting an epic clash with the Democrats who run Capitol Hill. He is ignoring the results of the November elections, rejecting the central thrust …

Intensified Combat on Streets Likely — President Bush's plan to send tens of thousands of U.S. and Iraqi reinforcements to Baghdad to jointly confront Sunni insurgents and Shiite militias is likely to touch off a more dangerous phase of the war, featuring months of fighting in the streets …

Iraq PM cracks down in Shiite militiamen — BAGHDAD, Iraq - Iraq's prime minister has told Shiite militiamen to surrender their weapons or face an all-out assault, part of a commitment U.S. President George W. Bush outlined to bring violence under control with a more aggressive Iraqi Army and 21,500 additional American troops.

Bush Sends GIs to his Private Fantasyland — To listen to Bush's speech on Wednesday, you would imagine that al-Qaeda has occupied large swathes of Iraq with the help of Syria and Iran and is brandishing missiles at the US mainland. That the president of the United States can come …

The President's intentions towards Iran need much more attention
toohotfortnr, CorrenteWire, It Shines For All, TigerHawk, The Reaction, Unfogged, The Carpetbagger Report and State of the Day

Bid to Secure Baghdad Relies on Troops and Iraqi Leaders
The Belgravia Dispatch

Democrats Aim to Block Funds for Plan — Senior House Democrats said yesterday that they will attempt to derail funding for President Bush's proposal to send an additional 21,500 troops to Iraq, setting up what could become the most significant confrontation between the White House and Congress …
NY Daily News, Hot Air, MyDD, The Strata-Sphere, Think Progress, AMERICAblog, Swampland, Sirotablog, DownWithTyranny! and Political Satire Fake News

Bush takes blame in Iraq, adds troops
Shakespeare's Sister

DLC TAPS HAROLD FORD AS NEXT CHAIR — Young, black, and good-looking, Harold Ford is the kind of comer that the Democratic Party latches onto. But last November, after losing the closest Senate race in Tennessee history to Republican Bob Corker, the 10-year congressman suddenly found himself out of a job.

The Glenn and Helen Show: Mitt Romney on the War, the Campaign and the Future — Mitt Romney has officially declared his interest in the 2008 Presidential election. In this interview, he responds to a controversial YouTube video about his positions on abortion and other social issues …
Hugh Hewitt's TownHall Blog, Hot Air, ElephantBiz, Power Line, BuzzMachine, Ace of Spades HQ and Captain's Quarters

Too Casual To Sit on Press Row? — Bloggers' Credentials Boosted With Seats at the Libby Trial — When the trial of Vice President Cheney's former chief of staff on charges of perjury and obstruction of justice opens next week, scores of journalists are expected to throng the federal courtroom …
TalkLeft, Outside The Beltway, Media Blog, Beltway Blogroll, Blue Crab Boulevard, Wonkette and Romenesko

Salahaldin Al-Ayoubi Brigades Claim To Have Launched Missiles Loaded With Chemicals — Read MEMRI's Latest Reports on the Islamist Website Monitor Project — The Al-Gama'a Al-Islamiyya Cessation of Violence: An Ideological Reversal — 'Committee of Women's Petition' President to British House of Lords …