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EMBARGOED UNTIL DELIVERY: ADDRESS OF THE PRESIDENT TO THE NATION — Good evening. Tonight in Iraq, the Armed Forces of the United States are engaged in a struggle that will determine the direction of the global war on terror - and our safety here at home.
Washington Post, Associated Press, Outside The Beltway, Don Surber, Guardian, Telegraph, PoliBlog (TM), Blue Crab Boulevard, A Blog For All, The Political Pit Bull, Blogcritics Section, The Swamp, Macsmind,, Matthew Yglesias, The American Street, The Democratic Daily, Tammy Bruce, Wizbang, The American Mind, Blogs for Bush, Left I on the News, Daimnation!, BlueOregon, Daily Pundit,, Reason Magazine, Unqualified Offerings and State of the Day

Troop Surge Already Under Way — 90 Advance Troops from 82nd Airborne Arrive in Baghdad — President Bush's speech may be scheduled for tonight, but the troop surge in Iraq is already under way. — ABC News has learned that the "surge" Bush is expected to announce in a prime time speech tonight has already begun.

The President's New Iraq Strategy Is Rooted In Six Fundamental Elements: — Create space for political progress; — Diversify political and economic efforts; and — Iraq Could Not Be Graver - The War On Terror Cannot Be Won If We Fail In Iraq. Our enemies throughout the Middle East are trying to defeat us in Iraq.
Right Wing News, Democracy Project, Sister Toldjah, The Huffington Post, Winds of Change.NET, QandO, The Reaction, CANNONFIRE, Flopping Aces, Secular Blasphemy,, Patrick Ruffini, Nitpicker, Middle Earth Journal, Wizbang, One Hand Clapping, The Carpetbagger Report, Andrew Sullivan, Donklephant and The Democratic Daily

Promising Troops Where They Aren't Really Wanted — As President Bush challenges public opinion at home by committing more American troops, he is confronted by a paradox: an Iraqi government that does not really want them. — The Shiite-led government of Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki …

Bush Speech Live Blog — I will live-blog the President's speech, which starts as 8 pm CT, at this link. — 7:32 PM CT - I will appear on CHQR's The World Tonight with Rob Breakenridge at 8:40 pm CT. We'll be discussing the speech and its implications.

A Change in Tactics, Not Strategy — As Washington journalists debate whether to call President Bush's plan to send 20,000 more American troops into Iraq a "surge" or an "escalation," they are letting the White House get away with a much more momentous semantic scam.
Gun Toting Liberal ™, The Mahablog, slacktivist, Liberal Values and The Democratic Daily

Don't believe all the hype. What Bush really hopes to accomplish in his Iraq speech. — After all the hype, all the leaks, and all the punditry, what more can the president say on Wednesday night that hasn't been said already? — The answer, according to senior Bush aides, is quite a lot.

A PREVIEW OF TONIGHT'S PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS ON IRAQ — Tony Snow conferred by telephone with conservative bloggers this afternoon to preview what President Bush will say tonight. Essentially, the president plans to send an additional 20,000 troops or so troops to Baghdad and about 4,000 additional troops to Anbar province.

Bush blames failure to secure Baghdad on lack of troops
Dean's World, Hullabaloo, the talking dog, Big Brass Blog, The Reaction, Blogs of War, Harry's Place and Unclaimed Territory

War With Syria and Iran = Peace With Iraq?

Video: Impassioned, articulate case for abortion made by ... Mitt Romney — This was posted on YouTube yesterday. McCain staffer, do you think? Or one of Rudy's boys? — He says his views have "evolved" in the past 12 years. Compare his point in the clip about not imposing his beliefs …
Discussion: Blog's …, The Political Pit Bull, Suitably Flip, Ace of Spades HQ and Balloon Juice

Everything after May 2003 doesn't count — I'll post the transcript when it's available, and link to the video if someone posts it, but Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) was part of a bizarre interview on MSNBC this afternoon with Tim Russert that might come back to haunt him. — The topic, of course, was Iraq.

A Crisis of Confidence — Bush's way forward may be sensible. But his face showed fear—and that's no way to rally a war-weary nation. — George W. Bush spoke with all the confidence of a perp in a police lineup. I first interviewed the guy in 1987 and began covering his political rise in 1993 …

On Patrol in Baghdad; Update: Photos posted at Michelle's site — Michelle and I are embedded with a unit in Baghdad that's responsible for the "standing up" part of the US plan to get Iraq ready to become master of its own destiny. This unit trains Iraqi army and police …
Michelle Malkin

Better armor lacking for new troops in Iraq — WASHINGTON // The thousands of troops that President Bush is expected to order to Iraq will join the fight largely without the protection of the latest armored vehicles that withstand bomb blasts far better than the Humvees in wide use, military officers said.

The media aren't the enemy in Iraq — Blaming the press for the problems in Iraq deflects the blame from where it belongs. — IF WE WIND UP losing the war in Iraq, as now appears likely (though not inevitable), many conservatives know who to blame: the press, or, in blogger-speak, the MSM (mainstream news media).

Students kicked off school bus in St. Paul — Imagine sending your kids off to school, but when they get to the bus they are told they can't get on because they speak English. — That's right, English. — It happened to a few children in St. Paul and now the school district is apologizing.

surge (surj) n. 1. a sudden increase . . . in political parlance — It's one of those words — like "chad" or "blog" or "waterboarding" — that's suddenly become the go-to phrase to describe a contemporary phenomenon. — "Surge," the country's latest catchword, is what President Bush intends …

Bash: Bush "very, very popular" in Montana — On the January 10 edition of CNN Newsroom, CNN congressional correspondent Dana Bash, discussing senators who have recently expressed opposition to President Bush's expected proposal to increase troop levels in Iraq, baselessly asserted that …