Top Items:

Chinese Satellite Test Draws Sharp Protest From Other Nations — The Chinese military used a ground-based missile to hit and destroy one of its aging satellites orbiting more than 500 miles in space last week, an apparent test of anti-satellite technology that raised concerns about a possible arms race …

Flexing Muscle, China Destroys Satellite in Test — China successfully carried out its first test of an antisatellite weapon last week, signaling its resolve to play a major role in military space activities and bringing expressions of concern from Washington and other capitals, the Bush administration said yesterday.

Chinese missile destroys satellite in space — The prospect of "Star Wars" between China and the West loomed last night after Beijing used a ballistic missile to destroy a satellite in space. — The missile, which hit a 4ft-wide obsolete Chinese weather satellite 530 miles above the Earth …

Raising The Stakes In Space — Russia and China have pushed for a ban on weapons in space for the past few years, but the Bush administration has resisted it while the US develops its missile shield program. With the collapse of the Soviet Union, the US alone retained the ready capability …

White House Shifting Tactics in Surveillance Cases — In a four-paragraph letter on Wednesday announcing that the Bush administration had reversed its position and would submit its domestic surveillance program to judicial supervision, Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales used one phrase three times.

Muqtada al-Sadr aide arrested in Baghdad — BAGHDAD, Iraq - U.S. and Iraqi forces arrested one of Muqtada al-Sadr's top aides Friday in Baghdad, his office said, as pressure increases on the radical Shiite cleric's militia ahead of a planned security sweep aimed at stemming the sectarian violence ransacking the capital.

Blogger Registration Story: Bogus? — Richard Viguerie has been spamming conservative bloggers with a story about how Section 220 of S. 1, the Democrats' lobbying reform bill, would require bloggers to register with the government. David Hardy and a Townhall blogger have now bitten …

Radicals vs. moderates: British Muslims at crossroads … DUBLIN, Ireland (CNN) — At a recent debate over the battle for Islamic ideals in England, a British-born Muslim stood before the crowd and said Prophet Mohammed's message to nonbelievers is: "I come to slaughter all of you."
TPMCafe blogs

House Democrats finish '100 hours' agenda by passing oil revenue bill — WASHINGTON (CNN) — House Democrats brought their "100-hour" legislative agenda to a successful close Thursday evening with passage of legislation designed to force oil and gas companies to pay more royalties …

President Carter Interceded on Behalf of Former Nazi Guard — The scandal surrounding President Carter's attitude toward the Jewish state, sparked by the publication of his book, which blames the Jews for the fate of the Palestinian Arabs, was given a fresh boost yesterday when a document surfaced showing …

State pays Abraham's housing, college tabs — Young killer free after 8 years, wants fresh start — PONTIAC — Yesterday, Nathaniel Abraham was a convicted murderer. Today he greets the morning a free man celebrating his 21st birthday — with a furnished Bay City apartment paid for by Michigan taxpayers.

Don't mention the war (or bash Bush) — Look, we realize that the White House Correspondents Association dinner is a "fun" event, and it would be nice, in theory, to free it from the shackles of the supposed adversarial relationship between the press corps and the president it covers.

The Waiting Room, Fifth Cuppa — (Painting by Vincent Van Gogh, The Starry Night.) — Via a call from Digby, I can now officially report that Jane is out of surgery and her surgeon says that she is doing very well — she's strong, she's a fighter, and thus far, she's having no complications …

Miracle Cancer Drug: 'Shrinks Tumors, Costs $2, Can't Get Funding' — Edmonton, AB (AHN) - It is expected there would be no problems securing funding to explore a drug that could shrink cancerous tumors and has no side-effects in humans, but University of Alberta researcher Evangelos Michelakis …

Exclusive: Pelosi Won't Block Iraq Funding to Stop Troop Surge — Tells ABC News' Diane Sawyer Bush "Has to Answer for This War" — There may be a growing battle between Congress and the president over the Iraq War strategy, but new House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said she won't block funding for additional troops.

Potomac High — The earnest straight-A student. The mysterious newcomer. The guys who love to hear themselves talk. No, it's not the pep rally. It's the Democratic primary. — Jan. 18, 2007 - You knew Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama in high school. At least I did.