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A Plausible Plan B — If we were allied with an Iraqi government that, however weak, was truly national — cross-confessional and dedicated to fighting a two-front war against Baathist insurgents and Shiite militias — a surge of American troops, together with a change of counterinsurgency strategy …

Muqtada al-Sadr aide arrested in Baghdad — BAGHDAD, Iraq - U.S. and Iraqi forces arrested one of Muqtada al-Sadr's top aides Friday in Baghdad, his office said, as pressure increases on the radical Shiite cleric's militia ahead of a planned security sweep aimed at stemming the sectarian violence ransacking the capital.

U.S. May Cut Troops in Iraq by Summer, General Says — Gen. George Casey, the top American commander in Iraq, said today that the additional troops being sent to Iraq could begin to be withdrawn by late summer if security conditions improve in Baghdad. — "I believe the projections are late summer …

Reuters Investigation Leads To Dismissal Of Editor — Reuters fired a top photo editor for the Middle East during an internal investigation of two doctored photos from the Israel-Lebanon war that were published last summer. — The editor was the second casualty of the photo manipulation …

Rice Highlights Opportunities After Setbacks On Mideast Trip — As Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice flew to Europe on Wednesday after four days of talks in the Middle East, her Boeing 757 jet passed high over Baghdad. On a cloudless day at 37,000 feet, the city seemed sparkling and calm …

Abdullah to Haaretz: Jordan will develop nuclear power — Jordan aspires to develop nuclear power for peaceful purposes and believes that unless all sides move quickly toward a peace settlement in the region, the recent confrontation in Lebanon is only a hint of disasters to come.

Flexing Muscle, China Destroys Satellite in Test — China successfully carried out its first test of an antisatellite weapon last week, signaling its resolve to play a major role in military space activities and bringing expressions of concern from Washington and other capitals, the Bush administration said yesterday.

WHCA Chief Says He Did Not Tell Comedian to Back Off Bush and Iraq — NEW YORK Earlier this week word emerged that impersonator Rich Little would be the star performer at this year's White House Correspondents' Dinner in Washington in April. Organizers admitted they wanted a somewhat more …

White House press corps to play it safe at bash — with Rich Little — The performance of Comedy Central's Stephen Colbert at the White House Correspondents Association electrified liberals a year ago, as Bush- and media-bashers cheered the courage of the comedian who satirized the president sitting …

Gonzales Questions Habeas Corpus — In one of the most chilling public statements ever made by a U.S. Attorney General, Alberto Gonzales questioned whether the U.S. Constitution grants habeas corpus rights of a fair trial to every American. — Responding to questions from Sen. Arlen Specter …

White House Shifting Tactics in Surveillance Cases
PoliBlog (TM), Reason Magazine, Firedoglake, Prairie Weather, Political Animal and The Heretik

Senate Passes Ethics Package — Parties Reach Hard-Fought Deal On Lobbying and Other Reforms — Senate Democrats and Republicans broke a difficult stalemate last night and approved 96 to 2 expansive legislation to curtail the influence of lobbyists, tighten congressional ethics rules …

The Most Depressing Poll Ever — In the latest Fox News poll, just out today, the pollsters asked the following question: … Here are the results: … Friends, I'll allow you a minute to wrap your minds around this, for we are truly through the looking class.

Between friends, Emanuel looking for neutral corner — WASHINGTON — Of all the positions he has assumed in political wars, one rarely associated with the combative Rahm Emanuel is this: fetal. — Yet that is where he finds himself when it comes to his preferred candidate in the 2008 presidential race.
CNN Political Ticker

The Purge — Following up yesterday's post on replacing U.S. attorneys — Paul Krugman writes in today's New York Times, … As I wrote yesterday, U.S. attorneys usually are appointed at the beginning of a president's term and serve for that term. it is not normal to replace U.S. attorneys …

House Repeals Tax Break for Big Oil — Pelosi Plan for New Panel Sparks Criticism — House Democrats capped their "100 hours" agenda with the passage of an energy bill yesterday, the sixth piece of legislation approved in two weeks, and Democratic leaders said the package marked "a beginning …

Ministers launch petition to stop Bush library — DALLAS, Texas (AP) — A group of Methodist ministers from across the nation launched an online petition drive Thursday urging Southern Methodist University to stop trying to land George W. Bush's presidential library.

Road Home seldom leading out of state — Most plan to use grants to rebuild, not to relocate — Unlike most Arabi homeowners displaced by the 2005 hurricanes, John and Diane Johnson don't face the stress of rebuilding their destroyed property during an interminable wait for state aid.

Rebuke in Iran to Its President on Nuclear Role — Iran's outspoken president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, appears to be under pressure from the highest authorities in Iran to end his involvement in its nuclear program, a sign that his political capital is declining as his country comes under increasing international pressure.

Ex-Ohio Rep. Ney sentenced to 30 months — WASHINGTON - Former Rep. Bob Ney was sentenced Friday to 30 months in federal prison for his role in a congressional bribery scandal. — Ney, the first congressman ensnared in the case, pleaded guilty to trading official favors for golf trips …