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Dems Seek to Bar U.S. Attacks on Iran — WASHINGTON (AP) — Democratic leaders in Congress lobbed a warning shot Friday at the White House not to launch an attack against Iran without first seeking approval from lawmakers. — "The president does not have the authority to launch military action …
The Impolitic, The Strata-Sphere, Dean's World, GOP Bloggers, Atlas Shrugs and Jihad Watch

Lawmakers Wary of Talks With Iran and Syria — The head of the bipartisan advisory group that urged a change in the American approach to Iraq insisted today, in the face of skepticism from Congressional leaders, that the United States should engage Iran and Syria diplomatically as it moves to reduce its role in Iraq.

Pelosi, White House clash over Iraq — WASHINGTON - House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (news, bio, voting record) contended Friday that President Bush is rushing new troops to Iraq and betting that Congress won't cut off funds once they're in battle. The White House called her assertion "poisonous."

Rule by decree passed for Chavez — Venezuela's National Assembly has given initial approval to a bill granting the president the power to bypass congress and rule by decree for 18 months. — President Hugo Chavez says he wants "revolutionary laws" to enact sweeping political, economic and social changes.

The Glenn and Helen Show: Gordon Crovitz on the WSJ, Old and New Media, and Blogging as an Art Form — People in the newspaper business seem awfully gloomy about the future right now, and with reason. But there's one bright spot: The Wall Street Journal's publisher Gordon Crovitz …

Sadr fears for life in security crackdown — Mark Oliver and agencies — Moqtada al-Sadr has moved his family to a secure location because of fears he will become the target of a security sweep of Baghdad, it was reported today. — News of the radical cleric's decision came as the US military …

First Twin Jenna Shops a Book — You can soon add the title of author to first daughter Jenna Bush's résumé. — Whispers learns that the 25-year-old blond twin of Barbara Bush is shopping a book proposal to major publishers in New York City.

Obama Smeared As Former 'Madrassa' Student, Possible Covert Muslim Extremist — This morning, Fox News featured a segment highlighting a right-wing report that Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) attended an Islamic "madrassa" school as a 6-year-old child. — Fox & Friends host Steve Doocy pointed …

China anti-satellite test sparks space junk outcry — China's test of an anti-satellite weapon has sparked concerns that the trial had caused dangerous debris to scatter into orbit, potentially threatening commercial and military satellites of other nations.

WHCA Chief Says He Did Not Tell Comedian to Back Off Bush and Iraq — NEW YORK Earlier this week word emerged that impersonator Rich Little would be the star performer at this year's White House Correspondents' Dinner in Washington in April. Organizers admitted they wanted a somewhat more …
The Huffington Post, The Carpetbagger Report, AMERICAblog, Wonkette, Swampland, Attytood, FishBowlDC and Think Progress

A Charles Murray Reader — Charles Murray has another execrable article in the Wall Street Journal arguing that most children aren't genetically capable of reading well (it's possible these inferiors can, with great persistence and dedication, learn to sound words out), and so we should stop trying to teach them.

House Votes to Rescind Oil Drillers' Tax Breaks — House Democrats easily passed legislation on Thursday that would rescind $14 billion in tax breaks and subsidies for oil drillers and reserve the money to develop alternative energy projects and conservation technologies.

Democrat Speak — I sense the dark hand of George Lakoff in all of this. — You remember George Lakoff, don't you? Lakoff was the mastermind academic who officiously volunteered to help the Democrats remake America's political terminology. I'm not sure any of the following can be laid …

U.S. STATE DEPARTMENT REVEALS NORTH KOREA'S MISUSE OF U.N. DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM FUNDS AND OPERATIONS — NEW YORK — Has North Korean leader Kim Jong Il subverted the United Nations Development Program, the $4 billion agency that is the U.N.'s main development arm, and possibly stolen tens …

Ordeal by Appliance: Weekend Home Tales — FOR some people, the most elusive aspect of owning a vacation home that sits beyond big-city borders isn't finding the time to enjoy it. It's finding someone to service the deluxe appliances inside. — "We called Viking over the holidays every year …

Gonzales: 'There Is No Express Grant of Habeas Corpus In The Constitution' — Yesterday, during Senate Judiciary Committee hearings, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales claimed there is no express right to habeas corpus in the U.S. Constitution. Gonzales was debating Sen. Arlen Specter …
Balkinization, Donklephant, The Reaction, The Heretik, NewsHog, Liberty Street, The Carpetbagger Report and

Libby's Memory Defense Highlights His Failures on National Security — You've no doubt heard that Scooter Libby will be arguing he was so busy with very important events during 2003 and 2004 that he just plum forgot that Dick Cheney-and not Tim Russert-told him of Valerie Plame's identity.