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Pelosi, White House clash over Iraq — WASHINGTON - House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (news, bio, voting record) contended Friday that President Bush is rushing new troops to Iraq and betting that Congress won't cut off funds once they're in battle. The White House called her assertion "poisonous."
Think Progress, The Moderate Voice, The Carpetbagger Report, First Draft, CorrenteWire and State of the Day

Rule by decree passed for Chavez — Venezuela's National Assembly has given initial approval to a bill granting the president the power to bypass congress and rule by decree for 18 months. — President Hugo Chavez says he wants "revolutionary laws" to enact sweeping political, economic and social changes.

U.S. plans envision broad attack on Iran: analyst — WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. contingency planning for military action against Iran's nuclear program goes beyond limited strikes and would effectively unleash a war against the country, a former U.S. intelligence analyst said on Friday.

Sadr fears for life in security crackdown — Mark Oliver and agencies — Moqtada al-Sadr has moved his family to a secure location because of fears he will become the target of a security sweep of Baghdad, it was reported today. — News of the radical cleric's decision came as the US military …

US moves on Sadr Aide — Bombings Wrack Baghdad, Mosul
Political Animal

Late Nite FDL: We Need Your Picture — I just talked to Jane and she sounds fantastic. Actually, I had snuggled up with Juan Carlos the Wonder Kitty™ about an hour ago and dozed off thinking about what to write about tonight. The phone rang and I grabbed it before I was all the way awake.

Report from the ICU: Jane Hamsher Fights the Very Good Fight — I've just gotten back from visiting Jane Hamsher in the ICU unit at St. John's Hospital in Santa Monica. For those of you that don't know, Jane has been diagnosed with breast cancer — her third go-around with it — and underwent 8 hours of surgery yesterday.

Olbermann: Why does O'Reilly still have a job? — As John noted on Wednesday, Bill O'Reilly tried to blame Shawn Hornbeck, the 15 year old boy abducted in Missouri four years ago, for not trying to escape from his captor, saying he "didn't buy" Stockholm Syndrome, and later adding …

Tell the Troops — It is bad enough for troops in Iraq to learn that their tours of duty have been extended. It is terrible for them to have to hear about it from loved ones at home rather than from their military commanders. — This is what happened to about 150 New Jersey National Guard troops …

Memorable moments from this week's Libby jury selection — Judge Reggie Walton has "another matter" he is dealing with most of today unrelated to the Scooter Libby case. So, the pool of potential jurors will not be returning until Monday. This break in the "voir dire" …
Angry Bear

Hezbollah vows 'very big action' ahead — BEIRUT, Lebanon - Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah promised Friday that his opposition alliance would intensify its campaign to bring down the government, pledging to mount an "effective" action in the coming days.
Atlas Shrugs

Richardson to Launch Presidential Bid — New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson Plans to Take First Step Toward 2008 White House Run — After years of freelancing his diplomatic skills from the unlikely position as governor of New Mexico, Bill Richardson is taking the first step toward a bid …

Court to hear campaign ads cases, six other cases — Returning to the much-litigated controversy over political campaign ads broadcast during election season, the Supreme Court on Friday agreed to rule on two cases that newly test the constitutionality of congressional curbs on such ads.
The Volokh Conspiracy

Libby's Memory Defense Highlights His Failures on National Security — You've no doubt heard that Scooter Libby will be arguing he was so busy with very important events during 2003 and 2004 that he just plum forgot that Dick Cheney-and not Tim Russert-told him of Valerie Plame's identity.

House Votes to Rescind Oil Drillers' Tax Breaks — House Democrats easily passed legislation on Thursday that would rescind $14 billion in tax breaks and subsidies for oil drillers and reserve the money to develop alternative energy projects and conservation technologies.
Los Angeles Times, DownWithTyranny!, The Huffington Post, The Democratic Daily, Demagogue and Washington Post

Senate Tightens Rules on Tariff Breaks — The Senate joined the House this week by voting to make it easier for the public to track an obscure form of trade legislation that has delivered hundreds of millions of dollars in tax savings to favored corporations.

Critics react to Pentagon tribunals — A Miami Herald roundup of verbatim reaction to the Pentagon's new manual for prosecuting suspected terrorists as alleged war criminals at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba: — 'Hearsay, double hearsay, and coerced confessions are all admissible …