Top Items:

Official's Key Report On Iraq Is Faulted — 'Dubious' Intelligence Fueled Push for War — Intelligence provided by former undersecretary of defense Douglas J. Feith to buttress the White House case for invading Iraq included "reporting of dubious quality or reliability" …

Pentagon Group Criticized for Prewar Intelligence Analysis — A Pentagon investigation into the handling of prewar intelligence has criticized civilian Pentagon officials for conducting their own intelligence analysis to find links between Saddam Hussein and Al Qaeda, but said the officials …

They Were For Dissent And Alternative Analysis Before They Were Against It
Dean's World

Pelosi finds unlikely ally in flight fuss — Bush spokesman calls GOP's attacks unfair — (02-09) 04:00 PST Washington — The capital saw an unusual tag team in action Thursday when President Bush's spokesman Tony Snow supported House Speaker Nancy Pelosi against an escalating attack …

Rep. Gordon quotes Tony Snow to squash the phony Pelosi plane nonsense
Think Progress, Tennessee Guerilla Women, News Hounds, San Francisco Chronicle and KnoxViews

Edwards Learns Campaign Blogs Can Cut 2 Ways — John Edwards learned the hard way this week of the perils of grafting the raucous culture of the Internet to the decidedly staider world of a presidential campaign. — Mr. Edwards announced on Thursday, after 36 hours of deliberation …
BuzzMachine, Unclaimed Territory,, Ankle Biting Pundits, the talking dog and Pam's House Blend

Edwards Blogger Flap Discomforts Religious Left — As the flap over alleged anti-Catholic writings by two John Edwards campaign bloggers devolves into a shouting match between conservative religious voices and liberal bloggers, some members of the "religious left" say they feel - again - shoved to the margins of the Democratic Party.

Ex-Rice Aide: Memory Lapse on Iran "Really Quite Curious" — I just got off the phone with Flynt Leverett, a former CIA Mideast analyst and National Security Council staffer during President Bush's first term. Leverett says he finds it "really quite curious" that Secretary Rice is pleading …

Be on the lookout for a 'platoon of lesbians'

Fired Prosecutor Disputes Justice Dept. Allegation — He Calls Testimony 'Unfair'; Meanwhile, Senate Panel Votes to Limit Attorney General's Power — A recently fired U.S. attorney based in Seattle said yesterday that he was told of no performance problems when he was asked to resign …

'08 slate without standout for GOP — Many conservatives say they pick "none of the above" when faced with a choice of Arizona Sen. John McCain, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and former New York Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani as the 2008 Republican presidential nominee.

Latinos lob a few words at governor — Leaders label remarks on immigration, heard on tapes, as offensive. — Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's off-the-cuff comments in recently released audio recordings about illegal immigration and the unwillingness of Mexicans to assimilate into American society …
ImmigrationProf Blog

The brain scan that can read people's intentions — Call for ethical debate over possible use of new technology in interrogation — A team of world-leading neuroscientists has developed a powerful technique that allows them to look deep inside a person's brain and read their intentions before they act.
Gun Toting Liberal ™

Climate change concerts 'to dwarf Live Aid' — A series of concerts "bigger than Live Aid" is being planned for July, in a bid to put the subject of climate change before an audience of a global audience of 2bn. — The event, scheduled for July 7, will feature co-ordinated film …

Despite a Ban, Chinese Youth Navigate to Internet Cafes — GEDONG, China — There was no sign, but Gedong's teenagers knew the way. Down a dusty alley just off Jicui Park and a few minutes' walk from local schools, the curtained door beckoned. Inside, in a dingy back room off the kitchen …

Obama Forged Political Mettle In Illinois Capitol — When Sen. Barack Obama heads downstate to Springfield on Saturday to announce his candidacy for president, he will speak in lofty tones of America and Abraham Lincoln, but also of a more prosaic topic: his own eight years in the Illinois Senate.
The Daily Background

Britney vs. The Terrorists — In the spring of 2003, across a field of rubble in Baghdad, a young Iraqi journalist accosted me and demanded: "Why did you stop broadcasting substance and substitute music?" The year before the Broadcasting Board of Governors, the government entity in charge …
Blue Crab Boulevard

Fox to Begin a 'More Business Friendly' News Channel — No one has ever accused CNBC, the cable TV home of Jim Cramer, Larry Kudlow and Maria Bartiromo, of being antibusiness. Until now. — Yesterday, Rupert Murdoch confirmed one of the worst kept secrets in the media industry …
The Big Picture