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Despite condemning itself, Pentagon report sees intelligence problem resolved; Makes no recommendations — Raw Story first to acquire report — The following is the declassified two page summary of the Office of Special Plans report, as acquired Friday morning by RAW STORY.

Pentagon Group Criticized for Prewar Intelligence Analysis
Captain's Quarters, Power Line, TPMmuckraker, Firedoglake, Dean's World, The American Mind, NO QUARTER, Macsmind, Think Progress, Liberal Values and Flopping Aces

All 435 House Members Can See Iraq Intelligence — and Talk on Iraq Next Week

Official's Key Report On Iraq Is Faulted
DefenseLINK, Facing South, TPMmuckraker, Firedoglake, DownWithTyranny!, The Daily Dish, Balloon Juice, Dick Polman's American Debate, Unclaimed Territory, Booman Tribune, Political Animal, The Carpetbagger Report, AMERICAblog, TIME: Swampland,, Polimom Says, Donklephant, PoliBlog (TM), State of the Day, The Heretik, Amygdala and The Democratic Daily

VIDEO COMPILATION: Anna Nicole Smith And Our National Media Embarassment — The death of Anna Nicole Smith yesterday was a feeding frenzy for the national media. News of the war was drowned out: NBC's Nightly News devoted 14 seconds to Iraq compared to 3 minutes and 13 seconds Anna Nicole.

Anna Nicole Smith Died. So Did Three American Troops.

Undoing Obama: Inside the Coming Effort to Dismantle a Candidate — Barack Obama's free ride is ending. — The charismatic Illinois senator has enjoyed a lifetime of hagiography, starting with an 800-word story in The New York Times the day after his election as the first black president of the Harvard Law Review.

Bill Donohue Defended Bush Catholic Outreach Staffer Who Was Outed As Sexual Predator — During the 2004 presidential campaign, George Bush's Catholic outreach coordinator, 54-year-old Deal Hudson, was outed as a sexual predator for taking advantage of a drunken 18-year old while he was a professor.

Iraq's No. 2 Health Official Is Held and Accused of Financing Shiite Militants — Iraqi and American troops arrested the second highest official in the Iraqi Health Ministry on Thursday, charging that he funneled millions of dollars to rogue Shiite militants who kidnapped and killed Iraqi civilians.

No change in political climate — On the day that the latest report on global warming was released, I went out and bought a light bulb. OK, an environmentally friendly, compact fluorescent light bulb. — No, I do not think that if everyone lit just one little compact fluorescent light bulb, what a bright world this would be.
Redstate,, Don Surber, The Sundries Shack, The Corner, Framing Science, The Intersection and

An Iraq Interrogator's Nightmare — Aman with no face stares at me from the corner of a room. He pleads for help, but I'm afraid to move. He begins to cry. It is a pitiful sound, and it sickens me. He screams, but as I awaken, I realize the screams are mine.

Gates describes Iraq evidence against Iran — Info on explosives shows Tehran 'very much involved,' Pentagon chief says — German Defense Minister Franz Josef Jung, right, and U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates listen to questions from journalists at a NATO gathering Friday in Seville, Spain.

Tucker Carlson on Obama's church: "[I]t's hard to call that Christianity" — During the "Obameter" segment on the February 7 edition of MSNBC's Tucker, host Tucker Carlson criticized Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL), a presumptive candidate for the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination …

You Say "Mean," I Say "Kinda Crazy" — I asked yesterday what Rudy Giuliani's awesome national security credentials were supposed to be, and people replied that he seems mean and therefore tough and therefore good. Jonathan Alter makes an important point about this (via K-Drum) …

Rove on immigration: 'I don't want my son to have to pick tomatoes' — The Corner at the National Review Online reports that at a Republican luncheon yesterday White House adviser Karl Rove was overheard explaining the Bush amnesty immigration plan by saying, "I don't want my 17-year-old son …

Officials report sixth helicopter downing in Iraq — BAGHDAD (Reuters) - A helicopter operated by a private security firm came down in Iraq last week, U.S. officials said on Thursday, an incident that marks the sixth downing of a helicopter in three weeks. — Reports of the January 31 incident …

The 2008 ad blitz begins — Presidential campaign advertising will start hitting the airwaves in the coming months, far earlier in the election cycle than during the 2004 race, and the ads will barrage the American public for much longer, delivering a windfall to television and radio stations, industry experts say.

White House On Sidelines In 2008 Contest — Absence of a Candidate Shapes Race, Bush's Term — No one in the West Wing is booking tickets to Iowa. No one is scouring matchup poll numbers or hiring campaign managers or dialing for dollars. As candidate after candidate jumps into the race for president …

Marine Withdraws Plea in Iraqi Death — CAMP PENDLETON, Calif. (AP) — Military prosecutors must restart their case against a Marine corporal who made the stunning decision to withdraw his guilty plea for the murder of an unarmed Iraqi civilian. — Cpl. Trent Thomas, 25 …